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Roy Howell 05-12-2005 12:24 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I Know

Good song, and well recorded...really like the guitar sound on it. What was the guit setup?
Good job...


Roy Howell 05-12-2005 12:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok fellas....here are a couple tunes I just finished up for a local band. They jut wanted to get a quick demo together, so we didn't spend a ton if time (9 hrs tracking plus mix/master). I think it turned out pretty good for my first "rock" mix. I think the cymbals get a little loud, but all in all not bad. Let me know what you think.


Eye For An Eye

Nice job on this project, especially for a 'quick demo' in just 9 hrs. I hear what you're saying about the cyms, but good job overall.


JonM 05-12-2005 06:25 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi Jon...how've you been?

Very nice aura throughout this song...I like the unique arrangement, in that your vocal comes in so late, but works (though the delay is a little thick...just slightly less slapback vol, in my opinion). Guitar is soulfully played. Nice job overall, and I enjoyed listening.


Hi Roy, things OK here. I kind of lurk here mostly until something confounds me on a mix and I come looking for help. Stil, it's good to think about how far I've come since Chris IntelDoc worked his magic on my pitiful mix of Counting the Beats

Thanks for the listen and the pointers. Strange how you get an idea for a track and you think 'that's cool', or 'that's beautiful' and you excitedly work on the song and yet what you end up with is somehow disappointing. That was the case here again, though it was good to do. Guess that's why I haven't gone double-platinum yet

Gotta keep trying...

Sharritan 05-12-2005 06:47 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle


I Know

Good song, and well recorded...really like the guitar sound on it. What was the guit setup?
Good job...


Thanks Roy,
For the guitar tracks I used 2 different PRS custom 22s. One through my Mesa Triple Rec and then a Marshall 2X12 and another through my Marshall 3203 through a 4X12. I used 2 different Mics on each track and panned for thickness. I used a 57 and a MXL2001. Not that great of a mic but it did the trick on this. There is an acoustic track throughout as well using my Taylor 420. There is also a track of nothing but feedback ringing out through the whole song too. I think it adds a little fullness.

Anyway, thanks for the listen.

doylemusic 05-12-2005 08:03 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I hand't listened to this until now. Man it really sounds good. Well mixed, everything is nicely placed. I like the vocal treatment. I thinkg the kick and snare sound fits the mix well. The only thing that sticks out to me is the toms. They are pretty widely panned, I think it might work if you just brought them down a tad, they seem to stick out a bit for me. It's like the mix sounds really good to me until he hits a tom. My two cents. Good work man!

doylemusic 05-12-2005 08:09 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I just wanted to say that I know I don't participate on this thread a bunch, I kinda pop in and out, but I truly appreciate this thread. Even though there is an occasional flame war, there is such a wealth of information and good feedback. I am thankful for anyone who takes the time to listen to a tune or two and offer "their opinion". It's so nice to be part of a group that I can go to and bounce a mix off of and get good healthy feedback. A second, third and fourth set of ears really helps to shape my projects. I can honestly say that my mixes have grown because of you guys.

Roy, thanks for keeping this going. Thanks to all of those who help as time allows.

Sharritan 05-12-2005 08:48 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle


I hand't listened to this until now. Man it really sounds good. Well mixed, everything is nicely placed. I like the vocal treatment. I thinkg the kick and snare sound fits the mix well. The only thing that sticks out to me is the toms. They are pretty widely panned, I think it might work if you just brought them down a tad, they seem to stick out a bit for me. It's like the mix sounds really good to me until he hits a tom. My two cents. Good work man!

Good call on the Toms. They do make your head snap to the side a bit. I will go in and adjust. I have them panned 100% now so I will make it around 75% and see.

badperson 05-12-2005 08:49 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I just wanted to say that I know I don't participate on this thread a bunch,

definitely. This thread is my main connection to the duc. Lots of different genres, skill levels, tastes, opinions, etc, I've learned a ton on this thread.

p.s., doyle, did you ever post that big band project you and Chris Cavell were discussing a few months back?

IntelDoc 05-12-2005 09:39 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Sharitan, (scott)
I moved the mastered file for you for I KNOW.

Can be found here.


Sorry all, moving files and stuff. Studio site is down until I get that figured out. Gotta get the new site up here one day too.


- Doc

Sharritan 05-12-2005 09:54 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Cool, thanks Chris.

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