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IntelDoc 04-24-2005 07:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Did not get involved at all. They really had it set and wanted it to stay that way. I think that I inputted a few things, but nothing serious. They are coming back for a 6 song EP in a few months so that will be time to consult more. Cool group though.

Thanks for listening at least,

- Doc

IntelDoc 04-24-2005 07:40 PM

Now for something NEW
Alright this is by far the heaviest stuff that I have been consumed with. This is still a rough mix, but we managed o get some edting in tonight and the drummer wanted to hear the mix. The songs were all done in segments to a click and later (tonight) we put them all together. I feel the guitars are a tad too loud, and the drums need to come up. The vocalist, well I do not know what he is saying since it this is a SCREAMER band. Put a E609 on him, ran him to the 1272, 1176 and then Pro Tools. Yep, you read it right.. E609..... A better mic would not have worked, plus not having that into a 103 or the RODE... I have not received my SM7 yet, so that would have worked...

The guitars sound huge, the playing.... well... :-) Thay are good friends and we are having fun making this CD. Should have about 5 more later on...



I have been busy, and this is definitely a change from the norm..

Added NOTES:

1. Guitars were played through a Les Paul Standard into a Boogie Dual Rec, 1985 Marshall JCM800 and a Fender Prosonic into the Bogner Ubershcall cabinet. Mic'd with a SM-57 and Senn 421 into the 1272 or the X73i depending on the track

2. Drums were all Gretsch. 012, D6, 421's and a RODE NTK for the room. Into Varios pre's

3. Vocals - Senn E609 into the 1272, 1176 Pro Tools.

4. Bass - RBI into 1176 - Pro Tools

All inputs ran into the Apogee Rosetta 800. Tracked at 44/24 this time around.

- Doc

Roy Howell 04-24-2005 09:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok, I have to do it to.
Here it is: Pulse
I recorded this to kinda refresh myself.

The piano does sound nice on this...good arrangement and very good job on the programming overall. Thanks for the listen...


SmokinBaldMonkey 04-24-2005 11:05 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
okay guys. This seems to be the place. everybody unload. Put the strippers over there, Sean. Terry, chill, man, the song is slammin. Ladies, don't throw stuff at the strippers...they're here for ambience.

okay guys.

Who's got the little memo recorder? Can everybody shut up for a second so we can get this tune done please? We can not go into the Sony offices next week lookin' like a monkey-[bleep]-fight, people, so settle down. Okay. Somebody hand me the slipNslide...Destiny, you and Ecstasy grab that case of 10w40 and meet me in the van. We got a song to show these folks real quick.

hit it.


Pimp Livin', Take 1...

All comments and criticisms and advice requested.


Voideco 04-25-2005 02:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Bp thanks. Guess I made some piece that I can call a valid production to some extend with In the Silence.

Yeah there's some good stuff going around recently. I should take more time to use this thread for exchanging thoughts/ideas 'bout how we work and so but I hardly visit my family. PT and guitarplaying keep me busy for days and then I take a walk outside and see some friends in our local pub. Breathing some company after which I pick up some housekeeping and such routines. Then I return to PT and the guitar and breed on some song or website programming. Totally neglecting any social routine or steadiness, let alone on the web.

So, lurking around by times and incidentally posting a tune of mine here. Thanks for letting me drop my little egg here, a toast to the spirit of creativity going around here.



tempest18 04-25-2005 06:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
A rough idea that I might take forward.

I was messing round a good while ago now with some little beats, not guitars as usual and played a few things by on the keyboard. I got a very simple rhythm going but I quite like it.

Ive never written anything in this style before so go easy on me Just kidding,

Theres a little guitar in there. Terrible singing by myself but lets just go with 'Demo' singing

Its also missing a couple of lead vocal parts but nevermind.

Any input on this tune?


A you send it.com link as I still dont have any webspace.

Chris Tempest

bigbubbaj 04-25-2005 07:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

okay guys. This seems to be the place. everybody unload. Put the strippers over there, Sean. Terry, chill, man, the song is slammin. Ladies, don't throw stuff at the strippers...they're here for ambience.

okay guys.

Who's got the little memo recorder? Can everybody shut up for a second so we can get this tune done please? We can not go into the Sony offices next week lookin' like a monkey-[bleep]-fight, people, so settle down. Okay. Somebody hand me the slipNslide...Destiny, you and Ecstasy grab that case of 10w40 and meet me in the van. We got a song to show these folks real quick.

hit it.


Pimp Livin', Take 1...

All comments and criticisms and advice requested.



That is a fun song. sounds great. I dont know why but I was thinking rap/hiphop and the guitars scared the dirt out of me. Awesome. Good production.

Roy Howell 04-25-2005 01:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
[email protected]

hit it.


Pimp Livin', Take 1...

All comments and criticisms and advice requested.


[email protected],

Killer.....great job, man. Post more when you can.


IntelDoc 04-25-2005 06:38 PM

Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
As you can see the studio has been busy and is technically booked until the end of May. That is a good thing. Here is one that we did tonight. This was my first real paying customer 2 years ago. He was the guy who did the song Train Wreck. This is a new one and we will have about 3 more soon. This was entirely done tonight in about 3.5 hours. The coolest part is that we were able to use a thunderstorm that I recorded about one and a half years ago. Just put the RODE NTK up and hit record and let it sit there for about 2 hours. Found some parts that I liked and added it to the song. Fit the title perfectly and them we added the automation in parts that fit.

The guitar is a Seagull Signature series. Used my standard mic setup for this:

012 - 12th fret - DigiPRE
APEX 435 - 14th fret - Vintech X73i - first time for this
TLM-103 - sound hole - 1272 - 1176
435 - above shoulder - X73i

Vocals - RODE NTK - X73i - 1176

All into the Rosetta 800 at 48/24 and VERY, VERY Limited EQ's. Used 2 total. Compression and thats about it. Reverb was Trueverb layered with the Lexicon PCM-90.

I really enjoy working with Joel. Usually dishes out some good ideas and can work well in the studio. He hits or misses at things, but generally does well.

I think that these are my best guitar sounds to date????

Enjoyed this one a lot!



- Doc

bigbubbaj 04-25-2005 08:25 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

GREAT WORK! I'm glad you are finally putting all those preamps and that nice room to work for you!!
Guitars are awesome!! The Rode really adds some noticable warmth to his voice, which is awesome and up front. I really like that mic.

Nice thunderstorm!

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