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Micah777 03-07-2005 12:18 AM

It\'s been a long time...
Hey everyone,

I haven't been on the DUC in quite some time. Damn that internet poker... At least I made a grand while wasting my life away. Although it probably only works out to a couple bucks an hour as much as I played.

It's good to be back and listening to a lot of good stuff. Keep up the good work. Well, I've been working with a band for the past month and have one of their songs done and I'd like to post it. It's their most "radio friendly" song and has a cool groove to it. Thanks for listening...

No Goodbye


Finne 03-07-2005 02:18 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

All the instruments sound really good on 'Todellisuus'...nice recording job and mix...what are you running the vocals through?


Thanx Roy. I use Baby Blue Bottle and Presonus MP20 (Jensen transformers). And some plugs of course.

BIG D 03-07-2005 03:37 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Thanks Roy,

I appreciate you taking the time. I have also just finished my wife's album which is more AAA or adult contemporary. I'll upload it soon and post the link.

Talk soon,

Big D

Roy Howell 03-07-2005 10:01 AM

Re: It\'s been a long time...

Hey everyone.............
Well, I've been working with a band for the past month and have one of their songs done and I'd like to post it. It's their most "radio friendly" song and has a cool groove to it. Thanks for listening...

No Goodbye


Hi Micah,
Always glad to hear your latest work...always well done...very cool song, and you did a great job on the mix. What kind of guitar is it at the beginning? ...1/2 sized acoustic, maybe? (sounds great).

thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 03-07-2005 01:41 PM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country
Nice job, Gene...sounds great...


Roy Howell 03-07-2005 05:00 PM

Re: Here ya go

I am taking the plundge and putting a song out here.
Too Tired To Sleep

Be gentle......

Hi Sharritan,
Good job on the song...vocals and the guitar sound really good. The only thing I notice(and I hope you don't mind me suggesting), is that the bass seems almost absent in the mix. Sounds more like a frequency thing than volume. Other than that, nice job overall. Thanks for the listen...


Gene Backlin 03-07-2005 06:55 PM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country

Nice job, Gene...sounds great..

Thanks Roy, I am really enjoying these kids. Here is the final movement, with organ, cello, brass quintet along with the choir.


Thanks again for listening !

Take Care,

Micah777 03-07-2005 08:37 PM

Re: It\'s been a long time...
Thanks for listening Roy,

the guitar playing the riff is a Fender strat 50th anniversary edition playing through a mesa boogie amp. The acoustic is a Martin OOO series not sure the exact model.

happy-shlappy 03-07-2005 09:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Nice mixes on that Katie girl! Did she do the vocal overdubs or use a harmonizer. Always helps to have a good performance-the first ingredient that should go into a record! Nice job.


DR.Loop 03-08-2005 08:41 AM

Re: New mix updated.
Thanks Roy,

I thought it sounded more balanced.

Roy what did you listen to the mix on?

The reason i am asking is because everything seemed to be ok... but the other night i was at a friend's house listening to the mix on his Event PS6 and it sounded horrible! Sounded like the speakers were breaking up because of the low end in the mix.
I'm thinking it was his PS6 but now i am not sure?

I have check it on three sets monitors/speakers.
They are as listed...

Mix on Alesis M1 Active MK2 (updating to Blue Sky 2.1).
Check the mix on EPI 100,M-audio DX4,laptop speakers and very cheap headphones(koss).


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