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Roy Howell 02-10-2005 08:24 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Sounds good, Riad... ...getting used to the new studio now?


Finne 02-11-2005 02:36 AM

Re: New song

I love that guitar sound at the intro, and the overall contrast of guitars. Drums and bass are very clean too.

Thanks Roy. Intro is made with Tonelab as usual. But I am very proud of clean guitar. It is my first time to record quitar amp. I think it is reasonable. (Tele HW-1->Fender Champ 12 (red knob)->Blue Baby Bottle->MP20->001, I have to be without ADI-2 for a while and I CAN HEAR IT!!! )

Finne 02-11-2005 02:48 AM

Re: Latest stuff

The System

Post more, good egineering and good song.

badperson 02-11-2005 06:05 AM

Re: Latest stuff
riad, very nice work. I was especially impressed by the bass sound. How did you get that.

luzer...quality of mercy sounds great, how did you get your drum sound? Very nice, crisp, pro sounding production.


Riad 02-11-2005 06:53 AM

Re: Latest stuff

riad, very nice work. I was especially impressed by the bass sound. How did you get that.

luzer...quality of mercy sounds great, how did you get your drum sound? Very nice, crisp, pro sounding production.


Glad you guys liked it. The bass was run through an Tech21 SansAmp RBI and the clean signal going into an Avalon vt737sp. I wound up not using the Avalon blended signal so what you hear is just the Tech21.

During the mix I put a Waves Renaissance 2 channel EQ on the track, then a Wave C1 compressor to push it out some... mix to taste

Riad 02-11-2005 09:14 AM

Re: Latest stuff


The System

Post more, good egineering and good song.

Thanks man!

8th Step

Finne 02-11-2005 11:46 AM

Re: Latest stuff

8th Step

Another good song. I wondered snare sound first. But then song really started and it was just perfect.

edit typo

Matt Whritenour 02-11-2005 12:26 PM

Re: Latest stuff

riad, very nice work. I was especially impressed by the bass sound. How did you get that.

luzer...quality of mercy sounds great, how did you get your drum sound? Very nice, crisp, pro sounding production.


thanks,the drums are my Gretsch Catalina Birch set. i mic'd it with
Kick - Beta 52 inside, TLM-103 outside
Snare - SM57 Top and bottom
Toms - MD421s
Overheads - MXL 603s
then i put a MXL 2001 like 4 feet away from the drumset. it was about 3' off the ground and offset to the right so that it was pointing mostly at the snare so that it would pick up so more of the depth of the snare, which i feel it worked out good, and then i also added a slight amount of
True Verb - Drum Room default setting to the set.

the only thing i'm not happy with is that i think the bass drum is a little too bassy and not punchy enough, but it doesnt bother me too much. also i wish i had new strings on my bass, and that's about it

Riad 02-11-2005 02:11 PM

Re: Latest stuff


8th Step

Another good song. I wondered snare sound first. But then song really started and it was just perfect.

edit typo

The snare is important in that song, glad you like it.

badperson 02-11-2005 02:29 PM

Re: Latest stuff

The bass was run through an Tech21 SansAmp RBI

I might just have to get myself one of these...I'm not really a bass player, but it would be nice to get a better sound of my bass tracks.

nice work.


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