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Guit4Brains 06-14-2004 07:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for taking the time to listen, BP.
As far as your stuff goes, your voice reminds me of a certain 80s pop vocalist, can't quite put my finger on it. I agree with Aussie169's response, you might want to nudge the groove, so I second that H.O. Keep us updated on your material....

metaltim 06-14-2004 12:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks badperson..
drums are off my roland xp-60.
i take the time to put each drum on a diferent midi track, then kick it to an audio track, then i can really tweak every drum, since they are all separate.
bass was a fender jazz through my POD PRO (for guitar, NOT bass!)

i just added a faint rythm with guitar, then kicked it over to roy he polished it off!!

thanks for words on flapper baby as well, i used a rode ntk through a dbx pro vocal..


Guit4Brains 06-14-2004 12:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I agree with Aussie169's response, you might want to nudge the groove, so I second that H.O.

i.e. "humble opinion"---Aussie, didn't want you to think I called you a "Ho"...

Roy Howell 06-15-2004 07:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I can't get your new mix...is it still up?
Let me know...

groovilator 06-15-2004 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Howdy, ya’ll! (Yeah, I know, I’ve lived in Texas WAY too long.) Been away for a while. Busy trying to do something with my tiny little music career. Making the transition from schlocky entertainer to groundbreaking recording artist ain’t easy. Especially when you have to keep entertaining to finance the art. Go figure. Anyway, I finished my album project a couple of weeks ago and I thought I’d throw it up here for you all to slam on. While I’m here, I’m catching up on some listening…

Guit4brains – First of all, great smeggin’ handle! And your track really sounds great, very crisp and large. I did listen a little for vocal phrasing issues on the 2nd verse and I didn’t hear any problems, it all flowed quite well. And I really like some of the…what do you call ‘em… ”proggy” sounds. (Big Yes fan, here.) Yeah, all those guys were ahead of their time. Just wondering how long it’s gonna take for the music world to catch up.

wonderfall – Nice tune. Great voice. I always enjoy a nice, rich baritone. Hey, you know, I heard INXS is a looking for a new singer who can sing like Michael Hutchens. I’d try out but I’m a tenor. Dust off those leather pants, dude!

bp – Hey, I only got 41 seconds of your tune which I was kinda starting to dig. But I agree with Aussie’s comment about the draggy drums and the guitar volume.

That’s all I have time for now. Here’s the link to my album cuts >>
tonyreymusic.com/secret_page...ssshhh . Songs are listed in album order. Thanks for the listen!

John Lindeman 06-15-2004 01:30 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm just starting out with mixing and mastering songs, and am definitely interested in hearing any comments and recommendations on these 3 instrumental songs I recorded using Mbox (along with Reason 2.5 and Waves NPP plug-ins). THe acoustic guitar is real; all other instruments are from Reason.


(or check out my new web page http://www.johnlindeman.com)


badperson 06-15-2004 01:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I can't get your new mix...is it still up?
Let me know...

I'll check to make sure it's there tonight. I'll also try to nudge the drums. Since I'm not an expert at that, does anyone have any reccomendations as to how much?

Aussie169 06-15-2004 05:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Only you will know how much to nudge it.
Just set your nudge value to 10ms, select all your drum tracks, hits, regions... whatever they are. Then hit the - (minus) key once and play the track to see what happened. If it needs more, select and nudge again.

cad455 06-15-2004 08:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

That’s all I have time for now. Here’s the link to my album cuts >>
tonyreymusic.com/secret_page...ssshhh . Songs are listed in album order. Thanks for the listen!

i loved "into you"! it's very jeff buckley. not much music warrants such a comparison.

very good stuff.

groovilator 06-16-2004 03:16 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

i loved "into you"! it's very jeff buckley. not much music warrants such a comparison.

Thanks, bro! Much appreciated. Mr. Buckley does sit very near the top of my long list of musical idols. And Last Goodbye is officially my favorite cover to play live.

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