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Captain_Pants 04-21-2004 08:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey Gene, i hope you have a working email,

[email protected] works the best.


Aussie, I do not know musical notation. Or how to write it in any form on paper. In the past I have just played what I would like to be played on a piano or something, and sent that sound file to the player to transcribe onto his/her instrument of choice.

In this case though, I was looking more for someone who had a feeling for the music, and wanted to improvise on thier own over it, as opposed to me writing the part for them.

Hows that sound..?


Aussie169 04-21-2004 08:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
No probs Ben. I really don't know if she improvises or not. I'll stick it in front of her when the time comes and see what happens.
I might even get an alto sax player to have a look at it. I know he can impro. Or how about John Rees (of Men At Work fame) playing violin? There's actually enough time and space in there for a couple of instruments to share it.
I'll let you know how I go.

One quick comment on the track. The low vocal that comes it at 00:24 and 00:57 is very boomy and a bit loud. But obviously the mix isn't complete and you probably know this.

Captain_Pants 04-21-2004 08:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
yeah, I was thinking about this when I listened to it back.. For some reason, I didnt EQ the chorus vocals.. and I need to run over the vocals again. I was high on Vicadin when I was singing and it all sounds a bit funny now that I listen to it back. Even some of the electric guitar is a bit...ick..


Thanks a bunch

groovilator 04-21-2004 10:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Todd -- So what is this musical about? Pretty strange theater material (not bad, just odd). Not that I really know anything about musical theater. I guess it’s been a long time since “Surrey With The Fringe On Top!” I really like the exotic melody in the verse and the overall surreal vibe. And that singer has a magnificent voice! Nice job.

toddamo 04-22-2004 08:26 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for checking the track!

Yea...this ain't your parent's musical theater. ;-)

It's really not a 'musical' per se. It's avant-garde theater
that involves music and video...intense lighting and set design too.

There will be a website up online soon but until then there's this description:

I hope some DUC people in the NY/NJ/CT area can make it.

We run from May 19th to May 29th in Greenwhich Village.

And yea...this actor/singer FLOORED me. I'm looking forward
to starting up a collaboration with her once the production
is over.

If you missed the track, here's the site for that again:

Thanks again for the cool comments!


Rabidium 04-22-2004 08:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi, All!

Las Vegas spat me out, so I need some cool down time. I know no better way than listening to the latest stuff, personally I think Digidesign would be smart to create a radio station with all of these songs playing. What better way to advertise the digi than with these awesome songs??? Do the mac people do anything like this? I'm afraid to go over there!

So I'm going through page 73 and 74 today, listening to the songs. I'll try to leave comments with names to make this easy. Sorry if I miss anyone.

Roy "Howlin' Wolf" Howell
I'm listening to Madness and Magic... Just great. You have the most distinctive guitar sound since Santana, and it always works with your songs. I read somewhere else that those mandolins are samples, I never would have beleived that. Are you selling the mando sample session?
And Hey, do any of your songs have vocals? I don't know why, but I want to hear what you sound like... I'm totally a lyrics type.

Rogerio, I really dig the Wallace clip. That's very fun.

Autohypnosis - I guess you pulled the song, I'll have to wait to hear the finalized version. I really like the 'hypnotics' on the website. Great style. Could they be clickable to full-sized versions? I'm listening to some of the other tracks on your site. I really like Fractured Painting. The comb filter sound in the drums is great. I really like the digital scramble in the first lines... how'd you do it? Oh, cool synth solo too.

BadPoison - I like this track a lot. I agree that maybe the levels are a bit hot, there's this kind of booming, lofty reverb sound to it that's not really working for this song. Try stepping back all of the levels by ten db and bringing them back up again. The electric (wah?) guitar is great, but also comes out a little distant, and feels sort of missing in the mix. maybe a little high-end boost could bring it forward a little. (Although maybe if the reverb was different or not there, it wouldn't feel like that.) The lyrics are great though, and the vocal performance is really good, though I would agree that it comes in a little too energetic. If you resing that, you may try a lower-key first verse. or just the first line, really Great melody, and I really like the timbre of your voice. This sample reminds me of the song 'babylon' by someone. But I like this a lot better. Your voice is really right for the songs you're writing.

(Am I the only one getting only 44 seconds? Is that by design? I don't mind if it is, but could you mention in the post that you're cutting it short so we know it's not a tech issue?)

groovilator-I get a 404 file not found.

Ah, keep reading! I sees now! Hey this song is cool! I'll do a cross. Hmm. I'd say a cross between Rollins Band and Suicidal Tendencies. Well, that analogies' missing something, but it's a real rocker! I think it's actually a really good 'sound', kinda an update to punk. I might suggest the heavy guitar riffs be a little crunchier, that would make them more punky...is that a marshall? Oh, and great vocal performance... You might try doubling it or comp'ing it during the chorus to give it more power. Love the last bit!

EyeCBatty - Reggae Dancehall! That's gotta be a first for this thread! Cool Song! (I mean Phat! (I mean Dope! (I mean Tight! (God I'm so white!)))

Javier Mendoza - This music's great. I can believe you're getting radio play, this is radio-ready! Good production, I'll buy a copy as soon as I make up for some of my losses in vegas! Hey, and why is there only one song without a clip? It makes me really curious to hear the backporch blues song!

Micah - People on the streets is great, can't wait to hear it done. I can't add to what's been said, except to say I _have_ tried writing that kind of music, and it came out nothing close to that good.
I also listened to your previous song, I think it's good, but the vocals are too hot or there's too much compression on them or something that's giving them a strange distortion at times (longer held notes) that doesn't seem to fit. This may just be me, but It feels like you're trying to add more power to the vocals, try leveling instead of compression, and add doubling or chorus subtly underneath it.

Ok, that's all the time I have for listening to music... Great stuff guys, this is truly the best resource for a diverse array of new music.

I'm posting a song tomorrow (well, hopefully, the server's down right now), I have a new 'Retro Techno' album coming out called "House of Slovenly Truth." I haven't picked tracks to put up yet... Does anyone here make or listen to techno music? I would like to ask you some questions. Especially on mastering. I'll ask the room when I can post it.

Anyway, I'll post that as soon as I can upload data to the site, see ya!

Roy Howell 04-22-2004 11:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Olaf...I hope Vegas 'spat you out' with a few bucks left... ...if I'de gone with you, I'de probably be hitchhiking home about now, penniless.
I really appreciate the good comments... -Roy

I finally got to listen, and I see why Mark was impressed. Each one I heard was really good. Nice job indeed.

Cool piece...I think this will be very interesting in a theatre settting, with the right lighting, etc. I really like some of your chord changes, and the vocals. Nice work. Post more pieces from it if and when you can.

nightshadecrisis 04-22-2004 11:33 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey olaf, i was cruising through Roy's music and found one with some vocals on it, a very fun piece called Cellphone Blues, im not sure if its Roy or not, but its definitely worth a listen, in fact....im listening to it right now!

groovilator 04-22-2004 11:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I might suggest the heavy guitar riffs be a little crunchier, that would make them more punky...is that a marshall? Oh, and great vocal performance... You might try doubling it or comp'ing it during the chorus to give it more power. Love the last bit!

Actually, dude, I almost never record with an amp as I am an apartment dweller who usually records late at night. All of my electric guitar sounds come out of my PODxt. Had trouble really making it sound good on this stuff when I first started using it but I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten out of it. I have a Mesa Boogie Nomad with 2X12 cab that I'm anxious to start using again after a) I get around to fixing the clean channel and b) it becomes less impractical to lug the thing around (that little POD comes in really handy). Maybe I should post one or two old recordings that I've done with it because it's got a killer lead tone.
Thanks for the props!

groovilator 04-22-2004 11:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

hey olaf, i was cruising through Roy's music and found one with some vocals on it, a very fun piece called Cellphone Blues, im not sure if its Roy or not, but its definitely worth a listen, in fact....im listening to it right now!

Definitely a must listen! Funny lyrics and some of Roy's blazing and inventive blues noise. That's not Roy on the mic, it's a collaboration with someone else who is, BTW, a fantastic singer. Definitely in Roy's league. But there is one somewhere on here with a RH vocal, I think it's about a vampire or something. Great tune anyway. Can ya hep us out here, RoyMaBoy?


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