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Aussie169 02-03-2004 11:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'd love to hear some more, thanks.
My sister is a flautist. Classical only though.

Roy Howell 02-03-2004 11:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Absolutely, post some more...love to hear it.(and hi Mark).

flautista 02-04-2004 04:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
You can see one more in http://jaschakoneffke.tripod.cl/demo4.mp3 if you have some work I'love know it Jascha
[email protected]

flautista 02-04-2004 04:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I put some recording for your sister this is of my Trio( I have a Chamber music trio) playing music from Astor Piazzola. Is a piece from Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas de Astor Piazzolla
you can hear in http://jaschakoneffke.tripod.cl/Asto...aPrimavera.mp3 Jascha
[email protected]

hookiefree 02-04-2004 06:51 AM

Re: Virgin Mix
Damn. No love huh?

IntelDoc 02-04-2004 12:03 PM

Re: Virgin Mix
For your track, I would take a lot of the REVERB off. What are you using on that. I could not really crack it, but at work it sounded like I was at a concert with all the echo. I would reduce that to just have a nice long tail that is barely heard. It is a good trick, and still fills the sound. Also, are the vocals doubled, or did you pan them on a stereo track? I tend to keep them DEAD center for the mains, then pan any harmonies accordingly. BASS, SNARE, LEAD VOCALS at CENTER. That was told to me by a mastering guy. Then pan the guitars. The reverb is one thing that is killing you on this mix. I am not sure what plugs you have, but EQ, then compress the vocals a tad. They are too panned like I said before. Do what they suggested above and create a sub mix that controls the overall levels of the guitar tracks, and the drums. So make 2 Stereo AUX tracks and bus the outputs of the guitar tracks to one, and the Drums to another. That way you only need to mess with one fader once the individual levels are set. There are a lot of things that I would change in this, but that is just me. It is your first mix, and everyone has to get past that hump. For that I say "GREAT JOB" and keep up the good work.

Have not been on this post for a long time. I have some things to post, but have to get permission first.

Some new "Samples" are on my site though.

Later all! and hope that this helps? GET BOOKS!

editor 02-04-2004 06:51 PM

A bit of video w/tune for the hardcore music fan.
Here is a song with a video I did with an AM III and a Video Vision NuBus system. Its thrashy music, but worth a look. I dug the Jazz post, sounded like a live session, well done.





editor 02-04-2004 07:29 PM

For Shawn.../Mixing etc...

Good first production, with just a few moves you can sharpen it up a lot. First off, do a mix totally dry first and make it sound slammin', then add some verbs etc after that.

I have had the good fortune of working with the best of em' Clearmountain, Shelly Yakus, etc, etc... Most of the truly great mix engineers that I have worked with start out with the drum kit, and in this Mic. order. Starting with the over heads, try to make an entire full sounding balanced kit. Then use the single Mic's to boost what is lacking and get busses to verbs, like the snare Mic to a verb. After the OH Mics, sound full, balanced and good, bring up the snare Mic and eq it, to get the snare sound you want. If you boost and sweep on the eq's, (all eq's across the entire the mix) you will always find a dirty boxy sounding frequency around 400 hz, cut the boxy sounding stuff off a tad. Most of the greats, cut eq's in Mixing and boost in Mastering, although, its all subjective and in some cases, try anything to get what you want. Now when I say cut I mean, its all done gently and a 3db cut or boost for that matter is as far as I usually go, without re-recording the track. 3db equals a doubling of power, that's a lot. Next bring up the kick Mic. and get a nice thumping sound, dip the box off the kick and find the point of the beater as you did in your mix; and try to add a bit of 100 to 300 hz (in this case boosting a tad 1 db or so). Now remember that the kick must lock up with the bass guitar. The ONLY instrument that 400 hz work perfectly on is the bass guitar. So you have an excellent drum kit mix,sub-group it and send it to a track with a limiter on it; like the L1 and don't smash the kit, just get its upper volume threshold, under control by just kissing the reds on the L1 meter, now the kit is under control, now buss the snare to a verb or in some cases buss the entire kit to a verb, but not too much. Next bring up the kit and bass guitar, make the bass guitar, lock to the bass drum. This is sub-mix 1 bass guitar and drum kit. Now bring up the vox and compress them as needed. The next step is to Mix the drum kit and bass guitar, with the vox, when you have a good mix of these elements, you can start to add rhythm guitars and other instruments. As you add the instruments one at a time, be sure to pay attention to how they play up against the vocals. I usually solo the vox against each instrument I add to the mix and eq the guitars etc., very slightly to stay out of the way of the vox. A slight dip at around 800 hz (where the male vox is centered) will help keep the vox clean and audible. The female vocal is centered around 1000 hz.

After doing all this, add your efx. etc and always be aware of the balance of all instruments in the mix, drums and bass loud enough against the guitar and vox, etc, etc... I think you did a real good job for a 1st attempt. The performances are pretty solid... You're close to having some really good stuff.

There are a million things to do in a mix so this is a good starting point, if I wrote out what I do on a big mix it would be hundreds of pages. Just keep doing it and doing and doing it...... and you will get there.



Roy Howell 02-04-2004 09:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

here is a song I am working on its a bit different take a listen web page .the title is called AWAY ..clcik on the music tab for the song

I joined SoundClick just to listen to some recent stuff, but your song isn't there. Let me know if you put it back up. About to listen a few I've missed. thanks, Roy

nightshadecrisis 02-05-2004 12:44 AM

Re: For Shawn.../Mixing etc...
i found your post incredibly useful, i have a hard time recording drums, and i think what you said may have been the most clear and concise i've heard in a long time. im gonna try that this weekend in one of my sessions and see how it works like that.
catching up on everything. i like the Jazz! very nice!


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