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BigRedButton 01-29-2003 09:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by Aussie169:

Douglas in a Spacesuit - nice track. I enjoy that style. Nice mix. Very clean.
Small Comfort - Excellent. I can hear some smooth Tennor Sax filling in the windows and maybe even an outro solo?
Top stuff

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Mark -

Thanks! Yeah, I'm looking forward to filling out "Small Comfort" a bit. I definitly agree with you about the sax. I also plan on laying down some acoustic drums (the loops will act as color) and some more electric gtr.

Thanks for listening. Anyone else? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

corsolini 01-29-2003 11:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I listened to "Douglas in a Spacesuit" all the way through. It is a fine tune and sounds great. My thoughts (and this is nitpicking, but that's why we do this, right) are that the beginning acoutic guitar was not quite loud enough...the electrics come in and seem to overpower it. Also the drums seem too "far away". Whether that was miking or effects I don't know.
Ofcourse it's all very subjective and the bottom line is, it sounds great - nicely done.

BigRedButton 01-29-2003 11:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
corsolini -

I agree with you 100% on that intro acoustic. I'm planing on boosting it when we do the final mix.

The drum sounds are intended to be somewhat "distant". Niether the band, nor myself wanted a "sharp" close mic sound, so I used a 3 mic setup - snare, kick and mono overhead. No verb and a touch of eq help complete that earthy, live, brit pop kind of vibe.

Thanks for your comments!

metaltim 01-29-2003 03:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well I've got another one up, I actually did it back in oct/nov. but just finally decided to put it up after I just did a little polishing this afternoon..

It is called Witchqueen, and is here .

It was inspired by a friend of mine who is definately witchy in her ways... and when she is she does it like a queen. (think alice in wonderland queen... OFF with his HEAD)

bjoneill74 01-30-2003 01:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is one of my first Pro Tools mixes.
It's a demo of a tune from my band that we will actually start tracking the drums for in a few weeks.
I think there will be a few issues here.
1. I need to get a set of good monitors.
2. The drums were tracked to a Roland VS880 then dumped to a stereo mix and imported into PTLE
3. This music isn't your normal pop style stuff.

Any suggestions/comments are welcome.

http://weasel.doughmein.net/~lo cweb/music/dem0/countingsand.mp3

FrankLP 01-30-2003 02:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys, this is a piece that I just put together for a screenplay called Presidential Matters. This would be for the opening scene. Let me know what you think.

Presidential Matters opening scene

Jopry 01-31-2003 01:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
The mix sounds good. The only thing I can think of is that maybe a little more seperation on the guitars. Which part of the swamp are you from? I'm from Louisiana and a Texas transplant myself.

Nice mix, I can hear everything cleanly, good volumn.

Moonbeam - Killer guitar tones again with nice playing to boot! Good punchy mix. The song reminds me of Satch's Flying in a Blue Dream sound somewhat (thats a compliment btw [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ).

metaltim 01-31-2003 01:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by Jopry:
The mix sounds good. The only thing I can think of is that maybe a little more seperation on the guitars. Which part of the swamp are you from? I'm from Louisiana and a Texas transplant myself.

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I;m from Lafayette, lived there till I was 10, then moved to Houston, been there ever since. (well I live in college station when school is in session..)

chonk 01-31-2003 01:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Seems the vocals are bit loud in the mix.

Could be my ****** headphones though.


Jopry 01-31-2003 01:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool! I was originally from Opelousas and most of my family still lives in that area. I'm up in Dallas now.

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