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Wheeltard 03-28-2009 10:19 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
First one on PT 8 -- which ironically, I'm using almost exactly the same as I did PT. 7.1 cs3. This is a rough mix of a song called Worst Kept Secret of the Year http://www.songramp.com/mod/mps/view...?trackid=71373 . Equal emphasis on "rough" and "worst."

I'm looking for a big lead guitar on the outro bit. If anyone's interested, drop me a line. If not, I wouldn't blame you.

Wheeltard 03-29-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I like your mix -- very pro on the Story of Us. Lot of familiar voices on that one -- Speech being the most high profile. Good stuff. I don't hear anything that I would change mix or level wise. But I'm but a novice in the mixing arena and you wouldn't be served very well by taking any advice from me in the first place.

Great vibe and obviously first class musicianship. This to me represents the classic set-up that trips up my limited mixing (eq'ing) abilities. How to carve out a space for so many varied instruments and voices. I have a hard time avoiding middy mud with just drums gits and bass.

Like the groove. FWIW.

geetadave 04-07-2009 11:05 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's my band Miscreant.. we just released our debut album here in new zealand.. style is kinda chilis crossed with pearl jam.. ranges from rock to funk rock..

and here's my recording studio page with some of my latest production work..

cheers! :-)

Stixxs 04-09-2009 11:43 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by MikeX (Post 1335158)

New stuff posted! Lots of a cappella so take a listen you'll like it!

For those who don't know a cappella music is just voices.. so you'll hear some good effects!

The rest of the album is here:


That was done by a professional mixer... not me.

Mike sounds nice! You recorded the trax, and who mixed them?


Raggi 04-09-2009 04:45 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all. Here are the latest recording and it is of my band; Escapetor.
Would like some coments.....

MikeX 04-10-2009 09:25 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Stixxs (Post 1381090)
Mike sounds nice! You recorded the trax, and who mixed them?


I mixed the practice ones... Bill Hare www.dyz.com mixed the CIS ones.

Stixxs 04-11-2009 06:33 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by jjboogie (Post 1373240)
Would love to get some input on my mixes.

Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/therealjjboogie

The only one that I did not mix was the song called Story of Us.

The songs from Nanyana are my first mixes and learned a lot already from that. I wish I could go back and rerecord that whole session.....but the Arrested Development stuff turned out pretty decent.

Thanks for your input!


LIke the tunes!...About "Story of US", How was it recorded and with what would be cool to know?


ondruspat 04-12-2009 08:51 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Finally got off my butt an put together a new song "Question of Faith". It's an atmosphere piece using all stock plugs and Hybrid, I decided to limit myself to what came in the box.


parson 04-12-2009 10:27 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
ive only used pro tools for about 6 months, and i would appreciate some constructive criticism (i.e. less verb, more eq, dither). the link to my new song is below.

Stixxs 04-13-2009 06:31 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by parson (Post 1382572)
ive only used pro tools for about 6 months, and i would appreciate some constructive criticism (i.e. less verb, more eq, dither). the link to my new song is below.


Just a personal preference, maybe less verb on the vocals track. I'd bring that snare hit up in the chorus also.

It sounds like your compressing the individual tracks correct?

What's your setup?

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