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Spirithunter 02-19-2006 10:13 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Thank you guys for the listen and nice words.


Jack Rabbit 02-19-2006 04:23 PM

No Edge
Ouch. Crushing songwriter experience. Usually I can tell pretty quickly when something is derivative, and I usually abandon it. But somehow I managed to write an entire song before I realized I had pilfered (almost wholesale) an old U2 hit. The wasted time was bad enough, but even worse was comparing mine to theirs. A devastating reaffirmation of the enduring value of my day job. [bleep].

I'd post it if it weren't so humiliating. Instead, here's a new recording of an old song, reflecting my new adventures in nylon. Look, folks, this is a fairly boring song...but I'm practising two things: 1. arranging, and 2. getting a clean recording. Give a listen; give opinions when you awake.

A Room In The Attic

Roy, I really dig that modal minor on Gypsy Heart...also, the expertly articulated harmonics (2:24)...and the ambient sounds and the cool tag at the end. It's funny: clearly your tastes run towards the aggressive, but you are certainly inspired when you are gentle (like the beginning of Rattlesnake Ugly). Danka shen.

Shawn Ames 02-21-2006 12:30 AM

Hey guys... I'm at it agian...

I recorded a harcore band over the weekend... stop by and let me know what you think...

You've got to check this band out... thier drummer is 15 and and plays 32nd notes on his bass drum at 150 bpms...

It's crazy...

here is the link...


TNDoug 02-21-2006 08:59 AM

Sweet Indeed
What I wouldnt give to have the energy of a 15 year old hardcore drummer. Sweet sounds.

This is my first posting of my music. Feedback is appreciated.




Props to anyone who can tell me the name of the piece i sampled in the chorus. Everyone knows this song but no one i know knows the name.

Also, on my website www.dblfstudios.com is a link to my radio theater project, the Adventures of Randy Tarwater. I would be most appreciative for feedback on it as well. However, it is 6 15 minute long mp3's so I will not post it here.


John Hey 02-21-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
WOW Roy! What a mix. I love the separation. The mix is so clean!! This is what I am striving for. Can you give us some details on the tracks and what you used etc…

John Hey 02-21-2006 10:39 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Great song! Like your pics of the studio on your website.

davec 02-21-2006 02:30 PM

My latest, no vox yet. This one is easy listening...


superpenguin79 02-21-2006 06:28 PM

Re: Twilight
Bob: Elefunky is indeed an interesting piece man... hehe nice work and as a guitarist the riffs in the center part make my head spin just thinking about them.. hehehe

Roy: nice work on the Gaining on me tune man! great to see talented folks doing collab work on a master piece like that.

DaveC: Nice work on number 5 man. I see you're headed hardcore on that one eh? Very cool to have diverse styles man. How's the GT project going?

davec 02-21-2006 07:19 PM

Re: Twilight


DaveC: Nice work on number 5 man. I see you're headed hardcore on that one eh? Very cool to have diverse styles man. How's the GT project going?

Number 5 is actually just a post-production/mastering project I worked on for my nephews. GT is still going although it's taking many different forms . Thanks for the comments and thanks for asking...

Shawn Ames 02-21-2006 10:28 PM

New Client...

Hey folks... I've got a new client and I'm working on a new single for them... I mainly work alone and I'm really needing a second set of ears for this one... if you get a chance, give this tune a listen and give me your 2 cents.

This song is from a Power Pop, rock n roll band... I think they will be doing very well in a couple years... they are also young kids... teenagers...

Here is the link:

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