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vocalvoodoo 03-31-2005 12:27 AM

Re: overnight lows new one
Dang nice. I love your guys stuff!

vocalvoodoo 03-31-2005 12:41 AM

Re: overnight lows new one
Hey Joz, you guys on myspace? If so, whats your profile name? I'm Funakalicious Dixon.

phanatik 03-31-2005 10:47 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Heres some more home -grown hip-hop. no extra - particular setup....
all in the box. Digi eq3/ Izotope Ozone


phanatik 03-31-2005 10:53 PM

Re: overnight lows new one
heres some Hip-Hop for u guyz...

and do u have 2 pay to have ur music on my space?


Roy Howell 03-31-2005 11:27 PM

Re: overnight lows new one
You're doing some great stuff...cool vocals, and I love all that's going on in the background. Guits sound great. Good job, man.


Roy Howell 04-01-2005 11:17 AM

Re: ...

This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

Very well done...the band is tight, guitars sound great...very good mix. This is 'not my genre', as we sometimes say, but excellent job on your part. Post more when you can.


badperson 04-01-2005 07:49 PM

Re: ...

great song/performance/production.

I liked it a lot. I was wondering if the drums could have used a "liver" sound, but that's a super minor complaint that you may well disagree with.
great work.

madcow, your song was very good too.
what are you using for guitar sounds?

Joz 04-02-2005 04:54 AM

Re: ...
Thanks everybody.
Here's the "final" mix, it sounds much better!!
Badperson, the room I track in sucks for drums, so I have to mix the room very low, it drives me crazy, but I try to make it work. So I try to compasate by making the drums very fat. Listen to the new mix, much fatter.
vocalvoodoo, our myspace.com acount email is [email protected]. See you there!


DR.Loop 04-02-2005 06:21 AM

Re: ...
Hi Joz,

Very nice! I like it.


Roy Howell 04-02-2005 12:20 PM

Re: ...


Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Thanks for checking them out Ruben! Yeah, the Digeridoo was very fun on RTM. Believe it or not, I had never messed with one before my current project.

Finally got to listen to all the available songs, my favorite is 'Dream of Stars'...very nice chord changes...best of luck with your new cd...


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