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Steevp 08-23-2004 04:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

'Driving West'...what a great song..... I love the chords, the vocals, and especially the style. Your material is always fun, always unique. The changes are very refreshing too. Who were your influences, or at least who's stuff did you tend to admire?

Wow, thanks Roy, my influences are all in the Rock/Pop fields, I spent many years in bands with close links to Hawkwind, so I have space rock deep in my veins, however set me free with a blank canvas and I will gravitate towards my other love.. pure pop, Sparks were an early influence, I still think their first 5 albums are hard to top, Bowie is up there, Zeppelin, Yes, The Shangri-Las are gods to me.. Spector, more modern bands, Eels, Jellyfish, any & all 60's psyche, The Millenium, Ballroom, Zombies etc etc.. as a friend says "All hail the 3 minute pop song"

So have you added to your Korg box? I always think of you as being the midi man, I use a Roland XP80 with 4 expansion cards, giving me around 1450 sounds, though having said that only around 30 are -really- any good other than that it's just guitars and a J-Station or Zoom GFX8..

And thanks to everyone else who took time to listen, I took note of the vocal pitch comment and will try harder next time! (I did a cover of "Come Sail Away" by Styx for a friend the day before and it ripped the heck out of my throat, stupid pomp rock rubbish..)

Right, I have 3 more songs on the drawing board and no real world work in the diary.. let the ProTools mania continue!

Ruben_B 08-23-2004 09:51 PM

Re: a sonic foundry acid production
Hi mindstAt,
really liked your tune (babygone), well done!!
Did you use Reason patches for those strings??


Roy Howell 08-23-2004 10:02 PM

Re: a sonic foundry acid production
I enjoyed 'babygone' too...some interesting midi stuff going on there... ...thanks for the comments on 'Gypsy' too.

mindstAt 08-24-2004 12:07 AM

Re: a sonic foundry acid production
thank you for your time gentlemen.
Ruben - no, i dont have reason. that was all composed first, then i recorded from a digital piano into acid. there was no midi involved. the strings sound cheezy so i tried to spice them up a bit.

Steevp 08-24-2004 03:00 AM

Re: a sonic foundry acid production

Hi mindstAt,

Very nice job, I especially liked the part when the Clavinet(?) creeps in under the wire, there's something about sampled strings I like, they sound real, yet the attacks & cutoffs have an unreal quality, I guess thats why every track I complete has a melotron sample buried somewhere in it

Anyway, thanks for the cool track.


ESP Mastering 08-24-2004 04:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just thought I'd post some of the stuff that I recorded a while back.

Julie Larocque - Mirror

Julie Larocque - The Fourth Day

mindstAt 08-24-2004 04:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Julie - listening to your first mirror song now. very mellow. the acoustic guitar, the vox, the keys, bass, the progression of the song - all very good! it sounds perfect. i enjoyed this song. i really like the singers voice. that is you i assume?

4th day: another mellow tune it sounds like. nice intro on this one with the arpeggiating keys. aha and the acoustic guitar joins in too. solid.

you are a good songwriter for this kind of music. good material here.

ESP Mastering 08-24-2004 04:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Julie - listening to your first mirror song now. very mellow. the acoustic guitar, the vox, the keys, bass, the progression of the song - all very good! it sounds perfect. i enjoyed this song. i really like the singers voice. that is you i assume?

4th day: another mellow tune it sounds like. nice intro on this one with the arpeggiating keys. aha and the acoustic guitar joins in too. solid.

you are a good songwriter for this kind of music. good material here.

I’m not the artist or song writer, and far from the singer. The artist is Julie Larocque a close friend. I am the Engineer (Emerson Scott) and it was recorded at Raven Street Studios in Ottawa

Thanks for the great feedback

JonM 08-25-2004 07:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Like the Gypsy very much too. Great guitar sound: I can almost see you strangling the life out the neck of the guitar, and the backing sounds damn fine even though you were using less powerful tools than you have at your disposal now. Nice stuff. As always.


Nice track. I like it a lot. Man, I used to love Sparks. The phrase 'Angst in my pants' still makes me laugh.

I've been lacking inspiration for weeks, but this finally came out:


Kind of not quite there yet, and I'm not totally in control of Reason yet, but see what you think.


John Hey 08-25-2004 10:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I like your string arrangement on this song. When your first spoken line came up, it kind of shocked me a bit. I was not expecting this; however, I thought it was a very nice touch.

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