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badperson 11-05-2003 06:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
dawner, nice tune, I agree with the above comments, but overall you get a very textured sound on the guitars, keep up the good work.

Thanks Roy, and others for comments on my song, I'm glad you like it.

Yeah, I'll go back and take a listen. Originally I had envisioned a much more complex arrangement for that tune, that would build over the course of the song, a couple more guitar parts, maybe an organ part, but I just didn't hear it when I got as far as I did. I agree with your comments, I'll probably do a little more work on it this weekend.

I'm glad you like "Someday." In a couple weeks I'm getting a great river mp2nv, so I'll probably track that tune again. I posted a note at Harvery Gerst's forum on PSW, asking about phase for that tune. I thought I was obeying the 3 to 1 rule, but when both channels were in mono, it was very boxy sounding, a lot of mids, sounded like a lot of phase problems.

when I get the new pre, I'll mic it in a few different ways, I'll post snippets to get feedback on how to deal with phase, maybe it'll help others, too.



8mmOverdose 11-05-2003 03:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
dawner- nice song. someone mentioned above that they thought the distorted guitar was too loud. i think the distorted guitars should be pulled way down in volume during the verse, especially the single notes stuff. this will allow the clean rhythm guitar to shine through and add dynamics as it goes into the chorus. other than that i think the volume of them is good. i think the rest of the levels sound great. good job. oh yeah, someone also mentioned some clipping- it may be the mp3 conversion, it may be that you limited the crap out of the songs or it may be my small speakers, but just remember LOUDER isnt always better!

jamlaw 11-05-2003 04:03 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I got another new one finished. Its called Automatic and it is here - AUTOMATIC

Here's the interesting production notes - the wierd machine sounding thing that starts the song and is behind the verses is a guitar ran thru the GRM delay - I told you GRM Tools are my favorite! They should endorse me! I've got a little reversed guitar before the second verse. In the middle guitar solo part, I used the half speed function of Pro Tools on one of the guitars - this is where you get PT to play back at 1/2 speed and play everything one octave lower than you want it. When played back at normal its the right pitch but all trippy sounding - it worked good for the Egyptian sound I wanted.


Tito Ricci Arballo 11-05-2003 04:15 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Jamlaw, that guitar sound was tight, man. It definatele enhanced the song for me.

Check out this ragga/hip-hop style track I did with my drum machine a couple of years ago. I recorded it straight to cd back then so I tried to home master it a bit w/ protools. It's on the" Manuel" part.
Ragga P song

GORILLA 11-05-2003 04:27 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
That Geetar sounds cool man!!!!!!!
Hey..... I know you guys play out, so my question is...how da heck you gonna do that live? volume knob?
Dude your production sounds BADD ASS again!!!

mersisblue 11-05-2003 05:36 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
heres one called beat 101

I would really appreciate some feed back

[email protected]

byteme 11-05-2003 05:46 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
ok so I haven't been around for awhile. But I am glad this thread is still alive. Here is two new tracks of a band I just finished producing. All done with my 002 baby!

Some Trust


mersisblue 11-05-2003 07:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

feed back is appreciated

i wrote and producved

[email protected]

Roy Howell 11-05-2003 11:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I like the 'refrain'... ..and the groove thing itself is addictive. The vocals could be more up front and present, in my opinion, to bring out the best of what's a really good song. I enjoyed it.
thanks, Roy

stewie 11-06-2003 01:31 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
byteme. those tracks sound really good. what did you use for that along with your 002. its the 002 with the control right?

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