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Aussie169 12-14-2004 03:57 PM

Re: Finally posting some tunes
I'm in Team Usual Suspects as 'Watershed'. CaPE was a heap of fun. I encourage anyone to try to get involved in next years.

Roy Howell 12-15-2004 01:43 AM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
I like the overall instrumentation and production on this...nice job on the mix too. Post more when you can.

DR.Loop 12-15-2004 10:07 AM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
Nice work Tracy! The production and mix sound really good.

I enjoy the song very much.

Looking forward to hearing some more.


Tracy Lowery 12-15-2004 04:00 PM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!

Hey Guys, Local songwriter demo,please comment on the production and mix.

Thanks Tracy

web page

Hey Guys, Thanks for the reply's, We have a small home studio down in South Florida, All the work is done by myself and Dylan Schavonne. I will post some others as well.....Thanks again.

Tracy Lowery

John Hey 12-15-2004 08:13 PM

Re: heres one
I love them all. Thanks for sharing. Who wrote these songs?

John Hey 12-15-2004 08:23 PM

Re: Finally posting some tunes
What kind of keyboards did you use?

I liked them but my favorite was the second one.

John Hey 12-15-2004 08:33 PM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
Background vocals are extremely nice. I like the harmonies. Great job!! Do you have anymore?

Aoede 12-15-2004 08:53 PM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
Hey John! I mean John Hey.....

Sorry....couldn't resist. It reminds me of the time when I worked at a supermarket and the lady at the counter had to page someone for a phone call...."If there is a Rich Mann in the store please come to the service desk".

Eric Maia 12-16-2004 12:21 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Luis - thanks for the post. This certainly isn't my style, but quite well done and enjoyable nonetheless. I especially like the richness and character of all of your instrumental voices. It definitely has a "deeper" or more textural sound than similar music I have heard.

I would think you could go even a little further this way - for instance, the "chorus" pads in the background, which are present throughout the piece - it might help the development to have some subtle changes to the timbre of this voice as the song progresses.

- Eric

WestPhillySoulzition 12-16-2004 07:26 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
some hard hitting hip hop drums with live cabasa, beaded goard and Flexatone. Check it out.
bang bang

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