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graveleye 05-30-2004 07:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well it was a little more difficult than might seem. The drums I had to work with were a stereo submix. How I wish that I had all the individual drums to work with. That would have been a dream.

The stuff with my old band, I am pretty much just going to leave them as they are, mainly mixing to try to just catch the original performance. I really didnt do much editing and sound-shaping because I was worrried the other guys might think I took too much liberty with the song. I dont have a lot of time to work with them on one hand, and on the other hand, since nothing will ever be done with these versions anyway, I thought I would clean them up and present them as-is for the sake of preservation and posterity. At least they live again!!

This song was actually left off of the original release. Like I said, asides from playing on it, I didnt write it or have much say in the production. Subsequent tunes which were my creations, and my production I will take more care to tighten up.

If you guys could have seen these tapes though when I first got them, you would be amazed they would play at all. I sure was!

Thanks for the lesten and the comments!!

JonM 05-30-2004 08:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I've been hanging around here for a few months now, pretty much coincident with my songwriting/performing/recording career, but I've never posted anything on this thread.

On my own terms, I've made a lot of progress. In absolute terms, my music sucks, and my mixing sucks more (if that's possible); the question is just how much, and I'd quite like to know. So, for everyone's vilification and general mirth, I present to you:

Counting the Beats

In particular, I find that all of my mixes actually make my ears hurt, like there's unpleasant pressure on my eardrums. Can anyone tell me why?


Oh, and it was the beer that put me up to this...

Roy Howell 05-31-2004 12:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounds like you did a good job restoring the tape. Amazing what can be done now...

Roy Howell 05-31-2004 12:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I really like this song...the chords, the simple instrumentation, and the vocal all feel good together. There are some things that may can improve the mix, but I'm too tired to get specific tonight...suffice for now to say, I really enjoyed the song.

JonM 06-01-2004 08:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for taking the time to listen to the song - heaven knows life's short enough as it is. Thanks also for the kind words and the admirable diplomacy of your post, and I'm glad you enjoyed the song.

If you could outline some of the things that could make the mix better, I'd be very grateful. I'm kind of aiming for simple arrangements that put as much emphasis on space as instrumentation, if you get my drift, but I still manage to make 7 parts sound busy! I've been doing my best to improve, but my mixes always sound muddy. ANy pointers would help me on my way a bit.

Thanks again

Roy Howell 06-02-2004 01:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry to leave you hanging like that...I was very tired (my dad's in the hospital), and I should have waited to post that I'de heard it.
Anyway...I'm listening again, and again, I really do like the song and even the mix overall. There are just a few things that are contributing to it being slightly 'boomy' here and there. I hear 3 things that could be EQed a little better...the bass, the very nice guitar that plays the intro (and throughout), and at times your voice too. The acoustics hard left and right sound fine, and it's kind of cool that they are supplying the percussion on this.

Without being there, I can't be too specific, but I would first try rolling back some low EQ on the things that seem boomy. That should get you started.

I'm hoping Inteldoc will hear it and can advise you more specifically. He has done some excellent stuff with acoustics/vocals, and I think he'll have some good ideas for you.

Definitely a good song, and I like your concept of production. Please keep us posted on your progress, and any new things you want to post.

Roy Howell 06-02-2004 03:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is new...

Moon Over Vegas

spkguitar 06-02-2004 10:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, Excellent work as usual. Always impressed by your stuff, man.

Roy Howell 06-02-2004 03:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy, Excellent work as usual. Always impressed by your stuff, man.

Thanks, Shawn...I really appreciate it.

JonM 06-03-2004 06:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy

Sorry to hear about your dad. Sorry for hassling you in such circumstances, and I hope things are OK.

Thanks for the pointers on the mix. I will try EQ sweeping again and see if I can remedy the muddiness. I do most mixing on headphones, and occasionally through my hifi. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get some proper monitors next month. Maybe that will make things easier. And with the number of CDs I burn to check in the car and on the stereo in my office at work, it will probably work out cheaper.

I'm working on a couple of new things at the moment, and I'll post if they come to anything. At the moment they refuse to be bashed into a usable shape.

Loved the Vegas track btw. That's a mean bass down the backbone, and the guitar work is awesome.

Thanks again for listening.

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