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metaltim 09-08-2003 01:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well i haven't posted anything since earlier this year.. I've got a couple of tunes I've done over the summer.. I'll post some periodically.. For now, here is the first one, named 'under'
you can right click and d/l..
the lyrics are there too for your enjoyment.

I pay for that webspace, so it shouldn't give you any over quota junk..

my first song with no electric guitar!!!
The ending aint quite there yet.. i kinda changed it up, decided not to go with the gradual slow down.. I just haven't done that yet.. so other than that, let me know what you think.

I'm still tryin to get a good sound on my acoustic with my NTK.
For now I'm using a baby taylor, which has pretty decent sound..

thanks in advance

rogerhavoc 09-08-2003 03:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roger Havoc you should be proud. That is meaty and sweet.the mix is tuff without being overbearing.Dang dude, super.

Hey Archtop,

Dude, Thank you very much for the generous words. I'm glad you like it! In case that you want to do something together, just let me know...
I got another tune that MAYBE is going to enter in a PS2 Game (Confidential Info)

If you guys want to check it ou, download it Here .

Thanks for your time

Roger Havoc

Steevp 09-08-2003 04:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Steve, about "Marion"
All right, 'fess up, this is a leftover track from Go2 or White Music, right ?

Thanks Paul!

That's pretty funny! I can't even claim XTC as an influence, I have one single (Statue of Liberty) and saw them live on the tour to promote it, before Barry Andrews left, and all I remember from the show was some awesome guitar playing by Andy Partridge, I'd seen my fair share of prog bands by that point and he played chords none of them knew, ..and sang at the same time ..and never looked at his fingers, ..bastard.

It was fun to record though.

(Dated Marion for 2 weeks, never got past first base)

posterchild 09-08-2003 05:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK, maybe I hear Andy Partridge in your vocals (it's been a few years since I've heard any XTC/Dukes of Stratosphere), but I also hear one of the guys from 10cc... I had my mp3 player on random today and thought it had started up a Steve Pond song, but it turns out it was a 10cc B-side called "Channel Swimmer". (This particular song doesn't sound like it was sung by the same guy who sang "I'm Not In Love", but I could be wrong.)

Steevp 09-08-2003 05:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I love 10cc, they are definitely an influence. I can see similarities between my voice and (I think) Kevin Godleys, whoever sang "The Dean & I" (Eric Stewart?) which, if Karaoke bars were that retro would be my get up & sing tune..

Can I add my name to the list of people who think you sound like Brian Wilson?


Jay Terrien 09-09-2003 07:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are some MP3s for you guys to listen to!!! Old and a tad muddy but I am getting better!






Jay Terrien
"Bassist/Violist/Composer/Former Lover"

skip b 09-09-2003 02:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Post deleted by skip b

Roy Howell 09-10-2003 11:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey skip,
I just heard 'Positive'...good job, man... Who is this? The singer's voice is great...really soulful, but still deep. Good stuff...thanks for the listen.

skip b 09-10-2003 12:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hey skip,
I just heard 'Positive'...good job, man... Who is this? The singer's voice is great...really soulful, but still deep. Good stuff...thanks for the listen.

Hi Roy,The group goes by the name "FULL SCALE MODEL"they are based in L.A.The vocalist is Matt Hunkins,and the drummer is Allen Woolsey,who BTW goes by FSM here on the DUC.I believe if these guys continue to do what their doing, then they will definitely make a mark on the music scene if they haven't already.Anyway thanks for the listen Roy,I continue to only get better, and thanks for the songs you have contributed for my learning.

Roy Howell 09-11-2003 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just listened to 'Ron Jeremy'...very interesting mix...I like it. The distortion on the vocal (toward the end) is very cool indeed...I will listen to the others soon too.
thanks, Roy

Jay Terrien 09-11-2003 06:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool, Thanks Roy!

I pushed that vocal WAY too hot in the mix and ran part of the vocal mix through a bass distortion effect. We bassists love our toys.

The MP3s on my site are vastly outdated rough mixes. The mixes are "interesting" in that they are 100% unreleasable on an album.

In an ideal world, I wouldn't be doing all the drum programming, keys, and acoustic guitar tracking. I wouldn't be engineering and mixing either. It is enjoyable to learn the trade though. My goal is to take all of my tracks into a well-known studio (where I'd re-record all of my vocals and viola tracks there) to work with a well-known engineer so I can be well-known for my well-done music. Then I could have an income.

Besides how many other psychos out there write about Ron Jeremy?

Calvin 09-12-2003 08:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys,
Just thought I would throw up a link here in case any of you were in the mood to listen to a dirty punk rock song that I have been working on. These guys recorded 12 songs at another guys studio, then brought it to me to mix. It pretty much sucked, but I'm pretty proud of what i was able to get out of it. I really like it at about 1:05 or so when the 3rd and 4th guitar part comes in although I think the drums need to come down a notch. Anyway, here it is.

remains 09-14-2003 01:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK! I finaly have couple of my own songs that I can post. Guy from one record label ordered some heavy songs so I had to be fast.I made 3 songs in 3 days(and recorded them and mixed) except "you and me" wich was done 2 months earlier(I didn't have Pod Pro at that time yet). I was playing,singing and recording everything by my self except for the drums.

Please guys give me some feedback!

Jay Terrien 09-14-2003 10:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Where are the songs???????

da BaSsTaRd! 09-14-2003 10:19 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Where are the songs???????

here's one! reggea style...


its a work in progress. actually, the progress stalled. if anyone wants to collaborate, i need vox especially (or at least lyrics - i can sing it...), but also guitars or anything else to fill it out...

if anyone is interested in collaborating on this song, send me an email.

Roy Howell 09-14-2003 11:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I downloaded this a few days ago but only just now got to listen. As punk goes, I think you did a killer job with it. I imagine it was a little chaotic when you got it... Good work, man...thanks, Roy.

Listening to the new stuff too...

remains 09-14-2003 04:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Where are the songs???????





remains 09-14-2003 04:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK! I finaly have couple of my own songs that I can post. Guy from one record label ordered some heavy songs so I had to be fast.I made 3 songs in 3 days(and recorded them and mixed) except "you and me" wich was done 2 months earlier(I didn't have Pod Pro at that time yet). I was playing,singing and recording everything by my self except for the drums.

Please guys give me some feedback!


da BaSsTaRd! 09-14-2003 08:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
here's one for the masses. sort of crystal-method-ish...


man, i love reason...

rockrev 09-14-2003 09:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Man, I'm really breaking down by posting this here. It's one thing to play something for people who have no concept of recording, etc., but for your peers it's a whole different story. Most of the files I've listened to here have blown me away. Almost makes me pull my hair out. Where am I going wrong? See if you guys can help me out . . .


First off I want to say that it's a work in progress. There's no bass line yet, the guitar solo is missing at the end, and there's some change-ups coming on the lyrics (like the last chorus). These are scratch vox I recorded through the digi 001 pre. I'll probably redo those. Overall, everything just sounds sterile to me. Is it the drum loops? Is it the digi 001 pre? Is it just me? Any help would be great!



dwkick 09-14-2003 10:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I don't know how much I can offer. I'm certainly not on the level most people on here seem to be on. To me it sounds like a heck of a start. Me being a drummer am not to fond of loops and machines but can appreciate them.. that could be part of the sterility of it. IMO. Bass line will help also. Again though I think it sounds good. Guitar has a good sound. Let me know when you've worked on it some more.


Roy Howell 09-14-2003 10:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
DaBasstard/Brian....killer, man... Reason is amazing, but it's only as good as who's running it. Cool piece...

Roy Howell 09-15-2003 01:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I listened to the first two (so far), 'Best Friend' and 'Break'...the mixes sound really good. I like those 'stop' part chords in 'Break'...really different. And 'Break' is cool too... Good stuff, man.
thanks for the listen... Roy

Aussie169 09-15-2003 06:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Rockrev
I think generally what has been recorded sounds good and clean, well done. My main concern is the tempo. I think it's a little on the slow and durgy side. I loaded the file into Soundforge and sped it up so that the song was 90% of its original length. It kicked along very nicely. Try it and see. If you don't have the means to do this, drop me an email and I'll send you my result.
Add in a fairly active bass line and you've got a good song.
Well done.

rockrev 09-15-2003 10:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks dwkick and aussie,

Yeah, the bass line is a given. I'm hoping that it will fill in all of the low emptiness (as is should). As far as the tempo is concerned, well I've struggled with that for a while now. Sometimes I like it faster and sometimes I like it at a steady crawl. Maybe I'll play with it a little more.

I think what bothers me the most are the vocals. They sound thin with too much presence and not enough meat. I think it's more than EQ . . . must be the digi 001 pre. When I track the keeper vocals I'll try a Focusrite Green Range Voicebox but use the same mic (Mircotech Gefell UMT70S - the "real" Neumann). I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again!


Jay Terrien 09-15-2003 10:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here are some new MP3s, remixes where I added some compression on the master fader about as untastefully as you can imagine. I now get this tinny distortion when the vox and guitars crescendo. Back to the drawing board.

"We all are lining up to see her tragic member in a jar!"

"Oh, she wanted offspring. And I gave her DING DING WELL!!"

"Jeffrey Dahmer handshakes with your family"


rogerhavoc 09-15-2003 01:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Guys,

I have a new song HERE that is kind of Jazzy mixed up with Hip Hop. It is just a minute long tough... (Fast Downloading) I would appreciate if you guys could give me any suggestions… I’m not used to record Jazz and Hip Hop. Also I’ve been updating my web page , and fell free to visit. It’s not finished yet and comments would be welcome as well. Keep up the good work guys. BTW, I have a compilation with almost all songs from this thread…. GOOD STUFF!!!

Have a excellent and successful day,

Roger Havoc

da BaSsTaRd! 09-15-2003 01:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

BTW, I have a compilation with almost all songs from this thread…. GOOD STUFF!!!

i got you beat... check it out, and its stream-able...

haven't updated it in a while, but i have over 200 songs. maybe i'll do that this week...

rogerhavoc 09-15-2003 02:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
da BaSsTaRd!

Excellent idea!!!
Thanks for checking my beat! If you want to add more of my stuff on your stream list, go to this LINK !!!



Roger Havoc

Drastikpup1 09-15-2003 03:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Row how are you? I know we have not gotten along very well in the past but I am a fan of your songwriting, production and last but not least guitar skills.

I was just listening to your tunes on DaBastards site and I like it. Good use of synth bass in the first tune. I am hearing some ZZ-Top influence in the "ShutUpBabay Song" also some "Alice -N- Chains "Jar of Flies" style guitar influence.

What effects box are you running through?

Do you like Jerry Cantrell? I was allways a Alice -N- Chains fan.

So far my favorite is the "Gypsy Waltz" so many influences rolled into one. Very Very well done!

You are obviously a David Gillmore fan!!!!!!

Mudslide Blues is a good tune no bass line? Hi-Hats are a bit jumpy, maybee break out the crash and open hat or ride in some of the heavier parts?

Great guitar work on that track.

I like the rain stick intro on golbins moon. I hear an RP300 effect with the guitar? I also like the flam roll into the second verse for midi thats very real sounding.

See I am not such a bad guy, just too busy to devote 90% of my off time to the DUC.

Peace bro and keep up the inpiration for us. If there is one thing I learned from listening to your stuff it is that midi production can still be a very powerfull tool combined with some good old guitar and talent!!!


Justin Lynch

I now want to break out my S5000 again and my JV1080 that have been collecting too much dust!

Thank You Roy!! I am now a Fan!!

remains 09-15-2003 04:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I listened to the first two (so far), 'Best Friend' and 'Break'...the mixes sound really good. I like those 'stop' part chords in 'Break'...really different. And 'Break' is cool too... Good stuff, man.
thanks for the listen... Roy

Thanks Roy!!

I just realized that quality of those MP3's is poor. I compared it with the original files and it seems like I lost some high freq. with conversion. I'll try to upload again.


Roy Howell 09-16-2003 12:42 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nice piece, man...good sounds all around.

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it...


Jay Terrien 09-16-2003 01:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roger, where's the blazing fretless bass line against the descending chromatic piano chords in the beginning? I'd give anything to have some swirling percussion like that.

Jay Terrien 09-16-2003 01:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy and Roger, check these out:

http://grasstain.com/mp3/Disarray/05_Headrush.mp3 (only 5 tracks of bass here I swear!!)

rogerhavoc 09-16-2003 02:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Jay,

Thanks for check it out... Sounds like a fretlees, but it's not! It is just a regular 5 string bass with a massive compressor and a bit of distortion. So it would be:
Bass into DIGI002's Pre with a bit of Distortion(SansAmp) and FocusRite d3 Compressor. My bass its a Jackson with Seymour Duncan Pickups. Also if you have old strings, that would help... I have another song that i use the same Sound. Check it out: URBAN BASS
BTW, HeadRush ROCKS... Nice Song! I would put more volume on the basses, just because they ROCK!


When are we doing a composition together? Let me know!!!

And yeah, HAPPY UPGRADE!!!

Jay Terrien 09-16-2003 04:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
If I had the engineering skill, I'd do MANY more unique things to those bass sounds.

Do you use that FocusRite D3 strictly as a bass compressor going in? I think I read somewhere that Sting uses one like that, maybe a Penta something or other. I have never used anything but going DI into my Digi002 or my Korg. It's sort of silly not to invest in a good compressor in because when I am tracking 4 to 5 different bass tracks, all with different effects, and sometimes, different basses, I sometimes get muddied results with odd ball volume peaks, etc.


Shan 09-16-2003 06:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

They're media page has mp3s from the album. I co-produced and engineered. They're doing very well. Standard radio friendly modern rock.


Calvin 09-16-2003 08:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey roy,
Thanks for the kind words even though I am just now getting back around to saying it. Better late than never, i hope.

Paul Curtiz 09-17-2003 08:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi guys,

I just did the music and sound fx for the opening and end credits of a pilot for a surfing/snowboarding TV show. This guy who works at our studio is a surf/snowboard nut (heck, he's even got his own sponsor !), has all the right connections and has been asked to direct it. Anyway, I did this whole thing with Reason, PT and a lone guitar... I'm kind of excited because several big channels have showed interest and they are talking about a show each month, which could mean a few different doors opening up...and maybe some nice royalties if the channels I heard about pick it up !

here it is :

Roy Howell 09-17-2003 02:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great job, Paul... the client's gotta love it.....man, that ocean looks good out there...

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