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rogerhavoc 07-28-2005 03:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
What's up people? Everything here is sounding very good... You guys are a bunch of PROs...
It's been a long time that i don't post on the DUC because i've been extremely busy. But here goes a track that i did 2 nights ago. It will be a Soundtrack for a Sports Show DVD Menu.

Here it goes: Orgasmic Depression



fredsparky 07-28-2005 04:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roger. Sounds great! Like Robert Fripp! I remixed July (below) using some of Chris Cavel's tips. Just a quick song - first take- no frills on a cheap old Harmony Rocket.



badperson 07-28-2005 08:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
bunch of cool stuff,

roger, awesome job, fantastic production and cool composition. Great drum sound.

sharritan and millicent, I like the songs/performances a lot.
nice work.

Sharritan 07-29-2005 06:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Okay, at the risk of annoying you, I have one more thing. The hooky line "lost inside". The pitch is good on the first one, but the second and third might be worth a retake (or some kind of software fix). It's the syllable "in", which I think is really important to nail because it's followed by that grungey slur on "si-ide", which is cool. It may be at the top of his range, but well worth tackling. Okay, that's all.


It's killing me too. I am having him retrack this weekend. This was one of those where I heard it during tracking but didnt stop to fix it. I hate it when I do that.

HotRats 07-29-2005 07:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Folks, here I am for the first time.

The song (instrumental) has been made for a kind of composotion contest of an italian web community. There were some rules to follow about the max number of parts and about
the types of instruments allowed.

Here it is. Enejoy.

The song has been made all inside the box (PT LE, of course ) with virtual instuments.
I've used only PT stock plugins, for mixing and T-Racks (the full suite) for Mastering.

Drums: Battery (Studio Drums Library)
Bass: Trilogy
Violin, Piano and Brass: Kompakt

HotRats first Time on the DUC

(use save as command)

HotRats 07-29-2005 07:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
After the first time...here comes the second

Just to let you hear something different (different form the previous song)
I share with you an exercise about dissonance I've made months ago
during a "music for films" course.

Recorded and mixed inside PT LE
with virtual instruments and my Gibson SG.

Somthing Different (HotRats second time)

Roy Howell 07-30-2005 12:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here it goes: Orgasmic Depression



Nice, Rogerio...

Roy Howell 07-30-2005 12:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm getting a tiny 38kb mp3 file from each of your songs, which won't play. Post em another way if possible...thanks, Roy

rogerhavoc 07-30-2005 04:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Here it goes: Orgasmic Depression



Nice, Rogerio...

Roy... This song Crow Logic KICK ASS!!!!

So much talent... I love the fact that you switch snares all over the place!!!!


DR.Loop 07-30-2005 07:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello all,

New tune posted on my site called "Dislike" Well there are 6 new tunes there.
They are not all 100% done. I have few singers interested in writing some lyrics for them and
i would still like to find a drummer to replace the drums i have with real drums.

If interest falls upon you to sing or play drums on these..let me know.That would be cool.

If you check them out i hope you enjoy!


HotRats 07-30-2005 10:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I'm getting a tiny 38kb mp3 file from each of your songs, which won't play. Post em another way if possible...thanks, Roy

thnax you for tring.
at the moment I have no alternative sites where to upload

Chris Cavell 07-30-2005 12:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Okay...just took some spare time to give a listen to a bunch of the recent ones:


Re 'July'...still sounds good man. I think you may want to lighten up a tad on the level boosting in your mastering or lengthen your attack and release times. I can hear it pumping a bit much. Other than that I think you might be able to clear it up a bit prior to mastering by concentrating on the low end in the mix a bit more (hi pass any of those guitars that are panned beyond 5 degrees out either side a bit more...probably at least 250 Hz).


Re 'Orgasmic Depression'...I really dig the syncopated breakbeat work. I think the lead lines could come up a smidge...but keep (or even add if it doesn't muddy things) the floydish delay and verb on it. Nice work.

Chris/Millicent Friendly,

Re 'You'...As far as I can tell it's great. I wish I had a higher quality file to listen to. Despite the limitations of the delivery format, everything I hear screams 'well done'.


Re 'Nothin Losin'...I like the drum tones, but I think they may be a bit hot in the mix, particularly the hat and to a lesser extent the overheads. I can't really discern the kick through the bottom end throughout most of the tune. I think supplementing the kick and snare with soundreplacer tracks blended in would add a much more polished sound to the production. Great vocal performance. From a production standpoint I might compress the vox a bit harder and boost them a smidge. The only thing that really bugs me here is the bottom end. I think more upper mids in the guitars combined with a choice tonal compressor on the bass (which to me sounds a bit weak and "farty") could do wonders. I think that perhaps the lead could come up a tad too. Great work man. I hear alot of potential in this current version, and a careful attention to NOT do anything detrimental to the mix. Well done.


Re 'Dislike'...cool idea, once there exist lyrics (or melody) then you can really concentrate on a direction for the production. I think your snare and kick could come up. The guitars are a bit overwhelming in volume, and extremely overwhelming in the lows (they're really muddying up the bottom end on the mastering setup I'm currently listening through). My recommendation would be to chop 'em just under the low mids and let a really full 6 or 7 string metal bass guru cover the bottom end for you.


I've got the same issues as Roy downloading your tracks. Try myspace.com (as much as I hate the place). Get a free band/music account and you can upload a couple of tunes for free.

Jack Rabbit,

Re 'Wilmar's Comet'...I like this one alot. A couple of small observations: The few spots (in the first minute or so) where you have more than one note per syllable sound a little 'off'...not pitch wise, they just don't seem cohesive with the rest of the vocal performance. The first real sustained notes (around 1:50), try creating a prefader send to reverb (prefader isn't normal for verb) and automate an increase in verb with a simultaneous drop in the channels main fader level for increased effect...just an idea. On the whole I think it may be a tad long for it's current production, and you may find yourself losing your listener around 3:30 b/c of this. Keep this version, and possibly think about a shorter 'reprise' version. You might also want to seek out a couple of collaborators here on the forum to provide you with some real drum tracks and possibly an upright bass. With small trap/jazz drum kit, you could easily use the filtered loop as a production tool to lend emphasis to sections or add more contrast in sound b/w verse, chorus, and bridge/solo area (helping to counteract the modern listener's short attention span).


Jagg76 07-30-2005 01:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Anyone record anything with M-Box??? I'd like to hear it!!!

Roy Howell 07-30-2005 04:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy... This song Crow Logic KICK ASS!!!!

So much talent... I love the fact that you switch snares all over the place!!!!


Thanks, Rogerio...

Stiff 07-30-2005 04:33 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

HotRats song downloads fully for me. I've experienced similiar problems before though, if you have a download manager installed you might want to try using that.


I share with you an exercise about dissonance I've made months ago
during a "music for films" course.

Wow man... Can you explain this exercise?

badperson 07-30-2005 06:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
got another one.

thanks for listening.


Jack Rabbit 07-30-2005 07:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Jack Rabbit,

Re 'Wilmar's Comet'...I like this one alot. A couple of small observations: The few spots (in the first minute or so) where you have more than one note per syllable sound a little 'off'...not pitch wise, they just don't seem cohesive with the rest of the vocal performance. The first real sustained notes (around 1:50), try creating a prefader send to reverb (prefader isn't normal for verb) and automate an increase in verb with a simultaneous drop in the channels main fader level for increased effect...just an idea. On the whole I think it may be a tad long for it's current production, and you may find yourself losing your listener around 3:30 b/c of this. Keep this version, and possibly think about a shorter 'reprise' version. You might also want to seek out a couple of collaborators here on the forum to provide you with some real drum tracks and possibly an upright bass. With small trap/jazz drum kit, you could easily use the filtered loop as a production tool to lend emphasis to sections or add more contrast in sound b/w verse, chorus, and bridge/solo area (helping to counteract the modern listener's short attention span).



1. I totally agree about the vocal style. The uncomfortable blend of folk and funk is evidence that I am faking the funk.

2. About the prefader reverb: should I continually increase-it/decrease-track-volume over the course of the entire note, or just initially and fairly quickly? What effect am I listening for?

3. The length: yeah. I already cut a verse, if you can believe it. And I'd love to use real musicians...someday...someday...

Chris Cavell 07-30-2005 07:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

2. About the prefader reverb: should I continually increase-it/decrease-track-volume over the course of the entire note, or just initially and fairly quickly? What effect am I listening for?

JR, you'd slowly (over the course of the note) raise the prefader send to verb while simultaneously slowly lowering the track fader (over the course of the note). This will have the effect of making the track much wetter (more reverberant) over the course of the note without an actual change in overall volume. After the note in question, return the faders to normal positions. (You can create a second send to the reverb, setup in prefader mode, that you only use for this single effect...so that you still have your regular verb control over the rest of the tune.) Basically, you'd be crossfading over the course of the note from your regular vox to a 100% wet vox...but with faders as opposed to editing a crossfade b/w regions.

Did I get the idea across better this time around?


Jack Rabbit 07-30-2005 07:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

(You can create a second send to the reverb, setup in prefader mode, that you only use for this single effect...so that you still have your regular verb control over the rest of the tune.) Basically, you'd be crossfading over the course of the note from your regular vox to a 100% wet vox...but with faders as opposed to editing a crossfade b/w regions.

Did I get the idea across better this time around?


Yes, thanks.

DR.Loop 07-30-2005 07:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Chris for the listen and input! This is what i want to hear.

Low end has always been a issue in my tunes. Tough to get it dialed in.(For me anyways)

Thanks again


Chris Cavell 07-30-2005 07:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Chris for the listen and input! This is what i want to hear.

Low end has always been a issue in my tunes. Tough to get it dialed in.(For me anyways)

Thanks again


Bob, a good rule of thumb when dialing in your rough mix is to cut out a substantial amount of bass on any tracks that are panned pretty wide (start w/ a high pass somewhere b/w 250 and 350 Hz). If the tracks in question were recorded using a coincident (xy, ms, blumlein, etc.) or near coincident (ortf, decca tree, etc.) you may want to try nudging one side a sample at a time until the bass frequencies lock together phase-wise, which will send all the bass frequencies to the center of the stereo image. When bass sources are hard panned, slight differences in phase b/w the two often totally cloud (read as 'make muddy') the entire bottom end of an otherwise perfectly acceptable mix.

Hope that helps,

GORILLA 07-30-2005 07:58 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Finally we have MP3's instead of stupid real media here they are....


Nice stuff. So was this done on a 002 or 001? Also none of your gallery pics show up on your site.

DR.Loop 07-31-2005 06:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Excellent Chris. I am looking forward to getting back into a couple of these mixes and doing what you have suggested here.

Thank you again Chris.


HotRats 07-31-2005 07:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


HotRats song downloads fully for me. I've experienced similiar problems before though, if you have a download manager installed you might want to try using that.


I share with you an exercise about dissonance I've made months ago
during a "music for films" course.

Wow man... Can you explain this exercise?

Many thanx for your listening, Stiff.
(may I suppose that my hosting site (altervista.org) works well only within europe?)
Did you enjoy it?

Explain? well...it was just an excercise
our teacher just asked us to write three small "songs" using dissoncances (in classic music meaning. i.e. intervals lika 4th flat 2nd, or clusters).
It's hard for me to exlpain it in engelish.

and that's all. the one you heard is the third one i've made and is build thinkin of
dissonance not only as intervals but also as the result a sound mixture (i.e. the very long feedback made with my sg)

now is holyday time, i'll back in 10 days

HotRats 07-31-2005 07:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Okay...just took some spare time to give a listen to a bunch of the recent ones:


I've got the same issues as Roy downloading your tracks. Try myspace.com (as much as I hate the place). Get a free band/music account and you can upload a couple of tunes for free.

Ok chris, when I'll back form holyday I'll try myspace, and i'll repost everything.

I think that altervista.org (my hosting site) has some problems to cross the ocean and delivery
music to usa

HotRats 07-31-2005 07:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Okay...just took some spare time to give a listen to a bunch of the recent ones:


I've got the same issues as Roy downloading your tracks. Try myspace.com (as much as I hate the place). Get a free band/music account and you can upload a couple of tunes for free.

Ok chris, when I'll back form holyday I'll try myspace, and i'll repost everything.

I think that altervista.org (my hosting site) has some problems to cross the ocean and delivery
music to usa

Sharritan 07-31-2005 09:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Re 'Nothin Losin'...I like the drum tones, but I think they may be a bit hot in the mix, particularly the hat and to a lesser extent the overheads. I can't really discern the kick through the bottom end throughout most of the tune. I think supplementing the kick and snare with soundreplacer tracks blended in would add a much more polished sound to the production. Great vocal performance. From a production standpoint I might compress the vox a bit harder and boost them a smidge. The only thing that really bugs me here is the bottom end. I think more upper mids in the guitars combined with a choice tonal compressor on the bass (which to me sounds a bit weak and "farty") could do wonders. I think that perhaps the lead could come up a tad too. Great work man. I hear alot of potential in this current version, and a careful attention to NOT do anything detrimental to the mix. Well done.

Thanks so mcuh for the feedback Chris. For some reason this one was a little tough for me. I will make some adjustments and repost.

Thanks again.


Chris Cavell 07-31-2005 10:20 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
No problem Scott. Keep in mind that my suggestions are merely that, suggestions and nothing more, based solely on first impressions while I listen to a tune. What I really wanted to emphasize about my first impression of this one is this: you know what you're doing...that's obvious...now stop being so careful with it and approach your mix with fervor, passion, and most importantly, confidence. If something doesn't do the trick...scratch it and try something else. You've definitely got the necessary basics down, now stop approaching it like a classical or jazz recording and dive headfirst into the rock mentality this mix needs. Remember, once you know how to do things by the book, you can choose to throw the book away.

Sevenlights 07-31-2005 01:25 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I tracked the drums here http://www.greenhouse-studios.com/studio1.html on the SSL G series onto Radar. The rest was done on my 002. I used an Apogee AD 800, a Millenia STT1 and a UA 6176 for tracking and ran the sounds back through on mix as well.

Thanks for the heads up on the gallery

fredsparky 07-31-2005 05:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Chris. I'll give it a shot.


Roy Howell 08-01-2005 06:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey you guys...I'm sitting on the beach in Destin, sun's going down...it's gorgeous. Just wanted to say hello... ... You guys take it easy this week.


Chris Cavell 08-01-2005 06:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hope your having a blast Roy!!! Have a margarita for me!


badperson 08-01-2005 08:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
same here, roy, have a great time!!

DR.Loop 08-02-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by DR.Loop

Joz 08-04-2005 02:12 AM

overnightlows new song
Here's a new song by my band I just mixed. But I'm not done.



16yearsjeff 08-04-2005 10:03 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
here you go. i recorded these on my 002rack. me and a friend mixed them in his basement. thanks for checking them out. -jeff


rost 08-04-2005 11:41 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Nice job! Sounds very well done. Did you mic the drums or are they samples?

rost 08-04-2005 11:52 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I agree the "S" are sharp, but its the dynamics that bother me. Maybe some compressor to even things out.It not her singing but rather volume. Ya Know? As for the way she says "thinking", it does sound alittle weird. Kind of like a lysp but its not that bad and I would not have noticed so much if you hadnt pointed it out.

16yearsjeff 08-04-2005 12:14 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Nice job! Sounds very well done. Did you mic the drums or are they samples?

thanks!! the are miced drums. my drummer (brother) would kill me if i sugested samples ( he's a pretty "old school" kind of drummer)

thanks a lot for taking the time to check it out!

Ruben_B 08-04-2005 05:36 PM

Re: overnightlows new song
Hi Joz,
great to hear some new material, i always look forward to it. I really like the song, well done.sounds different to a lot of your other tracks but for me thats a goods thing, adds another dimension to the band. Ive still got 'the breaks' on my playlist since you posted it here

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