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IntelDoc 05-20-2005 01:05 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Agreed, what Justin said, but I still think that this is not all 002 stuff. I remember last time that you said it was tracked on a large console (ssl I think) and mixed on the 002?

Still good sound, definitely West Coast sound. A lot of "No Doubt" in there which is cool since Gwen has gone off and gone "BANANA'S" (NOTE: that was the worst song ever that she could have done... and to think that it was a hit???)

Seriously though, you guys have a great sound, probably great gear and patience enough to do your own recording. YOu are engineering it correct?

Good stuff, and always nice to hear the tunes.

Keep it up!
- Doc

IntelDoc 05-20-2005 01:10 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Also... something I have been meaning to ask.. Tell me that your singer ("Ms. Hottie" as I call her) did not do this recording with a SM-57? I know that Joan Jett (sp?) did her entire first few albums with this mic, but is that at band practice or something (your web pics?)

Good on ya for drinking DARK beer too BTW

Also, listening to this, and I remember you had a long explanation on the last song post, but you are not necessarily panning your drums (ov's) that hard are ya?

- Doc

bigbubbaj 05-20-2005 01:13 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
You are just mad because he gets good sound without all them fancy preamps! Your clients will NEVER sound like that!

Seriously, I recall he said they tracked a few songs in a large format studio, but that they have been using the 002 for all the rest of the stuff.

IntelDoc 05-20-2005 01:16 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

You are just mad because he gets good sound without all them fancy preamps! Your clients will NEVER sound like that!

At least I can call myself a DINK and HAVE "Cients"

"Ya J.A." tu shea! glad you are a friend.... Good clients are hard to find... haha

- Doc

bigbubbaj 05-20-2005 01:18 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

IntelDoc 05-20-2005 01:41 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Did I stress that "Double Income No KID - D.I.N.K." think enough? I guess you could call in TINK if you count the studio?

- Doc

Joz 05-20-2005 04:20 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
thanks everyone!
I recorded only the drums at a big room with an API console. I forgot the mics I used since I recorded those drums 2 years ago and never finished the rest. Vocal mic is that tube RODES thats around $499 I forgot the name of it
Everything else was done with the 002, SM57s, and a crappy rehearsal studio. But I do always use a pair of 1272 Brent Averill pres.
I'll finish mixing the song today. I only worked in this mix for about an hour so far.


This second song was done entirely with my 002 audio chain at the rehearsal studio with crappy mics on drums. You can mainly hear the difference on the overheads.



doylemusic 05-20-2005 04:33 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Neve clone mic pre = $2000
Distressor w/ Brit Mod = $3000
chilling with the kid on the deck = priceless

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 04:40 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

Neve clone mic pre = $2000
Distressor w/ Brit Mod = $3000
chilling with the kid on the deck = priceless

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 05:17 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Here's One of My most recent I'm going to re-work this into a full band type version with a different vocalist possibly for the album.

IntelDoc 05-20-2005 06:26 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

Neve clone mic pre = $2000
Distressor w/ Brit Mod = $3000
chilling with the kid on the deck = priceless

For everything else, there's Pro Tools 002....

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 06:28 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

doylemusic 05-20-2005 08:43 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
I still have an 001

Hey, when you going HD?

IntelDoc 05-21-2005 08:42 AM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Next year... no need yet.... Gotta make profit this year.

badperson 05-21-2005 09:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Come on, is it that bad that I deserve no feedback?


Hi all.

We you be so gentle and tell me what you think of these two songs on
regarding the mix, and regarding the music itself?

Done at home alone with my computer.


I like "do you remember a lot." simple, tasteful arrangement and production.

The second tune was cool,but didn't stand out like the other one did to me. Good vox/songwriting.

MeAlien27 05-21-2005 10:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
here's my bands latest recordings:

or here:

recorded in a basement with an 001, mastered with waves...im very happy with the results.

Roy Howell 05-21-2005 01:51 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Killer job on 'where do we go'...love the tight guit parts and overall sounds. Always a pleasure to listen to your stuff.


IntelDoc 05-21-2005 05:39 PM

Here is a band that I have been working with. We did 4 songs, here are 2.

I like the second better... tings seemed to gel a lot easier.

NHD - Ya Believe It

NHD - Danny Story


- Doc

Joz 05-21-2005 05:48 PM

Overnight Lows
Thanks Roy,

Heres a much better version with alot of improvements.


Voideco 05-21-2005 08:50 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

Here's One of My most recent I'm going to re-work this into a full band type version with a different vocalist possibly for the album.

He Superpenguin that sounds cool and relaxed. Very peaceful. Just me, but I imagined some stronger parts coming later in the song. But that's just me picturing dark tunes..... Very cool song!


Voideco 05-21-2005 08:54 PM


Here is a band that I have been working with. We did 4 songs, here are 2.

I like the second better... tings seemed to gel a lot easier.

NHD - Ya Believe It

NHD - Danny Story


- Doc

Clicked the upper link. If there's any heavy rock I'd listen to these days this would perfectly be the guitarsound for me. Very strong, all sounds sharp. Genre not my taste though but what the heck! Good project.


Voideco 05-21-2005 09:01 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Thanks Roy,

Heres a much better version with alot of improvements.


Send me a mail when you come on MTV! Ready for take off!

Some very interesting things coming out here these days. Will be going to make my first recordings from my new Crate guitaramp tomorrow afternoon and post some mp3's.


IntelDoc 05-21-2005 09:04 PM

Thanks, they were interesting for sure. I just want a band that has a vocal ability too.

I dig the guitars though.


- Doc

Chuck5021 05-21-2005 10:16 PM

Lions, Tigers, and Bears!
Hi Everyone!

Here's some of my most recent work. It's a band called Lions, Tigers, and Bears. The link is to their webpage but the tunes are playable right from the main page. I hope you enjoy, and PLEASE PLEASE comment and let me know what you think. I need criticism!

Lions and Tigers and Bears...OH MY!


superpenguin79 05-21-2005 11:26 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

He Superpenguin that sounds cool and relaxed. Very peaceful. Just me, but I imagined some stronger parts coming later in the song. But that's just me picturing dark tunes..... Very cool song!

Thanks Voideco, yeah this one is just a demo of a track that I am working on for a new project called One Mile Away actually. The Finished version is going to be completely different from the acoustic demo version. Just writing and getting feedback on material sort of at the moment at this stage as it develops.

I have a dark one that I will have to post for you also, have to get it coded into an mp3 first though and online. Maybe in the next week... btw.. by dark you mean heavier sounding music, or darker mood? Thanks again for the listen, I appreciate it. peace

Pete Bradt 05-22-2005 12:08 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's a song demo I took to my band. I played all the instruments and please, forgive my wretched singing.

An original song

El-Kamfer 05-22-2005 02:27 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Here's a song demo I took to my band. I played all the instruments and please, forgive my wretched singing.

An original song

yeaaa booooyjiiii! rock`n roll
hehe..very cool that you play everything yourself.
played with a click ?
it works great to send to your bandmates and stuff.

Pete Bradt 05-22-2005 08:44 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Yes, played with a click.

I'm an old fart, rock and roll, blues and country are what I do. Wish I could have played piano on it.

Hypnotist 05-22-2005 02:15 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's one I did in the box with Reason for all the sounds.


IntelDoc 05-22-2005 02:37 PM

Here are the three with changes and bmped up the guitars a tad. I like One More Day the best.


- Doc

Voideco 05-23-2005 12:34 AM

Re: new Overnight Lows

by dark you mean heavier sounding music, or darker mood?

I mean heavier sounds, bit more agressive and yes you could say darker mood. IMO that can contain a positive energy too.

But anyway this tune is good as it is now, no need to make it heavier......


Joz 05-23-2005 04:55 AM

Overnight Lows
Ok this is the final mix, I promise It's punchier and it has a new intro that it needed! The intro sounds so good it even sounds like samples, but its real drums with some delay on the rimshots.

superpenguin79 05-23-2005 07:54 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Here's one I did with some Jazz type folks this weekend. Its sort of a Jazz funk thing. I am calling it: Coffee Buzz I am doing the bass work on this one jamming with these guys.

wonderfall 05-23-2005 09:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks jstunner.


I'd add just a touch of a high frequncey boost to add some "air" to your vocals as I think it will bring out the natural rasp in your voice

Really? I find it full of highs on my stereo... but well I don't even have monitors to control better...


wonderfall 05-23-2005 09:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the feedback, superpenguin79 (linux fan?).


The one thing I would suggest is to bring up the mix a little bit and make it a little more punchier for the first half of the song with the acoustic and vox. I was sitting here playing with my stereo volume to bring it up and down kinda.

I agree it could be louder for the first part of the song... I tried that, but then I find the transition to the fuller part disappointing... that is, what should sound a lot stronger than the guitar and voice ends up sounding less present then them...
How would you do it so that it is still big change in volume when every instrument enters?


wonderfall 05-23-2005 09:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank you BadPerson (not that bad to me I'd say)


I like "do you remember a lot." simple, tasteful arrangement and production.

The second tune was cool,but didn't stand out like the other one did to me. Good vox/songwriting.

It actually seems that "Do you remember" gets more votes...
Thanks for the good words.


superpenguin79 05-23-2005 10:33 AM

Re: new Overnight Lows

I mean heavier sounds, bit more agressive and yes you could say darker mood. IMO that can contain a positive energy too.

But anyway this tune is good as it is now, no need to make it heavier......

cool, I will re-work it into a full band version as is then. Thanks again for the listen. peace

superpenguin79 05-23-2005 10:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the feedback, superpenguin79 (linux fan?).


The one thing I would suggest is to bring up the mix a little bit and make it a little more punchier for the first half of the song with the acoustic and vox. I was sitting here playing with my stereo volume to bring it up and down kinda.

I agree it could be louder for the first part of the song... I tried that, but then I find the transition to the fuller part disappointing... that is, what should sound a lot stronger than the guitar and voice ends up sounding less present then them...
How would you do it so that it is still big change in volume when every instrument enters?


Hey Wonderfall, lol long story about the penguin thing actually.... Lets just say I play in a band that has a fan that attempted to guess who I was to win a prize on a message board and guessed that I was a penguin that followed her around while playing guitar and asking for bannana's.... anywho....

you could maybe try some panning tricks when the full band comes into the mix man. For example, maybe leave the acoustic and your vocals pretty centered for the song til the full band comes in and then have everything come in from the right and left all at once to hit the listener. I like doing that with distorted guitars on rock bands to make the band hit personally. heheh Let me know how it goes, and if you like feel free to e-mail me and we could chat also anytime. peace

IntelDoc 05-23-2005 11:46 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey man, I really like the intro you did with that tune. I would actually mess with it and that little "warble" sound I would build even more before the song starts in. I would maybe even try to CUT the drums completely out right before so all you would hear was that effect and then "BOOM!" the tune would start up. Sounds good though and those are just some other ideas. I think a stronger build would make it even more of a powerful entry to the song starting.

Nice use of filtering and cutting too.

- Doc

Joz 05-23-2005 05:17 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Doc, I like the cutting the drums idea! I'll mess around with that tonight.


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