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PookaStew 10-06-2007 06:23 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!




I've uploaded a song called "Kentucky Train" on MySpace...
Hope you like it.



Love it -- and requested to be friends.

Who did the drums?

Thank you for your kind words, and I accepted your request just now... Your music is awesome.
The drums are made with a little friend called "EZ Drummer", actually, that's one of my best friends for the moment.

Take care, and again, thanks.


Thanks. Wow, that's a good program, or at least good programming on your part. Rock on, Garth.

KingAce 10-06-2007 10:42 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Tell me what you think...!


Roy Howell 10-07-2007 05:01 PM

Latest stuff...
This is a collaboration called 'Burn'......thanks for listening.


Lead vox- Bunnerabb
BGVs- AnnaB
Drums/percussion- Dikedoux
Fretless bass- Ella
Song, guitars, etc.- Roy
Mix- Pimp-X


daveseviltwin 10-08-2007 08:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
First time I've ever posted on the DUC without a technical issue. Here are a few mixes in progress on myspace. Suggestions and constructive criticism would be great. Unity Gain Recording

I've really enjoyed listening to all of your guys tunes.

Joz 10-13-2007 11:16 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Here's a new one



sonicbop 10-17-2007 05:22 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Hi Folks, long time troll, first time time to post. Here's one I'm working on. pre master. The audio in front and behind actually came through the guitar amp after he stopped playing. thought i'd throw it in, they seemed to like it. Just fishing for feedback, Thanks!!

The tune is Dimond Tuck. (myspace)

Dimond Tuck

rgdrummer 10-19-2007 02:31 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Magnus, great song. Strong mix. Get that dang thing to Nashville and make some $$$$$$$.

jpf99 10-20-2007 11:24 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
all these were done on mbox w/ PT le 7.1 w PPC G5, 4gb ram,KRK rokit 5's etc. some real drums were cut at Mad Dog and Sonoho in Burbank and No Ho then mixed here.. "Your Not Alone" was mixed completely ITB here "Runnin Wild" and "Drive" were mixed here ITB but then mastered in UK as part of mastering contest prize from SOS magazine..Prisoner was mixed by Luke Fletcher in UK as part of same magazines "mix rescue " feature lol any hoo comments welcome peace out from windy Burbank

Jack Rabbit 10-21-2007 04:59 AM

Hi all. Just wanted to report, for anyone interested, on my post-PTLE experience. About three months ago, I got so fed up with Windows (not PTLE, mind you, Windows), that I drove two hours to the nearest Apple Store and payed retail plus VAT for a new MacBook Pro and LogicPro. Here is my impression: PTLE is like a stripped down Audi, LogicPro a fully-loaded VW. For now, I am content to distract myself from the poorer performance and handling by playing with the sunroof, the heated seats, the fog lights, and the GPS. But, my dream car is still a full-blown ProTools TDM system (a fully-loaded Audi S4). Still fed up with Windows, so I guess that'd be on a Mac. Live and learn.

Some things I prefer about PTLE: (1) Sound editing! Holy crap, you guys don't know how good you have it. (2) Fades. No automatic nonlinear fades in LP, as far as I can tell, though envelope drawing seems pretty robust. (3) ReWire simpler. I adore Reason, so this is a big deal to me. (4) Less cute. More businesslike. (5) Algorithms for bundled effects (DigiRack) are cleaner, I think. DigiVerb is so good, I don't know why people spend money on Waves and other stuff. LP has lots of toys, but they're plastic and break easy. (6) This community (DUC). Nothing like it in LogicLand.

Some things I prefer about LP: (1) Navigation. Ergonomics much better than PTLE. This is not a look & feel thing, I'm talking about simply getting to where you need to be in the song, zooming, etc. (2) Punching. Simpler, more intuitive. (3) Some things make a bit more sense, like single keystroke toggling to global automation...you guys would love it! (4) I guess the MIDI editing is a little better (this is LogicPro's big claim to fame), but people must be doing heavy-duty, precise editing (which I'm not) to care that much (which I don't).

Some things I prefer about Windows: not a [bleep] thing.

Some things I prefer about Mac: as Bill Hicks once said, "you can stop your interior dialogue"...it's just better. Try it.

I suppose I could go on. Truth is, at my level, DAW doesn't matter (though platform is a serious issue), I acknowledge this. Anyway, here are my first three LogicPro recordings:

There You Were In My Room

A Song About A Cat

The Mountains Of Tomorrow

Wheeltard 10-21-2007 07:08 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Sounds really, really good. Very impressed. The musicianship is first rate as is the songwriting. Not to be a smartass, but I think you need the contraction for Your not alone -- as in "You're not alone." Great stuff, man.

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