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Joz 09-07-2007 09:15 PM

Overnight Lows
Here's my new one


luffe 09-08-2007 04:01 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

Here's my new one


Joz.....this is EXCELLENT - nothing less! But tell me, what equipment was used for this recording - not a Digi mini..eehhh???

Best regards,


IntelDoc 09-08-2007 01:37 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Here's my new one


Sounds great man! I am happy to hear that you guys went a different route with your sound. The older stuff was very "No Doubt-Gwen" like and thi stuff is new and a better sound for you guys I think. I will definitely add this to my collection of your past work. Very cool stuff as always man.

Like the distant reverb vocal part towards the end too. Very fitting.

Great guitar tones as usual. You still doing that sheen high cut/low cut vocal trick too I hear?

Cool stuff

P.S. Still in love with your singer.

Joz 09-08-2007 03:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Luffe, my signal chain is, Brent Averill 1272 pres - Rosetta - 002.

Chris, I'm glad you like our progress. I don't use that shimmer vocal trick anymore, I just EQ it more and use 2 compressors with different attacks.



IntelDoc 09-08-2007 06:30 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Ya I have been gain staging alot lately these days as well. With the new setup and 25 channels of analog gear tied to my Apogees as a hardware insert it is easy to do. Love the hardware plugin ability that HD gives me. Pretty slick setup man. 32in, 48 out. All summed to a 16 channel API DSM setup. Writing back in with a Benchmark ADC-1 via AES. Slick....

Soundsd good man, keep it up!


luffe 09-09-2007 11:49 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hi Joz.

When I wrote Digi mini I was joking. I thought your recording was made in a HD system and not LE........

I am impressed of what you have obtained with the 002, really! It sounds very very pro to me. I recently bought the Digi 003 factory and I am in the process of learning as recording is all new to me. So frankly I am surprised that it is possible to get the recording sounding as your song "Are You Ready"

I hope one day my recordings will sound as good as that, but until then I guess I'll have to experiment a lot... Frankly I would give a leg - maybe two - for your song in a ProTools session to see how you do all this....

The band is all great but that singer....man she's good and looks nice also

Best regards and good luck with your music...I'll be looking out for more songs from you


IntelDoc 09-09-2007 02:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
I think that he is using other pre's though. Not the Digi ones....

Joz 09-09-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Yeah I'm using the Brent Averill pres. I'm 100% bypassing the 002. The 002 its just a big dongle to me.


IntelDoc 09-09-2007 03:17 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Yeah I'm using the Brent Averill pres. I'm 100% bypassing the 002. The 002 its just a big dongle to me.


Smart move!!! ;-) Did it for years with my pre's.

Sounds great.


Scorpio253 09-09-2007 09:35 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
What plugs did you mix "Are You Ready" with?

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