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Greg B 06-05-2007 12:35 PM

Re: Here\'s a love song to a Volkswagen

All your work is awesome guys.

Ill post some stuff soon just got my 002 rack

I love Super Beetle man that stuff is catchy as hell.

The stuff you guys are making is whats missing in todays mainstream music !!!

Thank you Kenny. Believe me, we never made a decision to be "missing from mainstream music", but we certainly are!! We had a great time making these two CDs on our own, but it was an unbelievable amount of work. My hat's off to anyone who can do it. I just hope that 50-100 people hear it and enjoy it. Anything after that is gravy.



blkdog7 06-11-2007 10:19 PM

Re: Need some help with this mix
Here's a little something my band and I worked on tonight.

I'd love to hear what you all thought and would love to hear some criticism as well!

Thanks in advance:


augiealexander 06-22-2007 06:41 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Song number 2 - PINK TRUCK - I just finished on my old OS9 - 001 system. I'd love to upgrade, but my old system has been trouble free.


marllee 06-22-2007 12:03 PM

Re: Here\'s a love song to a Volkswagen
here's new one - it's called tempermental - rough Ver.1 - i'm still teaking it but let me know what you think


marllee 06-22-2007 12:03 PM

Re: Here\'s a love song to a Volkswagen
here's a new one - it's called tempermental - rough Ver.1 - i'm still teaking it but let me know what you think


DJ Romy 06-26-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Give me shout guys..


ttamnedloh 06-28-2007 01:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi everyone. My name is Matt Holden and I have had a 002 for about a year now but never got around to posting on the user conference. I signed up today at work and saw this post. I don't have any speakers so I can't check out tunes here but I will when I get home. This seemed like a good way to meet some other people and pick your brains. I have a website www.mattholden.net which is currently just linked to my myspace page. I did everything on the 002 including the band videos. I'm not real good at mixing really and want some advice on mixing and mastering. I have a ton of plug ins but don't know how to use most of them. Anyway any advice or constructive criticism would be cool. Matt Holden

Roy Howell 06-29-2007 01:05 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is a guitar and mandolin instrumental piece. Thanks for listening.


desperation beauty

spkguitar 06-29-2007 02:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Absolutely fabulous as usual Roy.

Roy Howell 06-30-2007 01:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Absolutely fabulous as usual Roy.

Thanks so much, Shawn...

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