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davec 02-23-2006 10:55 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...

I did a remix of my song. http://www.songramp.com/view.ez?sampleid=41858
It still needs work but I'm pretty happy with it as my first mix and mastering exercise. I'll probably come back to it after a while, but I'm moving on to other fun stuff.

Any advice or input would be appreciated.
Take care,

Tard, sorry I thought I answered you sounds good, good tune. If you want I can try to harmonize it...

musicman9 02-23-2006 11:11 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Check this out

Classical Wealth Sutton Place


Music is the one thing in life that can get down and touch someone's heart. No matter what race, color or religion.

theoneandonlyone 02-24-2006 05:42 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
I listened to the vocal and its melody. I felt something else when I first heard. I will have to listen to it over and over to covert what I felt to the melody of the feeling I felt. It will take me a few days to put it down. Only able to work on it at night. I can listen to it in my office but cant record there..hahaha.
When I get it on tape I will list it for you. It has a damn nice feel.

Roy Howell 02-24-2006 09:22 PM

Re: A little heavier side of things....


One of these songs didnt have vocals way back when and you wanted to hear some vocs. Im sure it's not your thing but here ya go :-)

Mark...the link isn't working...I do want to hear it.


Roy Howell 02-24-2006 09:34 PM

Re: No Edge

here's a new recording of an old song, reflecting my new adventures in nylon..........I'm practising two things: 1. arranging, and 2. getting a clean recording. Give a listen; give opinions when you awake.

A Room In The Attic

Roy, I really dig that modal minor on Gypsy Heart...also, the expertly articulated harmonics (2:24)...and the ambient sounds and the cool tag at the end. It's funny: clearly your tastes run towards the aggressive, but you are certainly inspired when you are gentle (like the beginning of Rattlesnake Ugly). Danka shen.

Jack Rabbit...'A Room in the Attic'...very nice, very creative as usual, and very enjoyable to listen to as usual. Nice job recording your nylon stringed guitar too. (I was just playing mine yesterday too... ).

Really nice song...


Roy Howell 02-24-2006 11:44 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...

..... I wrote a vocal melody to one of Roy Howell's pieces called Moonbean Seduction...


Nick...I lost my copy of that in a crash quite a while back...email it to me if you can. (I really liked what you did on it).


Roy Howell 02-25-2006 03:20 PM

Re: New Client...
Shawn Ames-

Hey folks... I've got a new client and I'm working on a new single for them... I mainly work alone and I'm really needing a second set of ears for this one... if you get a chance, give this tune a listen and give me your 2 cents.

Shawn...guitars sound great...vocal sounds great too. I would like to hear more kick and bass(low end in general)...I think it would help immensely...but you're doing a great job, IMO. Good song! Thanks for the listen.


madcow 02-25-2006 11:24 PM

Re: A little heavier side of things....



One of these songs didnt have vocals way back when and you wanted to hear some vocs. Im sure it's not your thing but here ya go :-)

Mark...the link isn't working...I do want to hear it.


My bad... we had to change our name. Corrected link above..


mmeskinas 02-26-2006 01:36 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Roy is right.
thanks .Darius peace.

Finne 02-26-2006 04:25 AM

Re: A little heavier side of things....
Ruogh rock. I love that attitude.

Drums are boxy, otherwise it sounds professional.

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