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Roy Howell 05-14-2005 04:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Nice job programming this...some very good sounds too. I enjoyed listening...


JonM 05-15-2005 06:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Stunning. The vocals seem like appendages rather than the core of the song. The guitar sound (performance) was hypnotic. Do more. Really enjoyed it.

OK, I've searched back a few pages and can't find any other Jons, so I guess you must have directed this at me?? Are you sure you didn't type the name wrong in there?

But thanks. I appreciate it. There's more up there if you're brave enough to listen.

powerjoe 05-15-2005 04:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I am posting a fairly unmixed thingy I was doing for a blues/ rock band. It's instrumental, but they are okay players I think. I am new to this part of Pro Tools.

So, there are heaps of pops and clicks and stuff from the guitar, and I need to cover them I guess.

Please, criticize. I threw up some reverb and a tiny bit of eq just so I could tolerate it.

Fire away!

Down in a Hole....

~ J

bigbubbaj 05-15-2005 04:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The guitar sounds way thin...that's an amp mic'd right? was he on 2 or something?

Sounds like DI...hmmm.. you can reamp it...he'll never know!

Drums sound great!

powerjoe 05-15-2005 05:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks big -

He's straight into the 002 using Amplitube. I think it sounds way thin too. But he liked the sound. A little tin-ney for me though. We did a left and right pan of the duped track with different settings. I think I am going to drop the high end a bit and ride up the mids. That might give it some more body.

Thanks about the drums. They sound alright I guess. What about the bass guitar and overall bass of song?

I could use some more input if anyone has time. Thanks again. Keep it coming please.

~ J

IntelDoc 05-15-2005 06:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The guitars actually have a great blues sound for amplitube. I have never had luck with that plugin, but I also have an original 65 bassman blackface that takes first for blues too though.

Agreed that they are somewhat thin, but I think for that tune it seems to fit.

Nice kick drum.... Seems that the hat is a tad more centered than I like, but all and all, great sounds. Nice deep ended snare with pop.

good job.

Oh ya, I especially like the missed harmonic at 1:57... doh....

- Doc

powerjoe 05-15-2005 07:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Doc,

Thanks very much for your feedback. I have number or Amplitude presets that I think are fairly good for blues and rock. Aside from the "thinness" of the 2 patches in this tune (left and right panned) they can sound pretty good. Frankly, I prefer them to Guitar Rig. Call me silly. Of course the Blackface you have is really, the only way to go. The POD Xt Pro has a pretty good emulator for the Blackface, but NOTHING beats the real thing.

Funny, some musicians want to keep the weirdest and sometimes most awful mistakes in their tunes. In this case, he thought it gave the track some "realism". I think it just sounds like a mistake. Ha! But, what do "I" know, I just work here.

Anything else I can do besides panning that hat a little more left? Thanks about the bass drums. I like 'em too. Pretty straight forward triggering of DFHS samples on the whole kit. I don't think we used any of the real acoustic drums sounds on this one.

Do you know anything about re-amping with a POD Pro? If you do and can give me a quick lesson, well, I'll spring for the Zuchinni bread.

More comments? Please!


~ J

IntelDoc 05-15-2005 08:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
For re-amping all you really do is run a line out to the preamp and then put it back into Pro Tools. That is about it. If you wanted, you could mic up a cab too. That is how I do it. Usually guys run a direct signal as well as a mic'd signal to have the ability to send a original signal to a cabinet. I run out to say the 85 JCM and then into the bogner 4x12. mic that up and send it to a pre of choice and then into Pro Tools, or a compressor. Just depends. But, ya man, send out a channel with output say 7 to your Pod and then digital back in. Mess around until the sound you want is there and you are money.

Good luck,

- Doc

P.S. the blackface even has the original tubes. Getting it worked on though... Gonna be sweet and putting a grounded plug in too.


powerjoe 05-15-2005 08:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ah cool. I can't wait to hear how that thing sounds when you get it "touched up".

About reamping:

I'd like to be able to use the reamp function on a POd Pro that I have. I can send a dry (digital) signal to a track in PTLE and monitor the processed signal at the same time. But, my confusion lies in reamping that dry signal. The POD manual is great save for that section. So, I can input that signal (via SPDIF) back into the POD, but I cannot seem to get a level in PTLE for it. Weird. I have the ins set up correctly in the POD, but I guess I am confused on how PTLE "sends" the signal through the POD Pro and back to PTLE.

I am so stupid sometimes. I checked the Line6 forum for an idiot's guide, but to no avail. Ever use one of these?

~ J

ConnorRaus 05-16-2005 04:11 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
i did these tracks last march


i have dual g5, digi002 rack and a command 8

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