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powerjoe 05-07-2005 09:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by powerjoe

powerjoe 05-07-2005 10:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by powerjoe

Voideco 05-08-2005 04:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I got it!

More Capital "T"!!

Oh yeah!

Song just starts playing here, good start. This one's got balls! Could use some vocals or so, it doesn't really come to a climax. But well played and the mix is ok too.

Like to here this one in a further stade.



Voideco 05-08-2005 04:35 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

Do you 3 mind checking this out and shooting me some feedback? I already posted it but hadnt heard back.

The china sounds awful, I know, however I only used one overhead so I cant seem to filter it out.

Talk soon and thanks in advance.

I Know

Good song, I like it not going too bangy on drums and guitars. Meaning, there's good melody in it and not too much 'violence' in the song. Voice sounds intruiging to me.
Mixwise, this sounds ok to my ears, perhaps you could improve some details to your likings. This would be the finer work....



powerjoe 05-08-2005 07:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by powerjoe

Wicked-Mama 05-08-2005 12:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all, 3 songs to hear on my site : www.i-snor.com

The site is only in french for the moment, but wait for 2 weeks ! All you have to do is click on "français", then on the little dog icon on the top of the landscape, and choose your song...

- "Ovale" is a very complicate mix, all done in Pro Tools LE with high end gear attached and a lot of patience. Please note that I have played this one live... alone ! Only an extract here, as the piece is 8 mn long, but wait for the big drums !

- "Peur du Noir" means "afraid of the dark", it's a terrifying one I guess, as I wanted to re-create a childish fear. The mix is simpler but the ambiance is quite "hard"...

- "Superstar" is a more classical thing, made in fact as a song for a movie, here in France. Vocal, guitar, bass and drums.

Please note that I have played everything here except the bass on Ovale and Superstar...

Thanks for your comments guys, and congrats for your work Doc, Roy and the others... I'm listening to many of your stuff at the moment - most of them very well done ! Will post comments in a while.


Voideco 05-08-2005 12:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


What "Huh?" Did you think your song's all finished? What do you want with posting your song? Where's your brains? Get your head out of your *ss!!


powerjoe 05-08-2005 12:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by powerjoe

bigbubbaj 05-08-2005 12:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
It's all ok fellas lets have a group hug and not ruin the vibe of this nice thread.

Voideco 05-08-2005 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


What's with this hostility? So now just because someone can't understand you, you swear at them and use hostile language? HUH?

Take it easy little man. I am not certain you know this (or would admit it), but your English (on a primarily English forum) may not be easy for English speaking people to understand.

This is supposed to be fun. And, I did not ask for a critique. It is not supposed to have lyrics, it is supposed to emulate the American sound of the 70's. Understand?

Now, crawl back in your little Socialist hole and have a good day.

Ahh, you take it for critique that I suggested some lyrics or vocals in your song? It's not that, it's only a suggestion, merely pointing out that, although I like the overall sound of your song, in my opinion it's not yet finished. Seems to have hurt a lot.

How many foreign languages do you speak? Did it ever occur to you that somebody who's mother language is not English (or American if you like) does the best he can approaching you English talking people and that you as such are in a very comfortable position there? How much more convenience do you want? For someone showing his enthousiasm like I did I think you could have shown some more interest than only "Huh?" That's why I got hostile.

Now you powerful american dreamboy seem to like politics a lot, considering your reply which is as emotional and irrational as my prior reply to your impolite reaction. However I don't consider myself a socialist and as far as I know I didn't vent any opinions making me look as one. So where you got that from, well, guess you have to be American to understand that. I mean, the real American man, maybe like Sylvester Stallone or so.....

Yes, better no lyrics in your song, that'd be a disaster. I like the vibe though, really. Think it's a good concept but to say it could use some more in it proved to be too insulting for you, so I'll stick to saying: Marvellous, fantastic, a masterpiece, great job! Nothing more to add to it.

Does that feel better? Do you understand now? There may be some errors in my writing but you'll certainly understand their literate meaning. If not, well, that'd explain more about you but I don't think anyone would benefit from that.



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