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Jack Rabbit 02-19-2005 07:42 PM

Re: Valentine\'s Day

Just listened to 'Bear'...very touching song, and well done....

Thanks, Roy. Please stand by...elected to stay home and mix this weekend...

Finne 02-20-2005 03:17 AM

Oh no, again new song from Rotten!!!


It is about terrorism; politicians tell us that poverty is reason of terrorism. That is untrue, because terrorists have political goals and terror is not cheap.

All comments are welcome.

Gene Backlin 02-20-2005 08:32 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Well, I worked a bit with the concert and here is another movement from the recital. Once again if you are not into classical, this will definitely put you to sleep.


Take Care,

Roy Howell 02-20-2005 03:15 PM

Re: New Music!
Listened to both 'super duper' and 'satan's claws'.....the profanity is a little over the top for me personally, but the productions are well done...drums, bass, and guitars sound great.
Post more when you can...


Roy Howell 02-20-2005 04:08 PM

Re: Valentine\'s Day

Thanks, Roy. Please stand by...elected to stay home and mix this weekend...

Great... ...looking forward to the mix.


Roy Howell 02-21-2005 12:58 PM

Re: Terror

Oh no, again new song from Rotten!!!


It is about terrorism; politicians tell us that poverty is reason of terrorism. That is untrue, because terrorists have political goals and terror is not cheap.

All comments are welcome.

Sounds great...good job on the mix. One of these days, I will surprise you with my fluent Finnish, but until then, the music sounds really good.


Roy Howell 02-21-2005 02:07 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Well, I worked a bit with the concert and here is another movement from the recital. Once again if you are not into classical, this will definitely put you to sleep.


Take Care,

Very cool, Gene...so, the first one you posted was by Franck, right? What did you do differently on this Brahms mix?


skip b 02-21-2005 03:31 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Once again if you are not into classical, this will definitely put you to sleep.

Quite the contrary Gene,I love this kind of music.Classical seems to soothe me when I'm in a bad mood.You can always tell what kind of mood the author was in when you listen.Very good recording by the way.Cheers

Gene Backlin 02-21-2005 04:16 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Very cool, Gene...so, the first one you posted was by Franck, right? What did you do differently on this Brahms mix?

Yes Roy, the first was Franck. I went back into the entire night and pushed the piano back a little more and brought the violin a little more center to take that 'distant' sound that Mark was mentioning.

The setting was a church, but they were about 3 feet from the pews so there was no place in front that I could set up. I set up to the side and from my view the violin was left and the piano was right, but the violin was less than a foot away from the piano. Truthfully, in all the recitals that I had ever played in, I was never that close to the piano.

While there is not a whole lot of difference, but there is some. Enough that the violin is a little more in the picture. I have worked on the Franck also, but left the original mix up to show the slight difference.


Very good recording by the way. Cheers

skip b,

Thank you for your kind words. I have been doing a lot of choral work, and this opportunity came up to help out a friend. I just could not have passed it up. I have Vivaldi's Gloria next week in a church with brass quintet and organ. I'm really looking forward to it.

Thank you both for the listen !

Take Care,

Roy Howell 02-21-2005 10:12 PM

Re: Latest stuff
There's some cool and interesting things going on in each of these songs...good job on the programming. I think I like 'Bare with Me' the most. Good to hear your new stuff.


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