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powerjoe 01-28-2005 08:49 PM

Re: American Neo-Romantic Techno-Klezmer

I loved this piece. I mean, I really loved it. I think it is well mixed, good seperation and fun lyrics.

Just cool.

Petander 01-28-2005 11:35 PM

Re: American Neo-Romantic Techno-Klezmer


I loved this piece. I mean, I really loved it. I think it is well mixed, good seperation and fun lyrics.

Just cool.

I liked this very much too, so did my wife. Good job, sounds great even on $ 10 PC speakers.

Hats off.

Roy Howell 01-29-2005 12:10 AM

Latest stuff
This is a new one...thanks for listening.


Rattlesnake Ugly

Tamar 01-29-2005 09:55 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Wow, love the talkbox.

Finne 01-29-2005 12:33 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Fine work from Roy. As usual.

Nice trick put low volume inro and then hit hard.

OT: If you wanna laugh, hit the link.

neomodo 01-29-2005 01:12 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Rock and Roll!


yOkO 01-30-2005 01:10 PM

Re: Latest stuff
i´m doing this arrengment of mingus porkypiehat for guitar,
looking further for already done ones,
i heard one from john mclaughlin (my goals beyond album), wich i don´t have,
and another from i don´t know who,
any clues? (not the one from jeff beck, wich i love too, but only guitar)
maybe i could find some partitures,

a little bit of what i'm doing,
i transposed it to E 'cause it's easyer for guit,
only have the real book version, and here in mexico
it's not so easy to find resources,
thank you.

double 01-30-2005 02:57 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Found this one while cleaning off an old drive. It's a song my ex-girlfriend wrote and we recorded while we were dating. hope you like it.

Lacey Welker - Heavenly

IntelDoc 01-30-2005 06:07 PM

Re: Latest stuff
AS usual,
Roy's, Frank Zappa, Steve Vai meets The Man himself "Roy Howell" on a dark street alley song rips it up.... Roy, I think that you should do a song that is FAST! I know you can do it. The driving bass lines with some whacked out shreddin'. You have it in you on that rig of yours!

This song is great! Very smooth and driving.... totally dig the low guitar riffs hidden deep in the background. That little slide guitar fits nice too. Way cool man!

The Dark alley slayer has returned!

C'mon, make a shred song called "Dark Alley Slayer" for me... please!

- Doc

Finne 01-31-2005 05:23 AM

Arbeit macht frei
New Rotten quality song!! This rocks!!

Tapa. (Kill or habit)

Free feel to say anything! Positive or negative.


Very rough translation:

ver1 Autschwitz was 60 years ago, memorial speeches are hypocrite

ch Nazi camps/Balkan was not a lesson, a massacre is handy way to solve subjects
Ruanda was not a lesson, Chechnya will not be a lesson, a massacre is....

ver2 1/3 is killed, Kofi (Annan) got his 2nd term because he promise to forget Chechnya, so he got support of Russia.

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