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rpatterson38 01-23-2005 10:12 AM

Re: PR
Thanks Roy,

I'm doing my own album next month, hope it turns out well...I'll post when I'm mixing.


Buzz Moschetti 01-23-2005 06:31 PM

Re: As clean as I can, for now...
Ahhhhh... Nice all around. Great mix, great EQ, precise and appropriate use of FX -- and the vocals and lyrics mesh with the instruments. I'm keeping this one. :-) I can't seem to find the loon cry, but I might be hearing it and thinking it's the flute.

Only constructive feedback I'll offer is to make the drum pattern a 16 bar repeat instead of 8 (assuming the hi-hat hits are quarters and not eights). The 3/3.5/4.5 snare becomes conspicuous after only a few measures.

Buzz Moschetti 01-23-2005 06:36 PM

Re: New TBR test of the new rooms.


Jack Rabbit, what do you have as far as plugins? You need to get the WAVES bundle with the L2 or the L3. That really helps in getting the signals up. Multiband EQ and Compressor as well.

I tried the Waves demo, and it was the first time I ever had CPU/buffer problems, so I scrapped it and decided to make the most of DigiRack. Since I'm still learning about EQ, my catch-all technique has been to put a compressor on the master and boost the gain until I'm just about to clip. Still, my wav's and mp3's are so quiet...

I asked the same question a while back and most of the answers I got centered around "learn all about mastering." I wasn't trying for a super-hot radio-ready mix, just something as "loud" as, say, a Yes album from 1972. I use the exact same compressor trick yet I still suffer from chronic volumitis.

Buzz Moschetti 01-23-2005 06:54 PM

Re: A sad song.
Happiness is a warm Strat. Nice work. Sometimes it's what you leave out that makes the tune good. OK, that's cliche but I'm stickin' to it.
Which pickup(s) did you use?

Buzz Moschetti 01-23-2005 07:05 PM

Re: Happy New Year
I wish my first ProTools mix sounded like this. It's clear you've got an ear. The electric guitar seems to push other things out of the way during the chorus but there's so much going on in there that you'd really have to fiddle with the mix a LOT to get the levels right. Love the tune.

Buzz Moschetti 01-23-2005 07:23 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Welcome to the digital audio workstation experience. I see you found the audio reverser (or is it the swell?) and it sounds remarkably good here. Also: very creative use of metal chords against the otherwise loose, cyclic clean guitar.

I'd get the bass. Something tells me you'd layer it in nicely.

scottedog 01-23-2005 09:56 PM

Re: A sad song.

Happiness is a warm Strat.


Texas Specials direct in thru my Digimax 96k.

Finne 01-24-2005 01:36 AM

Re: PR

Finne...the link won't work for me. Let me know...I wanna hear it.

It is monday morning and admin of the mikseri.net is back at work.

Try again.

Roy Howell 01-24-2005 12:05 PM

Re: PR
Finally got to hear 'Apu PR'...good job on the mix...and I like the instrumentation...guitars, drums, bass, and Ticky Clav sound good.....very interesting lyric concept too. I still haven't learned Finnish, so thanks for explaining the lyric.
Good job...

Jack Rabbit 01-24-2005 07:26 PM

Re: As clean as I can, for now...

Ahhhhh... Nice all around. Great mix, great EQ, precise and appropriate use of FX -- and the vocals and lyrics mesh with the instruments. I'm keeping this one. :-) I can't seem to find the loon cry, but I might be hearing it and thinking it's the flute.

Only constructive feedback I'll offer is to make the drum pattern a 16 bar repeat instead of 8 (assuming the hi-hat hits are quarters and not eights). The 3/3.5/4.5 snare becomes conspicuous after only a few measures.


Thanks for the listen. I challenged myself to get the best mix I could. Excellent suggestion about the drums. Although I'd like to keep the 8 bar repeat during the fade out (as he marches off to war) because of its martial feel. I'll fix it up. Loon cry is right after second chorus.

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