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badperson 12-09-2004 04:54 AM

Re: Amateur Tunes

After watching the DUC for some time, I boldly place my amateur toolings in the public domain. Don't look for EQ or mastering wizardry here. These are examples of what an amateur can do in a few hours in a back room of an apartment with a 001, a nice sound module (Roland XV-3038), a couple of guitars, and a PodPro. One day I might even put up tunes with lyrics.



could you talk in some detail about how you got these drum sounds? Did you program this stuff on a midi controller/keyboard? I'd love to be able to do this stuff.

lots of great stuff chris/gene et. al., very good work as usual.


Gene Backlin 12-09-2004 05:34 AM

Re: First tunes


That was great, is it going on the Christmas CD?


I am planning to have the choir in their acoustically better music room next Monday-Wednesday. I am probably going to use something from there, if not I have this concert full of Christmas music, and this song is a very strong candidate !

Thank you for listening, and your kind words !

Take Care,

aarontx 12-09-2004 07:02 AM

Re: Let\'s Hear Your Latest
Thank you all for the response, I will try to get the flute part more "humanized" (with some breathing) and then will submit for the DUC Christmas CD.

Thanks for the comments and constructive criticism.



That was cool...I enjoyed it. I like those subtle strings...you should put it on the Christmas cd (if you haven't).

DR.Loop 12-09-2004 07:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Thanks for the Campbell Bros. link...I listened to 'Don't let the Devil Ride'.....really interesting hearing blues played on a steel guitar...very cool.

I saw them here in NY when they opened for Robben Ford at BB King's; a very cool band. Great gospel/blues w/2 steel guitars. They got some great sounds together.

I talk to Chuck Campbell monday and they were leaving tuesday morning for a europe.
They be on tour for about a month there.


Guit4Brains 12-09-2004 09:38 AM

Re: heres one
Sounds cool. Nice honest guitar tone-what amp/mics did you use on them? Did you use a stereo pair or mult. overdubs ...curious, please give details...thnx!

Finne 12-09-2004 10:56 AM

2nd tone
Riku Rotten Project proudly present Toisto.

Feel free to say anything.

Thanx for listening.

Roy Howell 12-09-2004 12:39 PM

Re: Let\'s Hear Your Latest

Not really my latest stuff, but...


Very nice, man...good song, and I like the production style...love the vocals. Drums and guitars sound great. Great job.

Captain_Pants 12-09-2004 01:44 PM

Re: Let\'s Hear Your Latest
Dfranko, I wanted to also state, last night I listened to your track as well(actually, it was like a group listen... ) Anyway,
Yes, I thought it was great too how it was (no offense), but rather simple sounding at the beginning, which worked great, and then kicked up the noise a bit for the chorus. It was pretty cool.

Some things I did notice; and It could just be preference, or me losing my mind, but the drums during the chorus, are they real? In my head I hear slight fluctuations of the tempo, but, I could like I am saying, be going insane.

Anyway, It was a really cool song, And I was impressed. Very cool voice too!


Roy Howell 12-09-2004 10:46 PM

Re: heres one
'whose army'...just great...arrangement, vocals, guitars, drums...all. What's exceptional too is the second half/ending buildup just gets better and better. Very nice, man.

Buzz Moschetti 12-09-2004 11:18 PM

Re: Amateur Tunes
The drums are done via a Kurzweil Midiboard (circa 1987) into a Roland XV-3080 with an expansion drum chip. All pieces of the kit are captured on a single MIDI track. The XV-3080 emits stereo audio which I route to a stereo Aux track (PT LE5.3.1) with a single EQ that pretty much just boosts the 3.5K and 10K areas to brighten the snare and cymbals. The key thing here is the breadth of expressivity that you get out of the chip. For example, within each "kit" there are 3 distinct hi-hat samples (played by different notes), closed tight, medium, and loose, each with its own 4-layer velocity map. The snare has 2 normal samples (center hit and rimshot) plus a flam and a buzz -- each again with a 4-layer vmap that changes timbre as you hit the key harder.

At first the mechanics are pretty straightforward: I play the basic beat on the keyboard directly against the LE metronome. Next, I add fills and, if appropriate, identify blocks of measures that really should have a consistent pattern and copy-and-paste the best measure across the block. Fills are usually added by first slowing the tempo down. Next, I quantize the whole shebang to crispen it up. Now it gets interesting: I change tempos up and down at select transitions to reflect the non-metronomic behavior of human drummers. When the tempo is at 130, for example, and you've got a wicked snare thing going for 2 beats followed by 16th note rolls down the toms for the next 2 beats, I drop the tempo to 127, then 124, then bring it back to 130. On the next chorus, I'll up it to 132 to add "excitement" without making it sound like the tempo actually picked up. Lastly, I'll pay close attention to hi-hat timbre as the stick moves away from the "cymbal." In general, you'll open up the hi-hat a bit on that last hit as you start to swing your body away to address the rest of the kit, so I reflect that by selectively changing the hi-hat notes. It creates a great sense of realism in the output.

I actually do play real drums so I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that knowing how to play real drums helps immensely, especially in knowing when to lay back.

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