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Roy Howell 10-22-2004 02:35 AM

I like the new 'harder' guitar you added(all the guitars sound good)...I liked the setup in the first 45-60ish seconds of 'Cover my face/#1' more than this one...just a little better setup I thought(cleaner, the major/minor melody works better). But it's sounding good....good job so far.

Roy Howell 10-22-2004 03:21 AM

They sound great...really enjoyed both of them...

DR.Loop 10-22-2004 07:20 AM

Yep....I hear you Roy,

I woke up this morning with a new set of ears and A/B them back to back and i must agree with you. Lets see if i can work the new guitar in it somehow. Maybe ...maybe not.


WestPhillySoulzition 10-22-2004 08:32 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


WestPhillySoulzition 10-22-2004 08:33 AM

some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


Chris Cavell 10-22-2004 11:57 AM

Okey dokey everyone...we've got only three submission to the 2004 best of the DUC album contest. I'll give it until monday before I give it it's own thread so the non-regulars of the "let's hear your latest" thread can have a shot too. It doesn't have to be "new"...just something you put up in 2004. Don't feel discouraged if you think your tune doesn't fit the "genre" of the album...the greater the variety the better I think.

Here's the page I'll use for it:

I'm obviously not a web-designer, so if someone could churn something out a little better looking...I'd be very thankful.


Chris Cavell 10-22-2004 12:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Those LSU recordings are great, especially #1 to me(maybe because the strings make it seem cooler.. )...really amazing if just one mike was used...great job as usual.

Now downloading the other new songs to hear tonight...

Thanks Roy! I've made an insane amount of live classical recordings over the years (more than 100 per year for the past 6 years or so is a conservative estimate) I'm not at that job anymore but I've still got several recordings I've hung onto from years past. I think you'd be surprised to see just how many classical recordings are made with a single carefully placed stereo or surround mic. My favorites for this type of "purist" recording style are:

AKG C24 ( link )
akg c426 b comb
neumann sm69 (this link is to the newer reissue...I used to use the original)
I like to use the aforementioned in blumlein configurations; b/c they are all large di and the figure 8 patterns reduce the amount of off axis coloration often found when using m/s with these mics. For m/s I like to use small di's. ( schoeps m/s page )

And for surround there were the schoeps and dpa(or b&k) mics placed in a decca tree configuration. A lot of people like neumanns for this, but I prefer the b&k's. ( streicher's take on the decca tree...it takes a while to load )

If I find the time, I might put up a couple of other classical recordings I'm proud of (Verdi's Requiem kicked butt!!! that would be a good one).

Now that I no longer work at that facility, I don't have those super nice mics at my disposal (sure I could call in favors to friends...but I don't like doing that usually)...I've been thinking about the comparatively super-cheap LSD2 from studio projects ( link ). If it lives up to the reputation of the newfound influx of super-cheap mics...I'll be happy.

Jet Recording 10-22-2004 01:14 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Well, here is my first official recording using my set up. It's a jazz trio. I didnt post the whole tune, just a little over a minute to give you guys a feel for it. I think the overheads may need to come down hair now that i've listened to it again..oh well.

Harbor Street Trio Sample

badperson 10-23-2004 07:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
yeah chris, those choral recordings were both top notch, you got a fantastice sound.

and gene; your "agnus dei" is by far the best thing I've heard you do, you really got a fantastic sound for that one. Your others were good, but you could tell it was a performance with a real room sound, this sounded like it could be on the radio.

Great work, both keep it up.


Aussie169 10-23-2004 10:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah Chris, they are great.
What model B&K's were you using back then?

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