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GenerationM 09-17-2004 07:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey all:

Over the weekend I got a chance to work on 'If This Is Goodbye' and have it pretty much to where I want it. I redid the leads with one of my guitars that had fresh strings and added a few more vocal tracks under the chorus. After I was happy with the bounce, I brought the stereo file back into PT and put the Waves L2 and the Linear Multi-band EQ on it and quickly re-bounced it to the file that's listed below...comments are always welcome...enjoy!

If This Is Goodbye

Also, took a listen to Fa's Garden - very cool stuff!! Very shimmery! What kind of EQing did you use on it to make it sound so bright...Everything seems to sit nicely in the mix.

Good stuff!

Keep Rockin,

Gene Backlin 09-17-2004 08:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello Ruben,

Thank you for listening and your kind words.


Are they tympani drums with plenty of reverb?

Yes they are. This song had a number of resons for existing, and one was to experiment with MIDI. My daughter has a Yamaha SO3 and this was a percussion setting that had orchestral samples. I did put a lot more reverb on than I normally do because I was going for a rumble that would last a bit and fade away, and the pattern was ba ba ba baaaaam.

The guitar was my 25+ year old cracked mexican guitar. My mom got it on a trip she went to Mexico, and she knows nothing about guitars, but it is a keeper.

Thank you again for listening.

Take Care,

Roy Howell 09-17-2004 02:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Hey all:

Over the weekend I got a chance to work on 'If This Is Goodbye' and have it pretty much to where I want it.
If This Is Goodbye

Also, took a listen to Fa's Garden - very cool stuff!! Very shimmery! What kind of EQing did you use on it to make it sound so bright...Everything seems to sit nicely in the mix.

Good stuff!

Keep Rockin,

The changes you made on 'Goodbye' sound really good...glad you got it where you want it...thanks for the comments on 'Fa'.

IntelDoc 09-17-2004 03:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
for Fa's Garden, Roy sent me the mix pretty much done. He basically sent me 4 stereo files that he mixed, but he did not like the vocal sound. I sent it through the outboard 1176 after I isolated it to a mono VOX track. Then compressed it a bit and brought it forward some. For the mastering part, I first bounced it down to the 48/24 file and opened a new session. Then imported it into a new 48/24 session with the track and a Master Fader. After that I used the Trident 80B that I have as an insert to take advantage of the EQ stage of the Preamp. It has a very nice 4 band that is pretty smooth throughout. Then after that I used the Waves Linear Multiband Compressor and then the L2. The trident really popped the volume up a lot and then the L2, just limited it were it would not distort. I think that it came out pretty well and am happy with it.

Hope this helps?

- Doc

Roy Howell 09-17-2004 08:08 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Fa's garden = the hotness. very good work. great vibes, but i really like the sound of that rim shot.


thanks MindstAt...we really appreciate it.

Rational Punk 09-19-2004 07:10 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Great-sounding stuff, everybody. Really like your mixes, RpwBass!

Some pre-release sample mixes of a few songs from the new CD I'm working on can be found here:

John Hey 09-20-2004 06:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good Job! I like the new lead Gats. Harmonies are nice to.

Roy Howell 09-20-2004 07:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This was done a while back...I need to master this mix.

Train of Love

Stiff 09-21-2004 03:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I really like Train of Love... Really cool sound! That's great man

Stiff 09-21-2004 03:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Just saw Burn in your signature, when did you post this one? Very dirty, damn wicked bassline too!

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