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Slink 03-31-2004 01:30 PM

nu 1

Roy Howell 03-31-2004 10:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thank you Mr. badperson ( you can't be that bad ),

Roy Howell 04-02-2004 11:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's a new one...

Of Madness and Magic


SSRJazz 04-02-2004 11:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice, Roy. Full rich mix of instrumentation and as always, great slide soloing.. =)

Gene Backlin 04-02-2004 12:42 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Really nice, sounds like you had a good time doing this one, it comes through !

Take Care,

Roy Howell 04-02-2004 12:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks you guys...

Chris Cavell 04-02-2004 01:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I have to admit that I've been very impressed with your compositions for some time. Your use of technical ability is very reminiscent of the Vai's and Satriani's out there, however most guitarists with this level of refined technicality lose sight of the music in their compositions and end up with recordings that amount to little more than a showcase of their playing ability. I haven't heard too many exceptions to this, maybe Joe's self titled (and IMO very blues influenced) album. To me, it's the difference b/w ego and class as a musician and composer. Well done. I can't wait to start doing some collab as an engineer.


badperson 04-02-2004 02:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
A little bebop for the afternoon. I was messing around with some new gear I got; an rnp and an re20, love them both.

this has all my usual problems, played too fast to get the head right, didn't leave enough space, etc. But it was fun.

I'd be especially curious if anyone had some eq advice for this piece.


roy, "of magic and madness" is very cool as well. Your stuff has always been good, but it felt to me in the past some things were overly quantized and sounded a tiny bit stiff. (the guitar playing has always been burning) this sounds really top notch. Are you using those mandolin samples you mentioned earlier?




Chris Cavell 04-02-2004 04:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I love it. You asked for couple eq suggestions, so here goes:

try just a subtle scoop in the comp guitar between 1k and 4k, exactly the opposite in the lead guitar...we're talking small adjustments here, between 1 and 2 dB. On the lead, put a high pass somewhere between 125 and 175Hz with a pretty gradual slope (like .7 on the Q if you're using a rennaissance plug from waves)...you don't want it to screw with the tone, just enough to let the comp guitar carry the bass line throughout the tune without it being covered up by the lead. I can't emphasize subtlety enough in the eq of a jazz guitar. Cool tune though! (I'm assuming that distorted sound is just amp grill buzz or something.)

Thanks for the tune. I'm enjoying it, I think I'll let it loop for while.

metaltim 04-02-2004 05:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Calling Roy Howell..

i shot you an email, dont know if you got it though i used the email in your profile, dont know if thats the right one..

the song is ready, mail me back for a link..


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