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neonpool 03-15-2004 09:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
A late response, but I thought it worth it: We Three Geets is way nice.
Dig the acoustic in each ear.
What kind of guitars are those?

Roy Howell 03-15-2004 10:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Also Micah...I'm in Memphis, not Nashville...and what do you do for a living?

Sorry Roy, I was writing from memory... I guess it failed me. I make the real bucks as the Systems Administrator for an environmental firm. As far as my involvement in music goes, I get a little scratch as the worship leader at my church. I'm also looking to start a "secular" performance oriented rock band.

Cool, Micah...that sounds like a great idea. I really like your newest song too.

editor 03-15-2004 10:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Regarding: http://www.nbtmusic.com/mp3/worstsongever_roughmix.mp3


I like the song, like the vibe and title. Only a few tad touches here and there are keeping you from the top 10 alt. charts. From a mastering engineer's point of view, I would get the low tom under control a bit more... was the mic. too close to the drum head getting hit? No biggie, but it clips through here and there. The cymbals in the crashy parts could come down in volume a tad, again no biggie. The overall volume could be maxed more, might just be me, but I had to turn the monitor knob all the way up to get any volume at all. The kick needs more low end in the 100hz area or so, in the feel it spot and bring it up about 7% or so. The stereo guitars split 100% wide R/L, would sound bigger if you panned them in around 5% or so. I wouldn't touch the wacky chunky reggae guitar at all, I like the tone and feel where its placed. I like the over all drum sounds, especially the snare and the close room feel on them. I would put some of that close room on the whole mix, but just a tiny bit, like 1% to 3% bussed through an aux. track and returned to the mix, to tie the whole tonal balance together, so everything sounds like its coming from the same environment. A professional mastering would really help it be all it can be! I think the vocals are good and fit the song perfectly.

This is just what I would touch up to make it album ready, although, it sounds excellent thus far and is a way cool tune. I am never 100% satisfied with anything I do or hear ...and you can take or leave my suggestions as its very well done as is and communicates the original idea really well.



Roy Howell 03-15-2004 10:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

just catching up on some listening...

Roy, I agree on the vox. As a 'vocally challenged' singer myself, I relate. The sequencing and drum programming sounds great, as usual. Do you have a triton studio? I want one of those someday.

Hi bp,
The only keyboard in 'Vampire' is organ. The other parts are samples I create with guitars or mandolins, which tend to sound like keyboards at times.
I use a Korg 01/rw sometimes, but I wouldn't mind trying a Triton myself.
Be sure and post what you do next...
thanks, Roy

groovilator 03-16-2004 01:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello everyone in DUCland...quack, quack!!

Just added a secret page to my website that's got stuff fer ya'll's ears only. Er som'n like that. Just not stuff I'm trying to advertise or whatever.

So here's the link for all who are interested >>> tonyreymusic.com/secret_page...ssshhh.htm

Oh, and one more (stupid) thing. Could someone please enlighten me on the proper procedure for adding a URL link to your signature? You know, down there
| with our funny stuff.
I must be the dummest duc in ducland, QUAAAACK!!! |

stewie 03-16-2004 06:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
groovilator i just listened to moneky and i must say i liked it. your voice is awsome it reminds me of someone from the 80s. you should try tracking some acoustic drums other then that i think your stuff is great.

Micah777 03-16-2004 08:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, glad you liked the tune I appreciate the listen.

Tony- thanks for taking the time to relisten.

jjhuntfox- glad you liked it. I'll try some EQ on the lead guitar to see what difference it makes, but like Tony said earlier the guitars are already pretty bright and in your face. Won't hurt to try though, thanks for the suggestion.

neonpool- glad you liked it. The guitar I used was a Martin DC-1 recorded with a middle-side technique. The straight on mic was a rode NTK and the sides were done with a shure KSM44 set on bidirectional pattern. I find I get great results with this technique. Now I just need to get a higher end guitar.

xeetstreet 03-16-2004 08:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Ok, I guess it's my turn. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of songs before I posted. My band is going to have a 45 minute interview on the radio tomorrow, so I guess it's fitting that you guys here it too.

Xeet Street Band

Bloody Nose
For Trouble
On Board and Up To Speed


Man, I almost missed your post. I just got a chance to listen to some of it... 'Bloody Nose' is a great piece.
Excellent playing, arrangement, everything...very nice. I'm still listening to the rest.
How many players in the band, etc.? Great stuff, IMO.

Hey thanks for the good feedback! I really appreciate that. I'm the only one in the band; me on ukulele, sax, bass, keys, triangle, etc. My main idea for this 'band' was to focus on the ukulele. I don't know if I accomplished at making it a jazz instrument, but I am trying to find a sonic niche for it in my arrangements.



I like "For Trouble" the best, although, they are all well done, Bloody Nose is very cool. Good recording quality good players. I think your stuff is ready for radio, smooth jazz or the wave style stations. Good work.



You know I was afraid that the song was going to be too sparse to keep the feeling I was going for, but it turned out alright. (I would appreciate your suggestions.) Thanks a lot for the compliments! Oh and by the way, I was interviewed on the local classic rock station! Go here to listen to it... Xeet Street Band Web Site.

- Drew

xeetstreet 03-16-2004 09:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

XeetStreet, yo! Dig the urbo-jazz vibe on these. Just curious: what's the makeup of your band?

Thanks! The band is made up of a ukulele, sax, bass, piano/keys, guitar, drums, and misc. percussion.


and who recorded these, was this a studio or home project?

This done all in my home studio (see: bedroom... hahah).


Oh, and where are you based?

I am actually living in Central Missouri. (Osage Beach, MO)

- Drew

SSRJazz 03-16-2004 10:16 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Glad you posted your website...I'd been looking for it.

Nice jazz vibe ya got there. I think the drums/cymbals might be a tad hot in a couple of the songs. Good stuff overall tho.

Does that "Homegrown" show do any genre of music?

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