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kitana_one 01-02-2004 01:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a link to one of my latest.


Let me know what you guys think.

[email protected]

Tito Ricci Arballo 01-02-2004 02:03 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Pharoahs curse is tight GORILLA! Seriously dig that. Infected with Rage, if feeling that track too. Heavy mood.

Check the new shizz. Pacstatic(mp3)

Sure to take you back and move you forward simultaneously.

Tito Ricci Arballo 01-02-2004 02:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Check the new shizz. Pacstatic(mp3)

Sure to take you back and move you forward simultaneously.

minmax 01-02-2004 03:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Kitana one-Nice song, great samples.

Tito- great idea, great theme, awesome execution.

da BaSsTaRd! 01-02-2004 07:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
roy's guitars totally put my song together - he hit the nail on the head with his parts. globetraxters is awesome. the latest is almost complete. just got to lay down vox on that one.

roy, i see you haven't become a member yet (of globetraxters). i can see why you're hesitating, though. everyone is going to invite you to play on every single project...

tito - impressed again. like i said, ipod-worthy...

bigassbeats 01-02-2004 01:47 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

me & a friend did this.... I used PTLE 6.1.2 & reason 2.5

no plugins were used.

Tito Ricci Arballo 01-02-2004 02:08 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Bigassbeats...nice job, I like the downtempo feel of the track. Cool vocal effect to. I might work on eqing it a bit. To me it sounds a little muddy. Good song otherwise.

nowinner 01-02-2004 03:48 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I did this recording for a friend who play in a coverband... They wanted to record something so they could get more shows...

Please tell me what you think and lead me in the right direction...

ROUGH MIX = took me 10min/song to do and the MIX 1 is my first try to mix the song... I hopefully get some comments here and can do a good job in the end..

Thank you for you time


Tito Ricci Arballo 01-02-2004 08:09 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Ok I eq'd it a bit. Here's the new mix Pacstatic


Roy Howell 01-02-2004 11:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm glad the guitars work, DaB. Can't wait to hear it w/ the vocals and mixed...

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