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Roy Howell 08-22-2003 10:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

'Truth Inside the Shades' is tuff...very interesting changes...tight as hell. Where are you guys based?...great stuff, man
thanks, Roy

OgnKog 08-22-2003 12:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy,

we are settled in Andorra (between France and Spain). This is going to be our first album... we hope everything to go GREAT !!!

Thanks for your comments,


EDurney 08-22-2003 06:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

EDurney...really nice job, very smooth and clean...nice stuff going on...do I hear some Reason tracks in here?...And who's the singer? She's really good......
thanks for the listen...

Thanks Roy!!...Her name is Millaray Salas (Chilean), i`m working on her 12 songs album right now, it sounds very good so far, ...about reason, no, i just used some of my old acid arpeggiators loops.... We did the BGV`s together and i did evrything on PTLe 5.1.1....(that was a year ago)....
well thank you again.

....I will upload another songs of her album in spanish soon......

da BaSsTaRd! 08-23-2003 09:25 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
muppets vs. smurfs

i love rewire... PT + reason = lots of fun....

Roy Howell 08-23-2003 01:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
He heeee!!! Brian, you're having fun, aren't you? That synth bass is very cool... that was fun...

dwkick 08-23-2003 02:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Okay, now that I can post again, here is a link to three songs that I recorded drums using Pro Tools. Unfortunately, most of the other stuff was recorded with that other program. lifeofrileyonline.com Sorry but you'll have to enter your email address but just leave the box unchecked to stay off the mailing list. We won't and don't spam though.
Thanks for listening,

Roy Howell 08-23-2003 11:33 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just listened to 'Dangerous Minds', and you played great on it. The style reminds me a little of the Arc Angels, who I love. Very nice stuff indeed... thanks for the listen, Roy

I had missed hearing some stuff recently, so I went back and heard 'A Dream of Flying'. I still cannot believe that you built that marimba from scratch. Sheesh, that's an amazing feat... and it sounds great, too. The 'chinese whisper' story behind that song sure is a unique way of going about things. Sound like fun... thanks, Roy

GORILLA 08-24-2003 06:09 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey my Mac Borthers. Come on don't let this post get lost in oblivion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show off those mixes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got a few coming next Saturday.

Sado_Barbado 08-24-2003 07:20 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Most mixes I hear on this tread are very good! Its hard to be objective when it comes to your own mixes...

Check out my mixes. Its with my band "Sin sister".

(G4 1.2GHz + Digi001, lots of outboard boxes, analog modular synth, guitar through V-amp2,vocals through outboard TL Audio compressor)

http://www.sin-sister.com/section_sins.html (only 1 MP3 at the moment, more coming soon)


dwkick 08-24-2003 08:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the compliment Roy. That means a lot!!! !

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