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Roy Howell 08-18-2003 11:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, it looks like this is still intact...hehe So, that's good.

matocaster1202 08-19-2003 12:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Okay guys,

Here's another from an album that I've been working on for quite some time. This one is dear to me, so any advice and criticism is definitely welcome...anything to make it the best it can be!

Personally, I love the way the bass was played, but the tone is driving me nuts! I haven't listened to it for about a month, and that's the first thing that jumped out at me today.

So, without further ado: Out of Here


I really dig this one man! Great song, and the bass sounds OK. I think in a few spots the vox could be a little more up front. The harmony vocals are great, those to need to be up a bit more. Maybe the snare could use a little more 'crack' to it... Man I hate you!! I am going to have this tune stuck in my head for weeks!!!


Steevp 08-19-2003 01:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, got my 6.1 and to test it...

Care of Cell 44

Can't claim it as all my own work but it might raise a smile ..


stut5 08-19-2003 02:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Jelleyfish meets the Beatles Meets the Beach Boys.I love it.Very Radio friendly.Id like to hear more.Cool Tune.

Aussie169 08-19-2003 02:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That's hot man. I quite like the bass tone.
Oh, and considering the drums have been played with brushes, I think you'll have problems getting some "crack" into the snare

EDurney 08-19-2003 09:30 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just Uploaded one of the few songs in english that I have produced it`s an old fashioned song - very cliche-
But the singer brought the song....you know......
it is Called "Crazy" . I did it with the Digi001 and my old Trinity 1 year ago....any suggestion will be very well received
I hope you guys like it.


FrankLP 08-19-2003 10:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey all...thought I'd serve up a few things I've been messin' 'round with (some you probly heard a few posts back). Anyway...comments, critiques and cringes are always welcome.

Sample Stuff

posterchild 08-19-2003 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Rhett Redelings 08-19-2003 01:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all,

It's been awhile but I've been busy trying to master protools and while I'm a long way from "mastering" anything, I wanted to share my first finished ProToolsLE product (what can I say? I work slow), which is a song called: Something to Believe In.

You can download it here: http://www.mp3.com.au/s2bi

Captain_Pants will probably be done with his remix soon, and from what I've heard, it kicks almighty butt, so I figured I'd best get the original out while I still can.

Love to hear your feedback.


soundsurfr 08-19-2003 02:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey, Rhett!

Good to see you back. I heard "Something to Believe In" in a few weeks back when one of our mutual friends e-mailed me a link. Definitely a timely song. The concept is really cool, and the samples are great. Your voice with all the delay on it in the bridge sounds just like Thomas Dolby. (I'm a big Dolby fan.) As far as the mix is concerned, I'm not getting enough bottom end. I keep waiting for my woofers to move some air and it ain't happening. Could it be the MP3 encoder?


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