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Stiff 11-17-2004 11:26 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
CellAutomata: "Agenda" is one freaky tune! I like it

Scottedog: Listened to "God rest...", good work man! Really cool with that bluesy guitar coming in at around 2 min

Chris Cavell 11-17-2004 12:46 PM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts

Great stuff man...sounds like it was a blast putting it together.

Roy Howell 11-17-2004 01:20 PM

Re: freds first protools project
Always a pleasure to hear your songwriting approach...always unique and interesting. Very cool song...I really enjoyed it.
(now having said that, get to work on those songs I sent you... ).



Steevp 11-17-2004 01:47 PM

Re: freds first protools project

(now having said that, get to work on those songs I sent you... ).

Cheers Roy

I havn't neglected your songs, just been to busy to move here, the song I uploaded literally arrived finished and took no time at all to record.. Yours will be attended to.. oh yes ..

You had to pick lyrics as my job didn't you.. tsk!


Chris Cavell 11-17-2004 10:39 PM

2004 DUC Disc Update
Just a quick update on the 2004 DUC disc (not to be confused with the x-mas disc ):

I sent out emails to all entrants yesterday and to some interested persons who've not submitted anything yet. If you fall into this category but haven't gotten my e-mail...alert me to it!

Anyone who hasn't submitted anything, or expressed interest in submitting anything, but feels now that you'd like to participate...don't hold back. A deadline has not been set, but will probably come sooner rather than later. Some of the tunes on the page have been reworked some...I encourage you to come check out the entries (link in my sig). Pretty soon this 'project' will be given a thread of it's own...hopefully so we can get a better representation of the fantastic music often submitted here. The current selection, while great, is but a tiny slice of what could be represented, so I encourage anyone with even the slightest inkling of submitting something to contact me.


FSM 11-17-2004 11:38 PM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
Thanx for the feed back Roy... so far you're the only one with input, but one is better than none .... I'm going to go back and work on the mixes a little more and try to make them a little bit larger...

More comments are welcome too...



Aussie169 11-18-2004 03:09 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
Allen, I can't download your tracks. The LoFi quality of the streaming makes it difficult to hear your stuff properly and give it a true crit.

But I will say the guitars sound great, the vocals sit nicely but (probably because of the LoFi) get a bit harsh. Bass needs beefing up. It's nice and clearly defined but needs more balls. Drums, similar story to the bass and the cymbals sound CRAP in streaming quality.

Nice tracks, you guys are very good.

Bossi 11-18-2004 03:32 AM

Some Jazzy stuff
Hi guys,

I mixed these 4 jazzy songs, they are recorded from a live-PA-school excercise.
Just tried to make the best out of it 'cause i only had like 6 tracks.
Let me know how bad the mixes sound ;-)





Stiff 11-18-2004 05:22 AM

Re: freds first protools project

I took a listen to your tune... It reminds me of the Godfather (and that's not in a bad way). Also I think it gives you kind of a... don't remember the english word now, "vemodig" (in swedish) feeling. Yes, a vemodig feeling

fredouli 11-18-2004 08:34 AM

Re: freds first protools project
lol vemodig, dont know if thats a good or a bad thing being in london, but thanks for listening, any crit or thoughts you'd pass onto it, say poduction wise???

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