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basslik 02-04-2022 06:06 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Dustinf (Post 2626188)
I'm new here, but would like to share a couple originals I've done on protools.



Still learning and building the studio, which is why I joined.

I dig it Dustin, great job.


Originally Posted by moshuajusic (Post 2627095)
Jaz The Rapper - We Will Shine/Shades of Majenta

I posted this awhile back, but still had much to learn. Went back to the drawing board, made big improvements to the picture and sound.

It's now prime time on Jaz's official channel, and the single is available everywhere Neil Young is and isn't. :D

All the music you ?. Very professional.

My first video. I was caught in a micro-burst and tried to help a guy stuck in his car.

I replaced all the storm audio and replaced with professional samples. Even the power window is a sample (LOL). Added a little slap bass.

moshuajusic 02-04-2022 07:55 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by basslik (Post 2627340)
All the music you ?. Very professional.

Yep. Thanks :cool:


Originally Posted by basslik (Post 2627340)
My first video. I was caught in a micro-burst and tried to help a guy stuck in his car.

I replaced all the storm audio and replaced with professional samples. Even the power window is a sample (LOL). Added a little slap bass.

That was well done!:p There were times I hunted for samples to use, but ultimately I did the foley myself. Even the shoe squeaks in the song that plays over the credits. That's me in a basketball gym at 5am. lol

K Roche 02-05-2022 07:56 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
:Here is my version of Hoyt Axton's arrangement of the Micheal Martin song
Geronimos Cadillac

Historically Geronimo was not actually given an automobile BUT he did participate in a photo op in White mans garb while seated at the wheel of a LocoMobile (not actually a Cadillac but Locomobile does not rhyme with "take me back" ;) )


basslik 02-07-2022 05:56 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by K Roche (Post 2627371)
:Here is my version of Hoyt Axton's arrangement of the Micheal Martin song
Geronimos Cadillac

Historically Geronimo was not actually given an automobile BUT he did participate in a photo op in White mans garb while seated at the wheel of a LocoMobile (not actually a Cadillac but Locomobile does not rhyme with "take me back" ;) )


Very warm, I liky:D

K Roche 02-08-2022 07:33 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by basslik (Post 2627552)
Very warm, I liky:D

Hey thanks for watching, much appreciated

basslik 02-10-2022 05:38 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

killah_trakz 02-25-2022 08:31 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Did this one from top too bottom.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Voideco 02-28-2022 03:55 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Finally upgraded and finished an old track of mine; The Journey. Not as professional as most of the tracks here, but I think I made a decent production. I wrote this in 2010, but recorded it with gear that is outdated now. The Metric Halo interface that I have now, smokes the old Alesis HD24 that I used back in the days. Better guitar amp, PT improved a lot, so that makes for a brand new, professional sound.

Check it out here:

The Journey

Oh and my voice sucks (cigarette smoke, to be more specific :D). I'm aware of that. Still looking for a trained singer who can lay down the vocal tracks for this song. Collab would be great.

Thanks for your time :-)

Emcha_audio 03-01-2022 01:51 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Not sure if I ever posted this here before, but this is an old one I did way back in 2011 or 2012 I think.


this one was a bit later in 2014


basslik 03-01-2022 04:37 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by killah_trakz (Post 2628755)
Did this one from top too bottom.

Like it bro. Vocals are fine. Has energy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Originally Posted by Voideco (Post 2628962)
Finally upgraded and finished an old track of mine; The Journey. Not as professional as most of the tracks here, but I think I made a decent production. I wrote this in 2010, but recorded it with gear that is outdated now. The Metric Halo interface that I have now, smokes the old Alesis HD24 that I used back in the days. Better guitar amp, PT improved a lot, so that makes for a brand new, professional sound.

Check it out here:

The Journey

Oh and my voice sucks (cigarette smoke, to be more specific :D). I'm aware of that. Still looking for a trained singer who can lay down the vocal tracks for this song. Collab would be great.

Thanks for your time :-)

Very cool. I like to rework the drums for you. I'm good at making drums sound more human if interested.


Originally Posted by Emcha_audio (Post 2629051)
Not sure if I ever posted this here before, but this is an old one I did way back in 2011 or 2012 I think.


this one was a bit later in 2014


Great production. *UNTITLED*, immediately reminds of those crazy bicyclist who deliver packages and such in New York traffic. Courier

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