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djcreation24 02-12-2014 12:04 PM

Re: Another Cover Mix I Did

Originally Posted by DonaldM (Post 2129321)
This is another cover mix I did for Rebecca Roberts over in the UK of "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic. The interesting thing about this track is that the vocals were recorded in Russ Hughes's studio in the UK...the Pro Tools Expert Russ! I arranged with him for Rebecca to record her vocals over there. For the track I again got hold of a descent midi track for a starting point, and then went from there. A lot of the orchestral sounds on this track are from either one of my Yamaha Motif XS8 sample libraries or Structure. I also used a bit of Xpand for a couple of the synth sounds.

The drum kit came off my Motif as well.

Tell me what you think.

Very good production! I think because you have a great mix - hard to pull anything off without a decent mix. I like her vocals but I think she need to control her breath more.

DonaldM 02-14-2014 10:22 AM

Re: Another Cover Mix I Did

Originally Posted by djcreation24 (Post 2131657)
Very good production! I think because you have a great mix - hard to pull anything off without a decent mix. I like her vocals but I think she need to control her breath more.

Yeah, the girl does breath a lot! :D

djcreation24 02-18-2014 06:53 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
I'd love to get some feedback on this track that I just did today. For some reason I still feel like my drums aren't good enough yet, but could be better. My intention was to produce something like that of the 90's R&B or what they call them? Urban? Anyway, I would appreciate some tips on how to improve production. Dont know if link will work. Might have to log in to SC to get it work.

FireFab 02-18-2014 07:09 PM

New original song w/ Video, check this out !
Hey guys I just released my new original song, tell me what you think about it & what you think about the sound

Thanks alot !

here it is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srGdiLnzf80

Ferrante 02-19-2014 02:51 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Today my new band COSKA released its debut song "Benjamin". Please check it out. Recorded on a laptop running PT 10.2.





Thank you for listening.

Robert /COSKA

fasttraxx 02-28-2014 05:27 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Need some help with track. Seems like something is going on with bass mud a bit. Need some other ears to help.

djcreation24 03-19-2014 07:33 AM

Piano solo
This is my first solo piano track. I use very little processing because this library sound very good. I haven't master the track yet, so volume is a little low. Would like to have some constructive feedback.

Solo Piano

fasttraxx 03-19-2014 02:17 PM

Re: Piano solo

Originally Posted by djcreation24 (Post 2142191)
This is my first solo piano track. I use very little processing because this library sound very good. I haven't master the track yet, so volume is a little low. Would like to have some constructive feedback.

Solo Piano

I like the song, it's really nice. Good job on your first solo piano track.
Are you going to do anything more to it?

djcreation24 03-19-2014 02:38 PM

Re: Piano solo

Originally Posted by fasttraxx (Post 2142323)
I like the song, it's really nice. Good job on your first solo piano track.
Are you going to do anything more to it?

Thanks fasttraxx. I appreciate your feedback! Not that is it. Thanks for giving it a listen.

jf.burman 03-25-2014 05:27 PM

Live studio recording session
Hi guys,
I wanted to share a recording session that we shot last week in my studio: https://vimeo.com/89245543#at=0

It's was recorded live with 6 cameras and the audio went into Pro Tools 10.

Apart from the guitar's delay, all the reverb that you hear comes from a stereo room mic in the center of the band.
The mic is a Cascade X15 (stereo ribbon) going into a Valley People Dynamite compressor.

I love those kind of recording videos, please share yours if you have some.


JF Burman

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