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markreimer 01-09-2006 10:11 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
check this out, its the first project i've done start to finish and also performed drums on. i recorded using an 002, some t-racks plugins and mastering suite, just the plain ol' 002 pre's. sadly right after it was released a presonus digimax and waves plugins were added, but oh well. the primary mic was a Audio Technica 4050 condenser. i don't really have what most of you would call a studio space, just my jam space with a TINY room off the side that i use as my control room, its say... 12 feet long and 4 feet wide.


Rick Akoni 01-10-2006 07:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Newbie here. Go to: http://www.myspace.com/shakabrahrecords

3 tunes:

1) My Everything
2) Cannibal 4Luv
3) By the Light of the Radio

Mixes? Production? Digi002R, PTLE7.0. AT4033, Seagull acoustic, Fender Big Apple Strat, Gibson SG, National Steel 1929, Marshall/Bogner/Fender amps, Drumagog, Schecter bass, Guitar Rig 2, Reason 3, bunch of plugins....

wrote 'em, engineered 'em, produced 'em, all bkgd vox, played all instruments,.....lead vox are not mine! Thanks.

Shawn Ames 01-10-2006 10:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I checked out Everything... Good tune over all. The tones are all together and pretty "fat". That lead vocal is pretty hot. I really like the mix over all. The cymbal I kept hearing on the left side sound a little tacky. Reminded me of a sound I used to get out of my boss drum machine. yuck. Lowering the volume of that cymbal would help. You might also consider bringing down the bg vox a touch. Or maybe swell into them... so they don't have such a boo effect, unless that's what your looking for.

On the Cannibal song I'd un-freak the vox. can't say I'm a fan of the lyrics... unless it's suposed to be a joke. please no offense. the guitar tone on this song seems a touch boomy...

Anyway, good stuff. Really the tunes are pretty good...



Rick Akoni 01-10-2006 11:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Shawn, I just reloaded "By the Light of the Radio" - should be up at myspace by tommorrow (Wednesday) - can you go ahead and listen to that one too and get back to me? Thanks! RA


Jack Rabbit 01-12-2006 08:53 AM


...your production vision...


Thanks for checking out Saddog. I don't know about production vision, though. I start with a song, record scratch guitar and vocal tracks to a click, then start following my fancy, building around it. Eventually I re-record the guitar and vocals under the influence of the new (often MIDI) elements. Very often a song ends up quite different than I originally imagined.

I have to confess a real insecurity about my continued use of MIDI synths. Nine times out of ten, friends will say "I liked that song before you put all that crap on it". But it's really fun to at least have a sketch of a more ornate conception of a song. To me, as an amateur songwriter, this is the real value of PTLE and the Mbox.

Blah blah blah. Anyway, thanks for your diligent attention to all who post on this thread.

superpenguin79 01-13-2006 01:37 PM

Re: Vision?
Hey guys, long time no chat. How's everyone been? Looking to get some feedback on my newest batch please. here All the new ones have NEW next to them. been experimenting with depth placement, different writing styles, and a couple new instruments on this end lately. Also put everything up for download that I have jammed on in various projects for the past 15 years sort of to commemorate an archive of stuff. I would suggest numbers: 5, 6, 17, 40, 65, 68, 75, 79, and 80 if you don't have time for anything else. I look forward to getting some opinions on stuff I could do to make this more surf friendly also. Someone suggested I could label the styles on there so far and post my fav reccomendations. Thanks and hope everyone is well. peace


davec 01-14-2006 06:33 AM

Re: Vision?
Here's another from Charlie Naebeck I mastered with the Harmonizer.


Charlie Naebeck - Embrace

Mastered with Harmonizer -- You really have to try this on headphones to get the full effect.

Charlie Naebeck - Embrace - Mastered

Rick Akoni 01-14-2006 10:51 AM

Re: Vision?
Wow! With all those songs you should hit LA or Nashville, don't you think? Then you could put them all up against theirs......
with that amount of writing, you HAVE to do it.

Listened to #5 - mix seems good. I dunno about your vox, don't get pissed but it sounds like a guy who can't sing, singing. You know, the "composer" vox. Maybe get someone who has done demo work b4 to do it? Just my $.02 worth.

#6, the intro was way too long so I went to the next one. Don't get mad, I do what all publishers do.....you can tell in the first 20 seconds if a song is good or not.

#17 has real good potential, production is really nice. Nice intro and A/B sections.

#40 - key too basic and intro too long, verse, we've heard it all b4. Try throwing in more chords and a better melody, it's too "one notey" - has potential though. Bring in the gtr in sooner in, fact, cut everything by at least half. The gtr sounds nice but you need to get a "player" in there, it sounds too vanilla. Again, my $.02 worth.

Haven't listened to any others, I wish I had more time for it. Do you have any songs in a radio pop format? Meaning bang, bang, and then more bang - all within the first minute. I'd love to hear 'em. Thanks!

Grey 01-14-2006 05:52 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

also avalible Soul Angel on iTunes

davec 01-15-2006 04:08 AM

Re: Vision?

Here's another from Charlie Naebeck I mastered with the Harmonizer.


Charlie Naebeck - Embrace

Mastered with Harmonizer -- You really have to try this on headphones to get the full effect.

Charlie Naebeck - Embrace - Mastered

And here's a completely recompilated version.

Embrace 2

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