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Joz 04-29-2002 02:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm the guitarist, and unfurtunately we are being pushed [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

STUDIO-DE-ARIEL 04-29-2002 08:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

intro.//////fading echo
starts with the plucking

The Way She Walked Into the Room

Was much like A sleepy moon.

With Hair as Gold As Sunbeams

And face from the soul of my dreams.
This Could Describe many women but
Probably was inspired by JJ A lost love.........

So this is where the Golden Duckets hang out! Just opened this Thread.

If i get a modem that takes less than an hour to download stuff i will be back to listen...

BAE From the ultra fantastic "we never sleep" Ariel studios United States of America.

Lyrics Courtesy of Flying Leap Productions

Actually Roy I Could Colaberate with you on that song like bernie T with e.j.

Lemme Know. In time for the Duc Album

Kamurah 04-29-2002 03:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks so much for the kind words.

'Beautiful Sky' happens to be one of the favorites I have worked on recently....so I am especially glad that you liked it.

Orange Vocoder is a wonderful plug. I just wish it would accept MIDI control so you could "play" it like an instrument!

Thanks again for listening.


Nori 04-30-2002 12:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy,
Don't you have a Real Audio Player?
If you don't, go to http://www.real.com/
You can download it for free.
If you couldn't even download my stuff, sorry I have no idea.

I didn't know about this thread. I'm a Mac person. Thanks for your thread(s). I guess you
are pretty good at making popular threads!

Roy Howell 04-30-2002 12:34 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Nori,

Yes, my threads are always intelligent, stimulating, and very deep. I myself am up for the 'most congenial' award here on the PC side. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

No, actually I didn't have Real Player, because I JUST got a new PC built, and am just adding stuff kindof slowly, so bear with me. I'll download it and listen to your stuff. I really do appreciate you posting it too.


Roy Howell 04-30-2002 01:16 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well Nori, I downloaded RealPlayer just to hear your song, but I remember now why I didn't rush to get it back. RealPlayer has never sounded as good as some of the others to me. It is sometimes very distorted.
Anyway, I listened. So, is that you playing all the instruments?

Thanks, Roy

Nori 04-30-2002 08:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yep. sorry if you threw up!

Yes, Real Audio format doesn't sound good, but It's useful. it's far smaller than MP3 format.
I sometimes attach my pieces which are Real
Audio format to email.


Roy Howell 04-30-2002 12:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by STUDIO-DE-ARIEL:

intro.//////fading echo
starts with the plucking

The Way She Walked Into the Room

Was much like A sleepy moon.

With Hair as Gold As Sunbeams

And face from the soul of my dreams.
This Could Describe many women but
Probably was inspired by JJ A lost love.........

Actually Roy I Could Colaberate with you on that song like bernie T with e.j.

Lemme Know. In time for the Duc Album

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">STUDIO-DE-ARIEL,

Interesting lyric... I kinda like it, especially the 'sleepy moon'
line... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Let me give it some thought. I would like to collaborate with you sometime. Can you post some of your music here? Do you have a way to do it, maybe through MP3.com?

Thanks, Roy

Plastik909 05-01-2002 01:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
New track up called Rubber Guitar.


Let me know what you think.



STUDIO-DE-ARIEL 05-01-2002 05:26 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well Roy

Honestly nothing is copywriten And some stuff was stolen and I hear bits and pieces in places on tv which kind of Bothers me Any way it was a tape that had some Ideas on it. none of the real songs though Thank the Lord kindof Gunshy need the copywrites on this stuff but i thought colaberation on the sleepy moon thing could work because as you played it it stuck in my head like I kind of knew where you were Going. never really has hapened with anyone else before so I thought I would Risk a few words and see what you thought. been a guitarist for a long time played in highschool in a band but really havent done much since except with my own stuff on cassette and one was stolen out of my guitar case between here and L. A. Dad had the case with him I cant understand what happened. Anyway i am more of a lead guitarist and cant play slide much except the old led zepplin song with the open a tuning. But like i said iI heard the song you were working on and you see the lyrics i wrote for it. I think it would take alot of work but has potential. But so do the 20-30 ones I have writen Any way have you got anything copywriten? I was thinking 50/50 share in that sleepy moon song part of me is in those lyrics. I was doing cassette to cassette sound on sound before so nothing i have is more than lead on rythym. I have been working on the studio Quite vigorously lately. but i only have 1 24 track song all guitar and mostly a test this computer i am on did not warant putting it all on the line. The one I am building will. Just getting ready Dont want the music to Die with me.
And I am determined. The studio progresses Slowly now. once the computer is built i can go back to wiring patchbays I was thinking that the only way to get on the Golden Duckets Album was Colaberation At this time. Since my music is not ready. NJeither copy writen or vocals recorded. the studio is only down to 20 db with peaks to 40 so it wont do yet for vocals.
recent work indicates that it might be lower now but i dont want any outside noise in the recordings. Any way I have never offered to share in anything like this before and its likely premature be that as it may we could try to work out the details and try for a spot on the Duc album. One thing i do have has a phase shift from right to left and left to right simultaneously which sounds cool but that is A work in progress and it is likely that I wouldnt share it with anyone.

but this sleepy moon my lyrics posibly a littlt lead guitar your solid bacground accompanyment who knows perhaps a little slide on your part I just wonder what it could be.

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