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Doug Farrar 06-25-2005 06:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

thanks for hitting on the compression factor. I am going to go back to the mix and reexamine my tracks, settings, etc.
Since I'm still quite the novice, what are you hearing that is so blatant. If you can describe, then I can try some changes.
I'm not exactly the most objective listener to the tune.


I like Steak Dinner Date. How were the drums done?
What about the guitars? Is there any reverb on the track at all?
The more I listen, the more I am confused in here!
Some great stuff!


Doug Farrar 06-25-2005 06:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
After I posted a track few days ago I got some great compliments on my drum sounds. Thanks guys.
I would like to get a little more specific in your feedback though. This link is the same track (with a little less compression, SSRJazz ), but this time I fade everything out except drums.


Here is my question: I would like to get that really DRY bass drum sound. With leakage (and maybe my 10X11ft room) I seem to get alot of bass drum in the overheads which need some verb.
Any tips? What do I need to do to go to "the next level?" Right now Im using a Yamaha 01V for Mic pres. Is that a problem?


JonM 06-26-2005 09:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I recorded this last week and mixed it over the weekend. I had a few problems getting the vocals to sit right in the mix, but it's getting closer I think. Any thoughts of comments on this from my esteemed fellow conferencees???

'Butterfly' at the top of the page. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/th...ding_music.htm

FSM 06-27-2005 12:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey everyone... i haven't been around here in a while. Well I just recorded my new band Hands Down.
If you wouldn't mind checking them out letting me know what I could do better on them, it would be greatly appreciated. I recommend listening to "Don't Walk Away" and "Anew"

Let me know what you think and comments (good/bad) are all welcomed...

Hands Down Audio

go to the Audio section on the link above to stream the songs,

Thank you,

Bobbers 06-27-2005 03:16 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
David Henderson....I totally like "miss jane"!!
Maybe im just and old-blues-robert-johnson-leadbelly-kind-of-a-guy but i totally like that simple tune! Its quickly moving up my iTunes most played song list!

Just wanted to let you now that

Doug Farrar 06-27-2005 05:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I recorded this last week and mixed it over the weekend. I had a few problems getting the vocals to sit right in the mix, but it's getting closer I think. Any thoughts of comments on this from my esteemed fellow conferencees???

'Butterfly' at the top of the page. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/th...ding_music.htm


Nice tune. I like the Jethro Tull vibe. Brings me back to my youth.
Compared to your other recordings, I like the way I can hear more of the room on the guitars.
Is that a real piano? It sounds nice.
What do you use for strings?

I don't know what to say about making the the vocal sit better in the mix. I think the contrast of the "room" on the guitars and the drier vocal makes it clearer than your others.

But dont listen to me. I usually only record drums. Only drums. LOL


JonM 06-27-2005 06:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


I recorded this last week and mixed it over the weekend. I had a few problems getting the vocals to sit right in the mix, but it's getting closer I think. Any thoughts of comments on this from my esteemed fellow conferencees???

'Butterfly' at the top of the page. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/th...ding_music.htm


Nice tune. I like the Jethro Tull vibe. Brings me back to my youth.
Compared to your other recordings, I like the way I can hear more of the room on the guitars.
Is that a real piano? It sounds nice.
What do you use for strings?

I don't know what to say about making the the vocal sit better in the mix. I think the contrast of the "room" on the guitars and the drier vocal makes it clearer than your others.

But dont listen to me. I usually only record drums. Only drums. LOL


Well spotted there - it's a different room, about twice as big and definitely more reverberant. This is the first song I've recorded since I moved and it's caused me the problems getting the mix right. The piano, the cello and the 'flute' are all free samples from hammersound.net done in Reason. I started taking piano lessons a couple of weeks ago so I decided to try playing it this time rather than using the mouse. After much time and struggle the vocal sits as it does now, and I'm fairly happy with it I guess.

Somebody else who heard it mentioned Jethro Tull, and another Pentangle. Looks like I'm an unwitting one-man English folk rock revival lol.

Tell me sometime how to get a decent snare sound

DR.Loop 06-27-2005 07:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool songs FSM!

It might be the speakers i am listening the songs through with the combination of streaming and my take is that it sounds a little bit on thin side.Just my thought and by no means am i a expert but over all good songs. I like it. Nice work.


Darney 06-27-2005 08:58 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Listened to "We Gotta Go." Absolutely killer slide.... awesome tone, great playing. Whole song is excellent (musically and technically).

FSM 06-27-2005 09:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Dr.Loop.. the songs aren't mastered yet. They are still in mix form. What would you suggest to make them thicker. I am still sorta new at this, so all input is much appreciated.

We are hoping to have our 10 songs completely mixed by the end of the month to get our album out this summer. So, it depends all on me, DOH!

thanks again,

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