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Gene Backlin 02-29-2004 08:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks ev,

I wish I could play his fast pieces on my violin, I'll stick to Kreisler. I was so happy to find this piece. I truly love Paganini, how he revolutionized the violin. While no one can critique Heifetz contributions to his music, my favorite is Salvatore Accardo. I was fortunate to see Mr Accardo live, what an amazing man !

My mics are the Studio Projects C4's, I just got them and wanted to immediately try them out. My guitar on the other hand is about 28 years old, my mother purchased in Mexico on a trip. She knows nothing about instruments and its back has a huge crack in it, but man it has a nice sound. It's a keeper !!!

Thank you again.

Take Care,

doylemusic 03-01-2004 09:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

i didn't use anything - the vox all came like that from the BT remix contest... a bit more than half the samples used in the song were from the BT remix contest download, and the rest were from my personal collection.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is the BT remix contest? Shoot me a link. Thanks

nightshadecrisis 03-01-2004 12:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Gene,

Seems as though you're a fellow violinist. Have you tried playing Novacek's Perpetuum Mobile? That piece is very fast, but once you begin playing it it begins to play itself . I'd highly recommend it if you like the fast pieces but Paganini's works are a bit too complicated.

Have fun,

Gene Backlin 03-01-2004 07:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey ev,

Yes I do have that. I'll have to revisit that again. I love the Paganini pieces for violin and guitar, supposedly he wrote those for a woman who had was seeing and she played guitar. I just love this stuff.

Take Care,

Roy Howell 03-02-2004 09:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice job on the Paganini song...the guitar is recorded very well...this sounds like a really nice guitar. What kind is it?
thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 03-02-2004 10:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Deep In Scarlett


I really like this kind of vibe, great job. I like the lead in the 2nd half of the tune. How did you get that lead guitar sound? Is it the front pick up on a strat, with the tone all the way down ran through a signal processor or synth that tracks the guitar; or is it just guitar ran through amplitude or some other amp emulator, with efx? Its fantastic sounding stuff. I also use tone modules for drums and love the clean way that they come off. The only thing I would say, (picking at straws) is a slight bit of compression with a tad longer release on the panned percussion stuff, would make it a bit more tucked in; and realistic sounding on the kit in the mix. However, not too much as I dig panned percussion that sticks out a bit in a stereo mix. I see it as a dreamy, acid trippy type tune, more than just elevator music. I think its fantastic so this is just IMHO. Some enigma type female samples in an arabic tonal scale, ran through that reverse processor you have on the key pads, used with discression would be way cool. However, that's just my take on the tune... I will stop as I am starting to produce/marr another artist's vision. Its great as is.

Forgive my 'rudeness' for not replying to the above post until now, but things just got too busy there for a while.

I know 'Deep in Scarlett' has a unique vibe about it. I wrote it when I was 18 ( and into tunings on acoustic), and just decided to do it now in PT. The 12-string guitars are tuned down to C (very low). The upper chords ascend upward from lo G, Bb, C, Eb, F, Gb, hi G...then drop back down...while the bass/root notes vary and dictate what the overall chord is. So I was basically playing with theory back then.
Anyway, for the solo I grabbed an old Fender Squier instead of my good Strat. I liked it's personality, so I kept it. I miked a small Fender amp with a Rode NT1, used an ampitube setting I had 'tweaked', and used a compressor on it.
For percussion, I've been using ReDrum with my own collection of samples for a while now. On that first rough mix you heard, the percussion was mostly lite stuff...small congas, rims, timbali... but for this new mix, I went heavier with toms and snare, and I think it's much better.
Anyway, I'm on to other stuff now.
thanks, Roy

FingerFlicker 03-02-2004 10:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, after months of picking up tips from the gang here, here's my first mix. This is somewhere between rough and final mix for my album (need to ride the faders for lead guitar). How can I improve this?

FingerFlicker's "Weekend Warrior" mix

Thanks for listening


Roy Howell 03-02-2004 10:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That was cool...there's some great stuff there. (I may get you to show me some new tricks... ). Where was this remix contest again?

spkguitar 03-02-2004 10:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy - the new mix of Deep Scarlett sounds great. The chord progression reminds me a little of Pink Floyd's Animals (in a good way)

Gene - The Paganini piece sounds really good. I had forgotten how much I liked his work. Time to break out my old sheet music!

BP - Nice tune. I like the main lead guitar tone; nice and warm. What's your setup?

dB - That tune has a great flow. All samples?

Here's a new piece that I have been working on: Your Love

It's not properly mixed or mastered, and it needs a "real" second verse, but I'm not sure when I'm going to get to it, so I wanted to post it while I was thinking about it. Think of it as the "before" photo...

FingerFlicker 03-02-2004 11:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice clean sound on Nikki's Song. Wish I could get the same. The opening and ending guitar has good sound, too. Couple nice chord changes in the middle, too.

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