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Puustinen 06-03-2004 06:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello everyone! I got my mbox a couple of weeks ago and been reading this forum ever since. Alot of new info.

I was surprised how much great music can be found on this thread (and gifted people)!!!

Well here's my contribution for this thread (it's a bit heavy):

Catch the Son

I play bass for King Muffin and I've tried to master this song at home. This song and 2 others were tracked at a local studio using TDM system (not sure, too new to Pro Tools). Tracking was done in about 6 hours for all the three songs. The next day we spent mixing. Unfortunately time run out and we managed to mix only 2 songs of the three.

One reason for getting the mbox was that I could try mix this last last song at home using PT LE. I know it will be hard but I'll try to learn as I go

I would really appreciate if you could give me any advice on what sounds wrong on "Catch The Son".

EDIT: And thank you for listening

Schmidt 06-03-2004 08:02 AM

Low Budget Cool Sound :)
I am working with a turkish director now (EMBRE is his name )
This is my last work



Say if I got you

Guit4Brains 06-03-2004 09:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is cool, Jon, don't beat yourself up. It reminds me of Cracker, remember them (listen to one of their ballads).
You have to look at the bigger picture, we do this to make music. Because this is a forum for Protools, people critique the mix but even if you have a bad mix, the song can still have vibe. In other words, I think the song works.
Now, I would be curious to hear your other stuff. Could you make a whole record of this type of music "work"?
I've never posted my own music on this forum, not out of fear or anything, just that I write songs, record them on my little 001 as pre-production for when I record them in a better studio. Maybe I will shoot some stuff up as well.
But as for you, don't speak so much negativity over your music...

bigbubbaj 06-03-2004 10:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Catch the son sounds good to me. I am impressed by the clarity of the drums, and the huge fat guitars. At around 2 minutes the vox get a bit washed out(chorus?), then they seem to kick in again.
The high end feels a bit hot in a few spots.

Aside from that, you guys rock!


Puustinen 06-03-2004 12:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

...At around 2 minutes the vox get a bit washed out(chorus?)...The high end feels a bit hot in a few spots.

Aside from that, you guys rock!

Thank you Justin! This was just the kind of feed back I was hopeing for. I should be able to fix the problem with the high end. Until now I only been working on the stereo mix but like you said I might have to go back and try to correct the mix on that vocal part.

The only problem I've run into is that the studio had all these Waves plugins and I've got to replace them with what I've got if I'm going to mix these song all over again.

Thank you for helping me!

Stiff 06-03-2004 02:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Great song. You know, when I get really famous, sold out arenas all over the world, made 50+ albums, jammed with B.B. King, had Jerry Lee play piano in one of my songs and ressurected the guitar way of Robert Johnson I will state in a interview that "everythings that left now is to do a song together with Roy Howell"

Roy Howell 06-03-2004 08:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK Stiff...I'll look forward to it...

Roy Howell 06-03-2004 09:16 PM

Re: Low Budget Cool Sound :)
Great piece...very nice...I especially love what you did with the horns...good job. -Roy

Roy Howell 06-03-2004 09:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi Roy

Sorry to hear about your dad. Sorry for hassling you in such circumstances, and I hope things are OK.

Thanks for the pointers on the mix. I will try EQ sweeping again and see if I can remedy the muddiness. I do most mixing on headphones, and occasionally through my hifi. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get some proper monitors next month. Maybe that will make things easier. And with the number of CDs I burn to check in the car and on the stereo in my office at work, it will probably work out cheaper.

I'm working on a couple of new things at the moment, and I'll post if they come to anything. At the moment they refuse to be bashed into a usable shape.

Loved the Vegas track btw. That's a mean bass down the backbone, and the guitar work is awesome.

Thanks again for listening.

Thanks so much...my dad is 'on the mend' I think.
On your song, I want to emphasize that the song itself is great. I'm always reluctant (when asked) to make suggestions about somebody's work, because I have to put focus on the negative when 99% of it may be positive. That's the case here, I think. You captured a great feel that comes across, and that's rare. So, just wanted to make that clear.
By the way, I spoke to Inteldoc/Chris today, and he said he's emailed you. Let me know how it goes.
thanks again, Roy

Roy Howell 06-03-2004 09:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'Catch the Son' is tuffff, and really well done...great mix overall, IMO. Good luck with the mix on the 3rd song...be sure and post it too.

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