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Spirithunter 02-17-2006 09:25 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
I have a new tune here called "WiseGuys". Gibson LesPaul, Vox amp into a LA-610.

web page

Thanks for the listen...


davec 02-17-2006 05:50 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
good job nice tune. good mix.

Roy Howell 02-17-2006 05:56 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...

I have a new tune here called "WiseGuys". Gibson LesPaul, Vox amp into a LA-610.

web page

Thanks for the listen...


Very nice job, Bob...among other things, I love the off-the-norm licks behind the verse vocals... ...very cool....good song and tight mix too. Good stuff.


Roy Howell 02-17-2006 06:22 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
This is a guitar instrumental called 'Gypsy Heart'........thanks for listening.

Gypsy Heart


Spirithunter 02-17-2006 06:58 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Awesome tune Roy! The first thing that hits me is the mix. The texture, structure and flow of the piece is right on. Love your guitar playing as always.The separation of your instruments in your mix allows me to get right inside this song and travel with it.Sweet!

I have here another tune from a project called Frozenbones. The song is called "Elefunkey".


We actually have had a little success with this tune to our surprize.. Some radio play in Boston and Dallas and pretty decent exposure with positive responses in Germany and UK. We also have one other tune caled "Two Faced" which has done very well for us. I'll post that a little later.

Got to love internet to get your music out there.


Wheeltard 02-17-2006 08:39 PM

Roy, super nice tune...
Man, that's such a well balanced and recorded mix. I so want to get to that point someday. I have to think that piece would be in serious demand for needle-drop or T.V. production jobs. And I don't mean that in diminutive way. I mean that in this is first class, pro level stuff. Great work, man.

davec 02-18-2006 06:48 AM

Re: Nice Tune Roy
Real cool tune Roy. Excellent production as usual.

davec 02-18-2006 06:56 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
catchy tune Bob ) i wonder what happened to the money I sent the gouverment too LOL.

Roy Howell 02-18-2006 12:03 PM

Re: Roy, super nice tune...

Man, that's such a well balanced and recorded mix. I so want to get to that point someday. I have to think that piece would be in serious demand for needle-drop or T.V. production jobs. And I don't mean that in diminutive way. I mean that in this is first class, pro level stuff. Great work, man.

Thanks Wheels(and Bob and DaveC)...I really appreciate the comments. -Roy

theoneandonlyone 02-18-2006 01:48 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Hey ELEFUNKEY is a bad ass piece. I can see how you had success with it.

Nice Guitar riffs also.


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