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Roy Howell 07-08-2005 12:14 PM

Re: New music

Still working this one. Should have a bass line to it tonight. Some cutting still to do, but I dig it so far. Jack Johnson like in a way. Added the electric guitar parts. Will add one more section.

Guitar was API pre - 1176 and APEX 435's.
Electric was - SM-57 - Fender Prosonic and Bogner cab
Vocal chain was APEX 460 - 1272 - 1176 as well as a SM-7B - X73i - Distressor

Good times...


Bass line will help it out some I think.

- Doc

Guitar and vocals sound great...the bass should add a lot...everything right now sounds dead dry and present...fine for the intro, but it needs to open up when it kicks in...fine to keep everything dry as is, but I would give it something else with some distance(good verb) to it. The 'heavy' guitar eventually coming in helps, but sounds a little thin if it's supposed to bring in a fullness to the overall mix. Something else with some distance to it would do wonders, I think.

Just throwing those thoughts out...I know it's early in your mix. Post back...Great job so far.


IntelDoc 07-08-2005 12:49 PM

Re: New music
Totally agree with you. Trying to taylor it with him some. Not sure what it needs. Unfortunantly he keeps asking me to play stuff and I am rusty to say the least. I think that the strummy strummy stuff gets to me after awhile. Tried to make the electric parts just simple to bring something to the song.

Thanks, I will keep updating it.

Also, I have little to no eq on the guitars at all. Will tweek with that soon.

- Doc

superpenguin79 07-08-2005 06:01 PM

Re: New music
Doc: you might try a slightly distorted rhythm electric guitar behind the acoustic on there, and then put in another over-driven tube type lead sort of following the vox at certain points which might sound cool. Give the artist Gavin Degraw a listen and you'll have your answers man.

IntelDoc 07-08-2005 06:05 PM

Re: New music
Got alot of Gavin, seen him live and know what you are talking about.



SuperPuss 07-08-2005 09:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi guys,

A little female input here
I've just started my new website, SuperPuss. The site is just in it's early days at present but there's downloads of most of my music there and the first new SuperPuss song has just been uploaded.
All the tracks have been either tracked, mixed or mastered (some, all three) by me on my 001 using ProTools. All new SuperPuss material is done completely on my 001.

Some of you will recognise some of my songs and my old username 'Doc'

Roy Howell 07-09-2005 01:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is new, but hasn't been mastered...it's the last thing I'll do on an 001.


Crow Logic

IntelDoc 07-09-2005 03:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sweet roy...

will listen on the monitors later. The small laptop speakers sounded great.

Still waiting for the Satch/Vai "Roy Howell" flare song to kick out someday. Want that shredding speed on a tune.

Cool though! Still trying to see how you get these tones out of Guitar Rig. Or are you mic'n now?

- Doc

pk_hat 07-09-2005 08:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

So...you stepped into the 'dark zone' with this one, eh?... ...nicely done, with some excellent sounds painting dark colors...and I love 'The Shining'-ish ending. Nice job.


Thanks Roy,

yeah, the new album is almost done and it's all rather textrual like this one, pretty dark and cinematic stuff. As for the end, well, it IS from The Shining soundtrack. I recenty saw it again on HBO and when that Ballroom scene occured, the music playing in the background just called out to me, I had to use it for something, it has an eerie beauty about it.

Since the song isn't technically generating any sort of income, I'm not worried about clearing the sample just yet. You're actually the first one to have guessed it correctly. I'm getting numerous emails everyday asking me what that music is, Cole Porter, The Ink Spots, etc.? Nice job on nailing it!

tempest18 07-10-2005 06:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi guys,

A little female input here
I've just started my new website, SuperPuss. The site is just in it's early days at present but there's downloads of most of my music there and the first new SuperPuss song has just been uploaded.
All the tracks have been either tracked, mixed or mastered (some, all three) by me on my 001 using ProTools. All new SuperPuss material is done completely on my 001.

Some of you will recognise some of my songs and my old username 'Doc'

Hey Titania,

Some good songs you got there,

Do you sing or play any instruments?

The mixes are nice too and clear. Good job with the EQ on those.

Do you mod over at bb.com? I'm sure theres a mod there by the same name Nice pics BTW, you're looking huge! I've got a long way to go to catch up but give me some time and I'll be sporting some nice 15" arms


Chris Tempest

On a side note, I think us junior members should get some special treatment

guitaroxx 07-10-2005 08:14 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Hey Roy, the song is awesome, very tight instrumentals. Love the guitar work and your mix. If I had any suggestion it would be to roll-off some midrange on the lead vocals. I LOVE THE SONG!!!!!

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