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Roy Howell 05-29-2005 12:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi all.

We you be so gentle and tell me what you think of these two songs on
regarding the mix, and regarding the music itself?

Done at home alone with my computer.


Sorry to listen so late....very busy lately.....these are both excellent songs and well done, IMO. There is some slight 'muddiness' on the acoustic guits on 'Remember', but the song itself and vocal is great. I'm especially impressed with 'In my Lovers Eyes'...great song and vocal performance...very nice guitar work too.
Exceptional songs......good job.


Roy Howell 05-30-2005 10:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

anyway here is my attempt at a bit more rockin song, i usually have a bit more 'lighter' music if you will..

Here it is.. titled 'All the More'..

thanks for the listen..


Hey Tim...how've you been?
The song sounds good...some good guitar sounds(I really like the Leslie-type solo sound)...and this is you on drums, right?(they sound great)...Good job.


badperson 05-30-2005 02:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey all, lots of good stuff.

I liked "coffee buzz" a lot, not as hi-fi a recording as intelDoc et al, but nice sounding and it served the song really well. It's the tune and arrangement that's really good. Reminds me a bit of the lounge lizards. Nice work.

pk, cool song, I like it a lot, also Doc and Joz, great stuff as always.

Joz, you gave a pretty detailed description of that vocal thing you do in this thread awhile back. I couldn't find it in a search. Do you remember about when it was? I'd like to save that.

Great sounds, nice work everybody.

wonderfall 05-31-2005 06:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy,


Sorry to listen so late....very busy lately.....

Hey, no hurry... (but be on time next time!)


these are both excellent songs and well done, IMO. There is some slight 'muddiness' on the acoustic guits on 'Remember', but the song itself and vocal is great.

I agree with this muddiness thing, but that's the best I got trying to keep the guitar sweet enough (if I cut some bass-mid, I find it too harsh...).


I'm especially impressed with 'In my Lovers Eyes'...great song and vocal performance...very nice guitar work too.
Exceptional songs......good job.

Thanks. For the guitar, I had a mix between Clapton and Knopfler in mind... Though I'm not very happy with the guitar solo, but well that's all I gave...

Thank you very much for the good words!

superpenguin79 05-31-2005 01:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

hey all, lots of good stuff.
I liked "coffee buzz" a lot, not as hi-fi a recording as intelDoc et al, but nice sounding and it served the song really well. It's the tune and arrangement that's really good. Reminds me a bit of the lounge lizards. Nice work. pk, cool song, I like it a lot, also Doc and Joz, great stuff as always. Joz, you gave a pretty detailed description of that vocal thing you do in this thread awhile back. I couldn't find it in a search. Do you remember about when it was? I'd like to save that. Great sounds, nice work everybody.

Thanks BP, yeah we did "Coffee Buzz" on a low end weekend jamming type of budget...

As for Joz's vocal tips:

"I record normaly into a track, then copy that track onto another. The
first track I do the usual stuff, EQ, compression (aslo cut alittle at
10k, because thats what im gonna be adding in the other track). The
secornd track or the sparkle track like I call it, has extreme EQ en
compression. Cut all the low stuff below lets say 700hz, then ad about
12DBs at 11k, then compress the hell out of it, about 13DBs of
compression, ratio at :100, attack and release at the fastest setting. Now
I have the sparkle track. Mix it very low with the other track and you can
hear everything the vocalist is saying without having to turn it so loud.
You can hear this on nearly every major lable artist.
You have to use the same comp and EQ to avoid phashing effects. And if you
add other plug-ins to the first track, add them to the second as well but
bypass them on the second track."

Those would be his exact words. I saved that one. hehe good stuff

newbs 06-01-2005 12:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Check it out..... I suck at mixing! These were the first two songs I recorded after getting my Mbox. Feel free to let me know what you think.


Sharritan 06-01-2005 09:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is one more I am working on now. Ignore the crappy intro and the fade at the end. There is a 30 second intro that will be part of it later.

As always, suggestions welcome.

Where's My Life

phanatik 06-01-2005 03:52 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
new CD finally done and out 4 sale. done entirely n Pro Tools LE, "mastered" and I used that word very, very lightly (hehehehe) in Peak and Jam, but its good enuff 4 our 1st CD.

check us out! $7


GORILLA 06-01-2005 04:11 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Nice work everyone! Just skipped thru about ten pages catching up on tunes.

superpenguin79 06-01-2005 05:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Check it out..... I suck at mixing! These were the first two songs I recorded after getting my Mbox. Feel free to let me know what you think.

man, if you have never mixed before on anything you did an awesome job man. I dig the acoustic vibe on the tracks. Shouldn't be going to your site though at work caus of that picture at the bottom of the page... keep up the good work though!

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