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badperson 11-15-2004 02:59 PM

Re: here\'s my latest two tracks
This is just a general post, but over the weekend I listened to a bunch of stuff on the last couple of pages in this thread and it was all really good. I forget the names of the songs; I know this is pretty worthless feedback, but keep it up!


FSM 11-15-2004 05:18 PM

Re: here\'s my latest two tracks
Hey everyone.. here is my first post of my bands songs and my recordings in my studio.
We recorded these in 2 days, mixed and all. I think the mix is still a little dry though, may need some more reverb on vox and snare, but not sure....

Please leave ALL good and bad comments, only makes me better to hear both...

here is the link:


fredouli 11-16-2004 04:58 AM

freds first protools project
freds first protools work

This is something I’m currently writing for a ten minute film short, just under 3 minutes of it here, the first proper project I’ve done, also the first project I’ve done in protools….

There’s another theme I’m working on to tie in which I’ll upload when its more near completion - the rest of it is made up of less obvious ambient music moving around these two themes (which are quite different to one another).

Not quite finished this bit, want to drop the harpsichord down in the mix, but its done enough to see what people think, or don’t think. I wrote, played n produced all parts, oh, apart from the guitar which I got my mate to play for me coz I aint so hot on the banjo

- fred.

Steevp 11-16-2004 08:07 AM

Re: freds first protools project
Been too busy for music lately, but on Saturday I had a sort of date with that gal I've been chasing all year, naturally I got nowhere, such is the lot of the hapless musicain, but lying in bed at 5am still awake, with my tiny overworked brain still in turmoil this fell out of my head, I recorded it quickly (4 hours) in the morning when I woke up, feel my pain!!

Eyes Wide Open

(Stick with it until 1:43 when the strings go all sappy)

-Sleeps with guitars.

John Hey 11-16-2004 05:37 PM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts

This is a mix of a song I played on a few months ago for a new CD by Angelo Jensen...it was engineered by fellow DUCite 8mmOD(Robb Graves)...


ROY - Could you point out where you are playing on this song?!!! LOL

You've got that great sound that just get's me. Cool !!

John Hey 11-16-2004 05:46 PM

Re: here\'s my latest two tracks
I like it.

Chris Coleman 11-16-2004 11:03 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Recorded, mixed, and mastered Adapt...the third album from Acoustic virtuoso, Trace Bundy. Also recorded, mixed, and mastered the audio for the DVD which comes with the CD.

Check him out: www.tracebundy.com

All done on the ol' 002rack.

I also just wrapped up mastering Josh Allan's debut CD, All The Acoustic Pop You Can Drink and I'm currently recording and mixing tracks for, as well as mastering, Dan Perkin's upcoming Christmas album with additional mixes from Carlisle Young.

Additional upcoming projects include: recording, mixing, and mastering a Christmas single from Newcomers Home, as well as continuing ongoing collaborations with their lead singer/songwriter, Katie Herzig.

Give it all a listen.

Roy Howell 11-17-2004 10:42 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
John Hey-

ROY - Could you point out where you are playing on this song?!!! LOL

You've got that great sound that just get's me. Cool !!

Thanks John...

Finally heard 'Track 2'...as with Track 1, this is very nice too. You managed to keep it interesting with no key change. Good job.

Good songs...very 'Nickelback' in style. Guitars, vocals, are done well...the mixes could stand to feel a little 'larger' in the hot places(to me), but good job on everything overall.

Man, I've never heard 'God Rest Ye' go through so many music styles... ...very cool...sounds like you had fun with it too.

Stiff 11-17-2004 11:08 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
Good song as usual Roy (do you ever get tired of hearing that from me? )

I'll do some listening this week, I'm getting to deep in this rap thing right now... And since I'm afraid of rap maybe some of the stuff that is posted here will drag me up again

scottedog 11-17-2004 11:11 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts

Man, I've never heard 'God Rest Ye' go through so many music styles... ...very cool...sounds like you had fun with it too.

Thanks Roy & John,

Yup, lots o fun, too bad my damned day job keeps getting in the way of all this fun!

Sure be nice to hear some of the other Christmas tunes....

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