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Roy Howell 01-28-2004 11:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice, man...this is the first thing I've heard from you, and I'm glad it's good. Vocals just a tad low on 'slices', but all else sounds great to me. Cool chords and time changes, all well executed. And of course, well recorded... good job, I would say.

Listening to the others next...keep em coming.

nightshadecrisis 01-29-2004 12:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
this thread totally rules...im gonna be recording a bit tomorrow so i'll post asap...but itll be unmixed again. be prepared yo!


Plastik909 01-29-2004 03:06 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Havent posted anything here for a while. Been busy with loads of projects. Here's a live ableton live set I did a few weeks ago. It's a 75 minute MP3, of about 14 of my tracks mixed together.




editor 01-29-2004 08:12 PM

I am really Surprised...
At the overall sound quality of the music, many people have posted here, in this thread. Most of the music posted on the DUC, just one or two years ago was demo quality at best. Now days there has been a drastic improvement, in the sound quality of the average file posted. I might not like all the music content, however, that will always be in the ear of the beholder. Although, overall the original music I hear is much better than the demos I used to get as an A&R rep. for a major label, 10 years ago.

Its too bad, that the music market is so locked down and controlled by major corporate interests, that originality is last on the list of their interests. ...And the Internet is a growing option, for a music delivery method, but its not quite ready to break the stranglehold big business has on the industry.... one day, one day soon, I hope that the corporate greed mongers are brought to their knees by any method possible.

I am sick of pre packaged garbage bombarding TV, Radio, Bill Boards, Tee Shirts, lunch boxes and tie ins, with Big Budget Films pushed on me, from the first thing in the morning, with an ad on a cereal box pushing The Lord Of the Rings; to the last thing at night with Access Hollywood on every channel, hawking everything that seems like music, for three easy payments of $29.95... Rant over.

Below, a bunch of instrumental sound files (no vocals) I wrote over a several year period. I am particularly proud of "Song for Tommy" as I made all the instruments, used to record the piece, by hand... except for the HR-16 drums. I hope you enjoy some of the pieces.




PS; I have enjoyed listening to all of the music here, thanks folks and keep em' comin'

Roy Howell 01-30-2004 10:45 AM

Re: Latest stuff...
I haven't been able to access your songs in rm format. I even tried loading an rm to MP3 converter without success. I do want to hear them, and will try and figure it out without having to load RealPlayer.
thanks, Roy

nightshadecrisis 01-30-2004 12:09 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
realplayer always freezes on my computer, so i also try to veer away from using it...but it always winds up on my computer somehow. pesky real player! got a song im gonna put up in a few hours!


editor 01-30-2004 06:29 PM

Re: Latest stuff.../Real Player Sux...
Ya, I hate Real Player, its lilke the new teach text... like a virus you can't get rid of. I changed the browser helper prefs to real player as the default player. It seems like it freezes a lot of the time, but if I wait for a minute or two it starts playing. It does take control of my CPU whenever I use it, even making me force a quit from time to time. I have QT files but my server makes you DL the files, no matter if you prepare them as streaming files, or not.... Thanks for trying.



Roy Howell 01-30-2004 07:05 PM

Re: Latest stuff.../Real Player Sux...
I actually prefer downloading files as MP3's rather have them try to play immediately in a set player. One reason is that I keep my sound card disabled (usually) and listen back through Digi card/Quicktime or WindMediaPlayer. MP3's will play on almost anything. Maybe you could set it up as a choice between MP3 or RealPlayer.
Whatever you decide...up to you. I do look forward to hearing some of your stuff though.
thanks, Roy

editor 01-30-2004 10:33 PM

Re: Latest stuff.../RealPlayer
Ok I will let you know, as I have the files prepared already in QT format. All input is valuable, especially when you are old enough to not take it personal.



editor 01-31-2004 10:43 AM

.mps files at the URL below

Here you go. They will stream or DL.





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