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BigRedButton 01-24-2002 02:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Musicsmith -

Gotta say, I'm diggin the tune myself. I also agree that the low and mid range "madness" could be solved by thinning out the guitars and also possibly by taming some of the large room reverbs. That may also help give some of your tracks a little more presence and punch.

I really dig the compression on the snare drum. The compression is obvious but very cool, and appropriate for the track. Out of curiosity - Did you use the standards PT compression? If so what were the settings?

Keep up the good work!

BigRedButton www.jacksonBjackson.com

musicsmith 01-24-2002 07:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey Murph and Big red,
Thanks alot for the comments . I am going to remix and try to even out the mix a little. Ihave noticed that alot of my mixes are a lil heavy in that 200 to 500hz range and have been trying to correct that. I am mixing in such a small room with event ps8 powered speakers and maybe the high end is lil exaggerated so I tend to make up for it. Anyway the drums were recorded using a presonus digimax so there might be a little of the built in limiter on the snare top and bottom but other than that I used the stock digi rack and dverb for all plugs and I think the snare sound comes mostly from the bottom which I squashed the hell out of the akg clipon mic I used (awesome mic for snare bottom). Will be posting new stuff soon and if you want to buy that bands previous album you can go here exit 57 It was done when we were signed to an indy label in manhattan and even mastered at masterdisk [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] hope to do that again. Still learning how to use all this stuff and definetely appreciate the comments . Thanks again.

haggard 01-24-2002 08:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
http://haggard.iuma.com this was the first session all recorded and mastered by me... its nothing g.. i dont have the best mics for drums either... so just check it out and and feedback or criticism is greatly appreciated! thanks.

Jorge442 01-24-2002 10:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Haggard, I enjoyed the tunes, downloaded all of them! The vocals seem a little buried at times. When the drummer actually hits the snare hard it sounds ok, maybe some (a lot) compression would help out, it needs serious twack!. I think I would maybe take out some 300-320Hz from the kik to make it sound a little cleaner.

Maybe it´s supposed to sound lo-fi and I´m just clueless?

Superfly was cool [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

not bad for your first project.

DarkShade 01-29-2002 07:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

after taking some time away. I have recently added a some new music. Very simple, still working on creating movements with my chord progression. (so tough)....

-bottom of the page - song - "grief"

after your last response, I decided to focus more on combining poetry and my soundscapes.

Hope ya'll like....


darrylnb 01-29-2002 09:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

If I could ever come up with a big, clean mix like yours. I'd be satisfied. The mp3 actually sounds incredible. How did you mic and effect the drums?


soundsurfr 01-29-2002 11:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

"Grief" is killer. I'm adding it to my collection of the "best of DUC". Beautiful work.


tworooms 01-29-2002 11:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I do write some songs once in a while, however, they are not in English, do you guys still want to listen to them?

If yes, I'll try to post them somewhere on my website.

I always have complain about my mixes sounding bass heavy, so it'll be good if I can get some feedback and suggestions from you guys.

I'll try to compile some songs tomorrow night, if you guys want to listen, ok?

Thanks and Regards,


Roy Howell 01-29-2002 11:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Brilliant, my friend... you have truly grown in terms of your 'soundscape' production. And your poetic timing is nearly perfect(to me).
'Grief' has got to be the best mesh of poetry and music I have heard (and I just listened to some other similar material last night). It intelligently deals with the subject without being depressing, in my humble opinion...
The 'soundscape' is almost perfect for the subject, I think. Because while the core of it remains stark and real(like grief), there is that flicker of life(hope) almost always present, too.
I think poetry and music together should form a kind of mental 'painting', and that's what 'Grief' does. So to me, you've achieved a small work of art here...

Your stuff is very unique, and done well. And from a creative viewpoint, it's definitely a winner, in my humble opinion.

Thanks, Roy

DarkShade 01-29-2002 03:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks family,

A new module helped. Still learning MIDI and what it can (& can't) do. My goal - to be able to create songs, as so many of you here do well.

Speaking of which :

Shout outs-
MikeD - good job engineering!! - Sounds amazing, like a FM broadcast.

BaSsTaRd - YO the vocals....I'm digging the vocals.. How????

So much music and so little time (at work).
Hoping to listen to everyone before the weekend.

Keep doing what ya'll doing, and thanks for all the advice. Without the DUC I would be a very fustrated DIGI user.

"A traveler I am, and a navigator. Everyday I discover new regions within my soul." Khalil Gibran

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