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PATofNAVAR 01-25-2005 08:28 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I bet you all were wondering when I would come back and use you guys for your invaluable criticism and praise!! We are just about out of the pre-production phase of the new album and I would like some feedback on the new songs when y'all get a chance. They songs aren’t done, but the ideas are there (minus some lyrics...so if it seems like there should be lyrics....there will be!).

NAVAR Album 2005 "Governing Dynamics" Demos<---Click here to check them out

I will be wrapping these up in the coming weeks, so your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys

Darney 01-25-2005 09:36 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's a sample of what I've been doing with a local band, D-Railed.
All done on a DIGI002R, G4 AGP w/1.2G processor upgrade, 1G of memory.


I mastered it using Limo5 compressor (free, and it's awesome) and T-Racks.

Comments, suggestions are welcome.


Finne 01-25-2005 10:08 AM

Re: PR

.very interesting lyric concept too. I still haven't learned Finnish, so thanks for explaining the lyric.
Good job...

Thanx for kind words and used time.

This time I built chorus/verse/ch/ver/ch. And I found some variation inside verse too. Nice you noticed it despite rare language!!

I supose it takes several years to learn this wonderful piece of highest civilization on earth. So I'm not suprised.

Stiff 01-26-2005 03:17 AM

Re: Fast and furious
Finne, sorry for the very delayed reply.


be sure to post more!

As you wish Stiff!

Luontoihminen is a new one.

It tells that there are not enough room for both, human kind and nature, on the earth.
I had Ramones sound in my mind

Sounds like the kind of lyrics I'd write a couple of years ago. Again, too bad I'm not able to understand them (so close but yet so far my finnish neighbour )
I can totally hear Ramones in this, but I also here your own unique touch which is what's really makes it so good! I also listened to Apu PR, a good song indeed.

Stiff 01-26-2005 03:19 AM

Re: PR

Maybe a bit late to comment on your song but I'll do it anyway. I can truly hear those feelings in there. Good song, but you know I always enjoy your music and my best to you and your father.

Finne 01-26-2005 08:13 AM

Re: Fast and furious

Finne, sorry for the very delayed reply.

Do not worry about that, better late than never! I understand that you have life outside DUC too. We all have I hope.

Again, too bad I'm not able to understand them

I am very sure that you know all important Finnish words as every Swedish man do, like perkele...

but I also here your own unique touch which is what's really makes it so good!

Salute and thanks!

Stiff 01-26-2005 12:29 PM

Re: Fast and furious

I am very sure that you know all important Finnish words as every Swedish man do, like perkele...

Jack Rabbit 01-27-2005 12:17 AM

American Neo-Romantic Techno-Klezmer
I mixed this after watching Michael Mann's Thief. Listen for the unmistakable influence of Tangerine Dream.

For Jennifer (A Dog In Someone's Yard)

Drums: Live (included loops)
- SampleTank/Fretless Acoustic
- Reason/Subtractor/Sub Bass 1
- Reason/NN19/Pizz Strings
- SampleTank/Solo Cello
- SampleTank/Solo Viola
- SampleTank/Solo Violin (x2)
- Taylor 314/Beta 87A/T-Racks
- Sync tones created using DigiRack Signal Generator
- Car alarm synth created with Subtractor
- Machine sounds stolen from a Live sample track
- Dog barking from sound effects CD
Synth: SampleTank/Warm Pad
Vocals: Beta 87A/T-Racks

Finne 01-27-2005 02:42 AM

Re: American Neo-Romantic Techno-Klezmer

Nice relaxed atmosphere.

Tamar 01-27-2005 06:54 AM

Re: American Neo-Romantic Techno-Klezmer
Jack Rabbit, wish i could get my Takamine to sound like that when recording.
Love the track, you have a very distinctive voice, reminds me of Ian Anderson. The first half sounds very English to me, could imagine it as incidental music in Inspector Morse or the like.


England (and yes it is raining)

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